Changing the base URL for Rails 3 development - ruby-on-rails

I know I'm going to deploy to an environment with my application running with a base URL which looks like this:
My development environment is set up to use the default Rails configuration, which looks like this:
I'd like to model this deployment path in my development environment. That is, I'd like to develop with a base URL which looks like this:
That way, I can make all my URLs relative to "/" and they will work in both environments.
How can I change it so my application will live at this path in my development environment?
Solutions I've found, but don't work for me:
Setting the scope in routes.rb doesn't seem to work for the static content in public.
Using Apache's rewriting capabilities. I don't want to install Apache on my development box. Ideally the solution would work with WEbrick, though I seem to have Mongrel mostly working as well (there are some problems with Mongrel and Ruby 1.9.2).
Setting relative_url_root and similar suggestions which don't work with Rails 3.
Dynamically generating CSS/JavaScript and adjusting the paths to compensate between development and production environments.

You can try mapping your rails app rack config to a different base_uri.
All you need to do is wrap the existing 'run' command in a map block
try doing this in your rails '' file:
map '/mydepartment' do
run Myapp::Application
Now when you 'rails server' the app should be at localhost:3000/mydepartment .
Not sure if this will give you the desired outcome, but worth a try.

Here’s how you can deploy a Rails 3.1 app to a subdirectory in Apache, replacing config.action_controller.relative_url_root which no longer exists.
In config/routes.rb:
scope 'my_subdir' do
# all resources and routes go here
In your Apache configuration file:
Alias /my_subdir /var/www/my_subdir/public
<Location /my_subdir>
PassengerAppRoot /var/www/my_subdir
And it should work, including automatically pointing all your assets to /my_subdir.


Why does webpacker:compile insert a specific hostname in the javascript_pack_tag?

I've just taken over a Webpack project and am new to Webpack.
Project was deploying to Heroku fine. I ran
rake webpacker:compile
and now, after deploying, I see that
javscript_pack_tag 'application'
has inserted this in the HTML:
<script src=""></script>
How has a hostname and port from localhost made its way into the system? I can see this information in public/packs/manifest.json but how do I configure webpacker to use the relative path so that the pack will be included on any server?
The tag that's been inserted also doesn't include the expiration hash at the end, so it's not found on Heroku even if I do use the right hostname.
I suspect this is because I'm running webpack:compile with development settings. How do I access these settings?
And finally - is it best practice to run webpack:compile as part of the Heroku deployment process, and how do I set this up?
Old question, but for anyone else who finds themselves here, I just bumped into something similar after upgrading to webpacker/webpack 4.
After some exploring, I noticed that running webpack directly via node did not prepend the hostname. I had a hunch which turned out to be correct: webpacker was using my ASSET_HOST environment variable to prefix all my packs, and because I was configuring my development env with a .env my development asset host was being used.
Once I moved that to .env.development (so it wasn't being referenced as a base env file for production targeted builds as well) all my manifest resources ended being generated with relative paths as expected.
This wasn't a problem with webpacker 3.x, but I guess something in the webpacker 4.x build pipeline must tie in a little more closely with the rails asset pipeline...

Capistrano and XSendFile configuration

I am trying to configure Rails production server with Apache 2.2, Passenger 4.0.59 and XSendFile 0.12. Application is deployed via Capistrano.
Deployed application produces (maybe large) PDF to #{Rails.root}/tmp and serves this file using send_file.
The problem is that Capistrano uses symlinks to point to currently deployed version of application. XSendFile on the other hand dereferences symlinks and refuses to serve a file if its real location is outside document root even if it is allowed by XSendFilePath. Apache's error.log states:
(20023)The given path was above the root path: xsendfile: unable to find file: /resolved/path/to/file.pdf
Everything works well when I set PassengerAppRoot and XSendFilePath to the real location of current version of application, without symlinks on the path. But it's OK until next deploy, which requires apache reconfiguration. Not very useful.
How should I configure Capistrano deploy and XSendFile parameters to make it work together?
I tried solutions with ln -nFs described in Capistrano & X-Sendfile and in mod_xsendfile with symbolic links but none works.
I finally managed to make it work. A few tips for the ones who will have problems with XSendFile
I set XSendFilePath to user's $HOME, there are no symlinks on the path to $HOME, so it works. I can accept this from functional and security point of view, but it is obviously a workaround.
Be aware that XSendFilePath is sensitive to paths containing multiple slashes /like//this. I am using apache macros and while concatenatingXSendFilePath parameter from a few macro parameters I put some obsolete slashes. This caused XSendFile to refuse to send files.
Good luck!

Rails application issue after deployment - 404 error

I'm new to RoR.
I was able to install Rails and host it in Webrick (Sample App with "Welcome" controller) in my windows.
Now i have a Unix Weblogic Server along with a dedicated domian.
After exporting the .WAR file using Warbler, i accessed the Oracle Admin Console from where i deployed the .WAR file in the dedicated domain. I did all this for the Sample app with only the Welcome controller in it.
But even after deploying the WAR file, on accessing the Domain along with the Port Number (:9002) i ended up with 404 file not found error On looking at the server logs,there wasn't any records relating to any error. The Application must have been deployed properly. I assume that i must have missed out on some basic configurations in the routes.rb or similar files before deploying. Can anyone Guess what are all the possibilities and if possible can anyone help me by pointing to any tuts that cover the Steps to be carried out for configuration before deployment. do i need to install both JRuby and Rails inside the server before depolyment?
I can't really guess with Eror 404 only.
You can try mapping your rails app rack config to a different base_uri.
All you need to do is wrap the existing 'run' command in a map block
try doing this in your rails '' file:
map '/mydepartment' do
run Myapp::Application
Now when you 'rails server' the app should be at localhost:3000/mydepartment .
Not sure if this will give you the desired outcome, but worth a try.
One more thing you also add this to your config/environments/production.rb and config/environments/development.rb (if on production mode):
config.action_controller.asset_path = proc { |path| "/abc#{path}" }
otherwise when you call your helpers such as stylesheet_link_tag in your views, they will generate links without the "/abc".
Also, find some guides you may refer for good support.
Use JRuby with JMX for Oracle WebLogic Server 11g
Let me know if it is not resolved.

Ruby on Rails: How to set which development environment an app runs in?

I'm relatively new to Ruby on Rails and occasionally I find this convention-over-configuration stuff a little confusing as a lot of things seemed to be hidden from the developer, as in this case.
I'm using rails 2.3.8 and when I run my app locally through NetBeans 6.9/Mongrel on my system it runs using the development environment parameters.. when I deploy it to a Fedora box and run it there in Apache HTTPD it automatically runs using the production environment parameters.
How does my app know which environment to use? I haven't changed anything in my app to set the environment.. both versions locally and on my Fedora box are identical. I can't find anywhere in the code where it is setting the environment.. so how is this working?
In httpd.conf file, write the following in VirtualHost:-
## Specify Rails Environment here,
default value is "production"
RailsEnv development
The primary way to specify rails mode is RAILS_ENV environment variable (I assume development is default, when nothing is specified). You can check its value in bash, echo $RAILS_ENV.
You can also modify ENV['RAILS_ENV'] in your config file to change the mode:
ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'production'
I've never used rails with apache, but I think passenger mod can also specify this variable somewhere, checking apache configs might help.

Rails 3 - set environment

I have a rails 3 app (which I upgraded). It runs on passenger and nginx but on my production server it also starts with the environment set to 'production'. I know I am missing something really basic, but I just can't figure out where to set the environment instead of in environment.rb.
Thanks for helping!
UPDATE: ok, I learned I can still do that with Rails.env = 'production'.
That seems kind of old school to me. Do you know an elegant way to configure this maybe in the Capfile or sth like that?
Rails 3 is a little bit different than Rails 2.x in that it has a file, like other Rack applications.
Passenger detects rails as a Rack app, so you'll have to use RackEnv instead of RailsEnv in the vhost. You can set the environment using RackEnv as per the documentation for Passenger/Nginx.
You can configure a different RAILS_ENV for each app in your vhost for nginx with passenger. I've never used nginx but in apache it's just a RailsEnv=development directive. That way each site just has it set, no worries with configuring a cap task or variable or anything. See the docs. Note that the default is production so this should already be set for you.
