StructureMap Constructor arguments - structuremap

I'm new to structureMap. How do I define constructor arguments for the following class with fluent configuration? Thanks
public BlobContainer(CloudStorageAccount account
, string containerName
, string contentType
, BlobContainerPermissions blobContainerPermissions)

For primitive types you would go about as #ozczecho answered:
provided that the values are known at registration time. You can do it this way for non-primitive types as well, but you lose the flexibility that the container gives you this way. It's better to define a default or named instance and use that instead (the container will automatically resolve default instances for you). By defining defaults you can easily change all the dependencies on a type in your application by changing just one registation.
If a dependency is a concrete type with a constructor having dependencies that are known to structuremap you don't have to register it with the container, it will be automatically resolved.
So if CloudStorageAccount is a concrete class you only need to register it's dependencies in Structure Map.

.Ctor<CloudStorageAccount >("account").Is(...)
.Ctor<string >("containerName").Is(...)
.Ctor<string >("contentType").Is(...)
.Ctor<BlobContainerPermissions >("blobContainerPermissions").Is(...);


DI and runtime parameters - structuremap

I'm increasingly finding myself mixing runtime parameters and implicit construction injection and it smells bad to me.
Example - I have a base class describing a Filter, and various inherited types for specific filters (tag, category, date, author, etc etc)
var filter = StructureMap.ObjectFactory
.With("caption").EqualTo("Posts filtered by tag:")
The reason I do this is because in the constructor I have an interface using which I wish StructureMap to inject a concrete class (IArticleConfigurator):
public TagListFilter(string caption, IDictionary<string,string> parameters, bool displayInSummary, IArticleConfigurator configurator)
:base(caption, parameters,displayInSummary, configurator)
But it just occured to me that I replaced a simple constructor, albeit with a concrete class instead of interface, with, essentially, the same thing but using DI to inject 1 concrete type. I'm doing this because currently our configs are in a xml file but will be moved to a CMS, so seemed like a good idea to use an interface.
It seems wrong and not in the spirit of DI.
Should I use a factory to generate my various filters? If so, can I still leverage DI to get a concrete instance of my IArticleConfigurator?
You shouldn't pass parameters explicitly from one dependency to another or, at least, you should minimize their number. One big disadvantage of resolving instances with parameters is that you specify parameter names as string literals - which make you code very fragile in changes of constructor signature.
One example I might think of (note that I have no clue regarding your domain and responsibilities of entities) is to inject provider or, as you already said, factory. For example, create something like ITagListFilterConfigurationProvider (you should change the name as you want to, I just trying to give motivation). You might create very abstract provider like IFilterConfigurationProvider with three methods as below, if you have same parameters for filters:
interface ITagListFilterConfigurationProvider
string Caption { get; }
IDictionary<string,string> GetParameters();
bool IsDisplayInSummary { get; }
Now you constructor will look like:
public TagListFilter(ITagListFilterConfigurationProvider configurationProvider, IArticleConfigurator configurator)
All you need is to implement it as you already did (because you are passing concrete parameters to constructor) and extract this behaviour to provider. What is left - is to register concrete provider with StructureMap and resolve filter without passing any concrete parameters
var filter = StructureMap.ObjectFactory.GetInstance<TagListFilter>();

Is it possible to pass arguments to Symony2 container constructor

When creating an service container in Symfony2 you mostly pass "static" arguments (like other classes etc.) to its constructor.
However I'd like to create a factory and therefore I need to be able to pass an dynamic argument to the service constructor.
The examples I found ( e.g. are all ending up using static arguments as argument.
But what do I have to do, if I want my factory to decide which object to return based on (for example) user input?
I have some problems understanding why service factory should not work on your case. Do you need to return different service class unrelated to each other?
What I see from the factory example is that you could do something like this:
class NewsletterFactory
public function __constructor(...)
// Receive arguments needed to create the service below
public function get()
// Say the variable $userInput exists and is derived from constructor
if ($userInput === 'string')
return new NewsletterManager($dynamicArgument1);
if ($userInput === 'integer')
return new AnotherNewsletterManager($dynamicArgument2);
return new DefaultNewsletterManager();
Now, if this doesn't fit your needs. You can also create a service say CustomFactory that returns what you need. What is returned is not directly a service, so you can do whatever you want. But this would prevent you from requesting the objects created by CustomFactory from the dependency container.
Similar to that is the FormFactory. It is the factory used to instantiate form type. But the FormFactory is more powerfull since it is coupled with a dependency injection tag and a compiler pass, which register each types into the dependency injection system so they can be retrieved on their own. I don't exactly all the internals of the Form component but I think it could solve your problem if other methods do not.

Maintaining a single instance of a concrete class with unity

When using unity, if i attempt to inject a concrete type that i havent explicitly registered with the container, unity will attempt to locate the current type and will instantiate a new one for me, before injecting it into the class that depends upon it.
How can i ensure that only a single instance of this type is used? Do i need to explicitly register an instance with the container beforehand?
From MSDN:
You can use the Unity container to generate instances of any object that has a public constructor (in other words, objects that you can create using the new operator), without registering a mapping for that type with the container. When you call the Resolve method and specify the default instance of a type that is not registered, the container simply calls the constructor for that type and returns the result.
So simply put, yes, you have to register a mapping for your type to be able to use it as singleton in your app. You can achieve it using RegisterInstance method or RegisterType and providing the ContainerControlledLifetimeManager as the lifetime manager.

Telling StructureMap to use another Constructor

I have a class with 2 constructors.
MyClass(IMyService service)
How do I tell StructureMap then whenever I do a 'new MyClass()' it should actually call the second constructor and not the first constructor.
Please help.
If you call new MyClass(), then StructureMap is not involved at all. No amount of StructureMap configuration will change the behavior.
If you call ObjectFactory.GetInstance<MyClass>(), StructureMap will by default call the constructor with more parameters.
If you want StructureMap to use a different constructor, you can specify the constructor (via PHeiberg's answer):
x.SelectConstructor<IMyClass>(() => new MyClass(null));
Or you can just tell StructureMap explicitly how to create the instance using the overload of Use() that accepts a Func<>:
x.For<IMyClass>().Use(ctx => new MyClass(ctx.GetInstance<IMyService>()))
Joshua's answer is covering all aspects. As a side note in order to configure Structuremap to choose a specific constructor without hardcoding the arguments to the constructor as done in Joshua's example you can use the SelectContructor method:
x.SelectConstructor<MyService>(() => new MyService());
The lambda in the SelectConstructor method call should invoke the needed constructor (put nulls or any value of the correct type for all parameters present). See the documentation for further info.
When using a DI container like structuremap it's best to have just a single constructor on every class. This constructor has to resolve all the dependencies of the class, if IMyService is a dependency (which looks a bit strange though) this should always be resolved when instantiating so the parameterless constructor is not needed.

How to set a default constructor argument to null with StructureMap?

A class has a unique constructor taking IMyInterface as its argument. If I define a concrete type of IMyInterface and registers it to StructureMap then there is no issue and my class can be instanciated with this concrete type.
However, in some cases, no concrete type will be registered. In that case, I would like to receive null for the IMyInterface parameter. Instead I get an exception:
StructureMap Exception Code: 202
No Default Instance defined for PluginFamily IMyInterface.
Is it possible to define a default value for a missing plugin?
Context: my class, which is a service, uses the Spark view engine and defines some default namespaces. The service uses a ISparkNamespacesProvider (IMyInterface) to add aditional namespaces. The client app may register such a provider or not. That's why the constructor of the service will receive either a provider or none.
Taken from here:
But You should think about why Your class is dependent on IMyInterface. If it's optional - that's a code smell. Maybe You should refactor it out as method argument for method that needs it or as settable property.
There shouldn't be need for switching between concrete implementation and null. When composing dependency graph at composition root, You should know exactly what will be Your dependencies w/o .If(isSomething()).Use<MyService>().Ctor<IMyInterface>(null).
You might want to check out this tekpub presentation and this book (look for so called MEAP access) about DI and IOC.
One way to accomplish what You want is using so called 'poor man dependency injection'. That is - to define second constructor:
public MyClass():this(null){...}
But I wouldn't recommend that.
StructureMap now supports this case via UseIfNone
