How to make a radio button in BrewMp? - brewmp

How to make a radio button in Brew MP. Please anyone can you help me?

Please refer to UI Widgets documentation in BrewMP API Reference.


How to change Selected Tab icon using Xamarin Forms Android

I have been trying for the last day to do something simple.
I have a Xamarin Forms app. I need to change the selected tab icon on Android.
I've tried custom renderers, but can't get anything to work.
Does anyone have a recipe or code to do this?
Thank you very much in advance.
James M wrote up a solution here
Thak you James M!

Adding a color picker in UIAlertView

In my iPhone application, i want a color picker to be added on a button click pop up. Can anyone please suggest how to proceed with it. Read several online materials but not finding a good start point.
Thanks in advance
You can use kartech/Colorpicker , here is link

How to use a pop-up menu in iOS?

I want to use a pop-up menu when I click on a plus icon in the navigation bar that looks like the pic I attached. Can you please instruct me how can I accomplish that?
Thanks a bunch!
Thanks for the help guys, I got my answer, and if someone is looking for a direct link to the apple documentation here it is:
As rdelmar says, that's a UIActionSheet. #rdelmar, you should post that as an answer so the OP can accept it.
You would add a UIBarButtonItem built from a custom view (a button) and attach an action to the button that invokes and displays a UIActionSheet.
This is VERY old thread. UIActionSheet has been deprecated for years, and the right solution now is to use the action sheet appearance of a UIAlertController

How to access Send or Cancel buttons in MFMailComposeViewController even though it's evil [duplicate]

I want to customize the MFMailComposeViewController such that it has my custom images/buttons instead of the default "cancel" and "send" buttons. I tried googling for an answer but couldn't find anything
that could help me.
Any help is really appreciated.
Thanks in advance..
You can't change MFMailComposeViewController. Quoting the documentation:
Important: The mail composition interface itself is not customizable and must not be modified by your application.

UITableView how to make clickable links

could anyone point me in the direction on how to do this please? i have made a twiter app which i would like to open links from the users timeline. i have sourced the code on how to open the link in my webvie but i do not know hot to make the links clickable.
any help would be appreciated.
thanks in advance
I believe this is what you need:
More infos is this SO discussion: Create tap-able "links" in the NSAttributedString of a UILabel?
