If I have the following code defined inside db/seeds.rb,
User.create({:username=>'default_user', car_id=>default_car.id})
I know the default_car and the user instances will be stored into Database when I run "rake db:seed".
My question is, if I run 'rake db:seed' again, again and again(multiple times), will the same instances be stored to database with multiple copies or it only save the instance once into database no matter how many times I run rake db:seed?
Better solution:
default_car = Car.find_or_create_by_name 'TOYOTA'
user = User.find_or_create_by_username 'default_user'
user.car = default_car
That way you can run "rake db:seed" multiple times without having to drop the database manually every time.
This is a limitation of having a single seed file. I was finding this frustrating as the application grows you often want to add new seed data so you end up either doing what Pascal suggests or creating either migrations with data in them or rake tasks to load the seeds. To get round this I knocked up seedbank. So I combine this with Pascals approach so I can re-run the seeds but can also target specific ones if I want to.
depends on your models if you allow duplicate values. if you don't it will throw an error. what you do is to clear your db first before running seed via rake db:resetdb
I don't want to load a seed file for every deployment, since it takes 2-3 mins.
I only want to load the seeds if it is needed.
I have the following code which will run a seed in the initializer of the application, so when the application starts, it will load the seeds. But is there a way to only do it if it is needed (i.e. something has changed?)
For migrations we have: if ActiveRecord::Migrator.needs_migration?
But what about seeds?
if ENV_PROPS['run_seeds_at_startup']
Common::Log.info 'Starting seed load'
seed_file = File.join('db/seeds.rb')
load(seed_file) if File.exist?(seed_file)
Common::Log.info 'Seed data loaded'
Common::Log.info 'Automatic Seeds are shutdown in the env-props.yml...'
Generally if there's data I only need to create once, I try to setup a custom rake task that can either be run on the server directly post deploy, or one can setup a capistrano recipe to run it once. If you want to use seeds.rb, really the only way I've found to do this is to check if the records exist already. But i'm not aware of any global check or wrapper around executing the seeds file.
I have seeded a row of data to my table by editing db/seed.rb file and executing rake db:seed command. Unknowingly, I put some wrong information in to that row. So I want to remove the previously added row of data. Is there any rake command for the same like rake db:rollback for rake db:migrate.
There are a couple of aspects to this:
1: You want to change the seed data when no other data is present in the database:
You should simply redo the rake db:seed after updating the seed.rb file. Make sure you have MyModel.delete_all before you try to add anything to that model.
2: You want to change the seed data, but there are other data added to the database
This is a bit harder. Often the simplest thing to do here is to manually change the data with either raw sql-statements, or with the use of tools like PhpPpAdmin, PhpMyAdmin etc.
Now, there is possiby one way to hack this together, and that would be to do some voodoo in the seed.rb file. So you could run rake db:seed deseed=true, then in your seed.rb:
if ENV['deseed']
#Do your deseeding action here
#Do your seeding here.
You could even get real crazy and do something like this:
deseed = ENV['desee']
#DANGER: Dirty hacks upcoming:
deseed? myModelCall = MyModel.method(:destroy_all): myModelCall = MyModel.method(:create)
myModelCall.call :user_id_or_whatevs => 23 #this creates or deletes a MyModel entity with the given parameters
#NOTE this might not work in all cases and I would not necessarily recommend doing this.
I had similar issues when I seeded my data. In fact, I ran the seed command twice and I couldn't find a way to revoke the second seed. However, I had to run rails db:reset command and then run the rails db:seed command again and that fixed the problem for me.
I have a lot of spots in my code that actually call activerecord finders. For example, in a Blog engine, I might have a table of tags that correspond to an activerecord model Tag. Suppose, for some reason, that I want special logic to happen if a post is created with a tag where tag.description == 'humor'. Then I might have a method in the model:
class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.humor_tag
Whether or not this is poor design, it causes insane amounts of problems for me when using rake commands to build a database. Say that later on, I've finished my development and I want to deploy to production. So I take the dumped schema.rb file, and then I want to load a new database structure from that schema.rb, or alternatively, just run my migrations to create a production database.
RAILS_ENV=production rake db:schema:load
The problem is that, in the production environment, the rake command seems to load every model. When it tries to load the Tag#humor_tag method, it throws an error that stops the process:
rake aborted!
Table 'production_database.tags' doesn't exist
Well of course it doesn't exist, it hasn't been created yet! I've googled around and people seem to solve this problem by either cloning the database in SQL or moving around their code just so they can run the rake task.
What are you supposed to do? It seems like there might be some configuration somewhere to let you tell rake to freaking ignore calls to database tables before any tables are created.
I would suggest replacing queries by class methods with scopes: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_querying.html#scopes
and if you have an initializer that is causing the models to load, use a proc in the scope definition, such as
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :published, Proc.new { where(:published => true) }
to prevent the scope from running at initialization time.
I'm not completely satisfied with this answer, but if anyone gets to this question and has a similar problem, this may be helpful. In order to move over a database in a situation where you would usually rake db:schema:load or just create it and run the migrations, you can alternatively load the database from SQL (or presumably other database technologies).
rake db:structure:dump
That command will dump the structure of the database into a file that will then be able to recreate it. For me, it created a file db/development_dump.sql, that contained calls to create all of the tables and indices, but didn't copy any of the data like on a normal sql dump. Then, I moved that file to my production database, and ran it:
mysql prod_database < development_dump.sql
This doesn't answer the question at hand, but it may be relevant for someone facing a similar problem.
Question 1
Suppose I write define some variables in db/seeds.rb, e.g.: user = User.create(...).
What is the scope of these variables ?
Question 2
If I have a big amount of code in db/seeds.rb, is it recommended to put it in a class ?
The variables are in the scope of the rake instance that has been started.
So they would be in scope for other tasks if multiple tasks where started at once.
For example
rake db:seed custom:sometask
Instance variables defined in db:seed could be accessed in 'sometask'
If the rake file is too big because of adding too many records, you could move the data that is to be inserted into a yaml file, that could make your seeds file cleaner, rather than creating a class.
Seed data is anything that must be loaded for an application to work properly. An application needs its seed data loaded in order to run in development, test, and production.
Seed data is mostly unchanging. It typically won’t be edited in your application. But requirements can and do change, so seed data may need to be reloaded on deployed applications.
Answer for your second question
lines of code in seed.rb doesn't affect the performance the basic task of seed is to initialize the database with predefined records. Keep one thing in mind that the parent creation is done before the child is created.
Here are some references that might help you
Rail Spikes
In a Rails application, I need a table in my database to contain constant data.
This table content is not intended to change for the moment but I do not want to put the content in the code, to be able to change it whenever needed.
I tried filling this table in the migration that created it, but this does not seem to work with the test environment and breaks my unit tests. In test environment, my model is never able to return any value while it is ok in my development environment.
Is there a way to fill that database correctly even in test environment ? Is there another way of handling these kind of data that should not be in code ?
Thanks all for your answers and especially Vlad R for explaining the problem.
I now understand why my data are not loaded in test. This is because the test environment uses the db:load rake command which directly loads the schema instead of running the migrations. Having put my values in the migration only and not in the schema, these values are not loaded for test.
What you are probably observing is that the test framework is not running the migrations (db:migrate), but loading db/schema.rb directly (db:load) instead.
You have two options:
continue to use the migration for production and development; for the test environment, add your constant data to the corresponding yml files in db/fixtures
leave the existing db/fixtures files untouched, and create another set of yml files (containing the constant data) in the same vein as db/fixtures, but usable by both test and production/development environments when doing a rake db:load schema initialization
To cover those scenarios that use db:load (instead of db:migrate - e.g. test, bringing up a new database on a new development machine using the faster db:load instead of db:migrate, etc.) is create a drop-in rakefile in RAILS_APP/lib/tasks to augment the db:load task by loading your constant intialization data from "seed" yml files (one for each model) into the database.
Use the db:seed rake task as an example. Put your seed data in db/seeds/.yml
#the command is: rake:db:load
namespace :db do
desc 'Initialize data from YAML.'
task :load => :environment do
require 'active_record/fixtures'
Dir.glob(RAILS_ROOT + '/db/seeds/*.yml').each do |file|
Fixtures.create_fixtures('db/seeds', File.basename(file, '.*'))
To cover the incremental scenarios (db:migrate), define one migration that does the same thing as the task defined above.
If your seed data ever changes, you will need to add another migration to remove the old seed data and load the new one instead, which may be non-trivial in case of foreign-key dependencies etc.
Take a look at my article on loading seed data.
There's a number of ways to do this. I like a rake task called db:populate which lets you specify your fixed data in normal ActiveRecord create statements. For getting the data into tests, I've just be loading this populate file in my test_helper. However, I think I am going to switch to a test database that already has the seed data populated.
There's also plugin called SeedFu that helps with this problem.
Whatever you do, I recommend against using fixtures for this, because they don't validate your data, so it's very easy to create invalid records.