Problem with HttpSession in Struts2 - struts2

I am doing a multi user login application where I use session to store the user object.
HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
In every page I am checking using JSTL whether the user object is present in the session.
<c:when test="${not empty sessionScope.user}">
//jsp code
<logic:redirect forward="welcome"/>
My problem is that if the user clicks on a href link in the application the user changes to Previous user in the session. i.e. the it is loading the user from cache. If I refresh the page it will load the correct user.
How could I fix it?

If you are using Struts2 it might make more sense to have that check in an Interceptor instead of repeating the code in every JSP.

Nate is right, this is best handled in an Interceptor. This answer may be of use to you.
It sounds like this might be a page caching issue, then. Try setting a breakpoint in your Java code so that you can inspect what the user object in the session is. Assuming that the user object is always correct and it is just the page showing incorrect information, then try setting no-cache headers as detailed here.


Return to previous page in ASP.Net Core MVC

From my client detail page I have a button to edit the client record which redirects to an edit page. I have a "return to client detail" link on the edit page which I want to redirect the user back to the previous client detail page.
<a asp-controller="Client" asp-action="Detail" asp-route-id="#Model.ClientID">Return to client detail</a>
Currently this works as expected but takes extra time as it reloads the detail page from scratch (ie running all the various db queries again). Since the user is really just cancelling the edit without any changes to the state of the client I am wanting to return the user to the previous detail page without having to go through the controller action again.
Essentially I am wanting to simulate the browser back button (to improve responsiveness) but i'm not sure how to implement this or whether it's good practice to do so. Some guidance would be appreciated.
For IActionResult you can use this code:
public IActionResult Test()
return Redirect(Request.Headers["Referer"].ToString());
U know what? I hate JS so i will write answer with backend side. The HTTP referer is an HTTP header field that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. So simply read that and pass to view (always remember about XSS and validation, user can easly spoof HTTP request)
In action controller
if(Request.Headers["Referer"] != null)
ViewData["Reffer"] = Request.Headers["Referer"].ToString();
In view (razor)
Return to client detail
You can use
<a href='javascript:history.go(-1)'>Return to client detail</a>
or onclick
Return to client detail
It should be like this
<input type="button" onclick= "history.go(-1)" value="Return to client detail" />
One note of caution using Request.Headers["Referer"] - if someone refreshes the destination page for some reason, Request.Headers["Referer"] will be empty.
Using history.go(-1) gives the expected behavior despite page refresh.
I think that you need to get rid of the idea of passing through the controller. If you need to browse quickliest with asp net core code about href you can try this.
<a asp-area="" onclick="history.go(-1);">Return to client detail</a>
I would never rely on my button, thinking a user will prefer it to browser back button.
I would say the correct way to solve this problem is to store the page state somewhere, for example, save ViewModel in TempData or Session. Then, if exists, load from it, instead of running db queries. It's quick and reliable.
This Request.Headers["Referer"] will not work if the user refresh the page or the page is been loaded twice, which mean, clicking back will not take you out of the current page.

User redirecting in struts2 with data not working

I am new to struts2. I am working on the struts2 with spring application.
I developed user registration functionality. In this registration process have the 3 steps(3forms). First page is step1 contains some fields, second page is step2 contain some other fields and step3 contains some other fields.I used session map in the action class to put the all field values of all forms.After submission form in step3 it goes to call rest service and give the response.If the response is OK then i am redirecting to success page step4. In some cases if user is already exits then it gives response existed user then am redirecting to step5 page. In this page i used one message " Sorry the user is already exists" and with one link "Home Page".
I used this link <s:a id="next" href="/sample/register/user.action"> Homepage </s:a> in step5 page. After clicking on this link it goes to homepage(means step1 page) fine,but it doesn't contain user entered values. I have to maintain all field values in the step1,step2,step3 process. How to achieve this problem.
Please any one can give suggestion.
IF you are using session map to persist values being entered by the user, i believe they should be available in the session until you have not removed them from the session or session expired.more over when you do redirect a new request -response cycle started by the framework and a new value stack will be created that means all old values will be lost.
From your description i believe you are creating a wizard like functionality and if this is the case i believe struts2 provide a more elegant and flexible solution
This is designed to solve a few simple issues related to wizard-like functionality in Struts
Still you need to show how you trying to show the values in the form being filled by the user if something fails or when user is already exists in the system as described in your case.In this case you need to fetch object/data from the session.

How to implement a navigation button in JSF 2.0 that doesnt do any validations of anything on the current page?

I want to implement a navigation button that takes the user to another page. I have no desire or need for any validations to run nor for the model to be updated, etc. I have implemented this as an ajaxified client-side redirect (note, I am using Primefaces 3.2).
It works-- but is this the best way to do this?
Navigating from the "onePage.xhtml" to the "anotherPage.xhtml"
<p:commandButton value="Navigate to Another Page"
Note, I have tried using immediate="true", however Apply Request Values phase still runs, which results in a NPE for me in a getter in my managed bean (as I no longer have the data that my getter needs).
Just use <h:button> or <p:button>. It sends a normal GET request. There's really no need for a POST-Redirect-GET request if it's just page-to-page navigation.
<h:button value="Navigate to Another Page" outcome="anotherPage" />
For the PrimeFaces look'n'feel, just replace h: by p:. Note that this component doesn't require a <h:form>. The link equivalent is the <h:link> (for which there's no PrimeFaces equivalent, there's anyway nothing which needs to be restyled).
See also:
When should I use h:outputLink instead of h:commandLink?
Set attribute immediate to true on commandButton, this will skip all validations, conversions or updates. Attributes causes JSF lifecycle to jump from Apply request values phase directly to Render Response phase.

Object in Flash scope is not available after redirect

I have a misunderstanding with the use of flash scope in jsf 2.
I want to put an object in flash map during my action and show this object in the next page.
Here is my action (call by h:commandLink):
public String showDetail(PersonneDTO personne) {
MessageFlashBean message = new MessageFlashBean();
.put("test", message);
return "showDetail";
It's just a test, but the real object I want to use is more complex.
Here is the second page with the flash use:
<ui:fragment rendered="#{flash.test != null and flash.test.hasMessage()}" >
<ui:repeat var="message" value="#{flash.test.messages}">
Here is the navigation (and here is my problem :) ):
In this case, the flash scope works fine and my message appears.
But if I add a redirect in the navigation case, my object in the flash map has disappeared.
I don't understand why I can't use redirect in the navigation rule (I believed it was the goal of flash scope).
May be something is wrong in my code.
Someone can help me ?
The Mojarra's implementation of the JSF2 Flash scope had a lot of problems. Most of them were resolved with every new Mojarra release. Currently, with the latest Mojarra version, the 2.1.6, there's as far as I know still only one major open problem: it won't work if you redirect to a different base path. See also the (currently) last comment in the long discussion in issue 1751.
Right now, you have basically the following options:
Forget using Flash when you need to redirect to a different base path. Use a request parameter instead or try to simulate the flash scope with a custom cookie.
If possible, reorganize the folder structure so that you don't need to redirect to a different base path when you need the flash scope to survive.
Try MyFaces instead of Mojarra. Maybe it does it better with regard to flash scope.
Update: as per issue 2136, the last open problem of Flash scope not being available after a redirect on a different path is solved in the shortly upcoming Mojarra 2.1.14. So with this version, all Flash scope related problems discovered and open so far
should be solved and closed.
jsf 2.1 with netbeans has this problem with flash. using /somepage?redirect-faces=true or /somedirectory/somepage?faces-redirect=true does not work. it has to be somepage?redirect-faces=true.
tested mojarra 2.1.7, but it didn't have the above problem.

JSF wrong redirection when catching ViewExpiredException

So I have a ViewExpiredException Handler and works fine.
Now, when I launch the web-app my URL looks like and this presents the first page which is the login page.
If for any reason I leave the page at login, and the View expires the app catches the ViewExpiredException and sends me to a page "ViewExpired" BUT the URL keeps the same On that "ViewExpired" page I have a commandLink to return to the login page which in the value attrib I put "index.xhtml" BUT it does not send me to login page because on there's no page on but in
So the questions are:
Why if I'm at login page am I getting the ViewExpiredException? is it because of ajax?
How or Where can I make the commandLink really sends me to index.xhtml?
This is only happening when the View expires in login page, in other pages from my app it works really great.
Thanks in advance !
Why if I'm at login page am I getting the ViewExpiredException? is it because of ajax?
You will get this exception when you invoke a POST request on a view which does not exist in session anymore. This can for example happen when you keep the page open for too long that the session has expired in the server side, or when you're getting the login page from the browser cache instead of straight from the server. For more detail, see also our ViewExpiredException tag info page. All JSF ajax requests also accounts in this as they also use POST.
How or Where can I make the commandLink really sends me to index.xhtml?
Make use of implicit navigation. This way JSF will append the proper FacesServlet mapping.
public String goToIndexPage() {
return "index";
<h:commandLink value="Go to index page" action="index" />
or, better, when you don't need to invoke any business logic at all:
<h:link value="Go to index page" outcome="index" />
See also:
Check if session exists JSF
When should I use h:outputLink instead of h:commandLink?
