Eigenfaces algorithm - opencv

I am programming a face recognition program using OpenCV.
When generating the eigenfaces:
do I need to use a big database of unknown faces ?
do I need to use only photos of the people I want my system to recognize ?
do I need to use both ?
I am talking about the eigenfaces generation, this is the "learning" step.
And how many photos do I need to use to have decent accuracy ? More like 20, or 2000 ?

Eigenfaces works by projecting the faces into a particular "face basis" using principal component analysis or PCA. The basis does not have to include photos of people you want to recognize.
Instead, I would encourage you to train based upon a big database (at least 10k faces) that is well registered (eigenfaces doesn't work well with images that are shifted). The original paper by Turk and Pentland was remarkable partly due to the large pin registered face database they released. I would also say that try to have the lighting normalized to the same between the database and your test inputs.
In terms of testing, first 20 components should be sufficient to reconstruct a human recognizable face and first 100 components should be enough to discriminate between any two face for essentially arbitrarily large dataset.

You don't need too many random faces to compose a human face; somewhere close to 20 should give good results, maybe go with more if you can. They should all be lined up as much as possible to one another, front facing, and photos in grayscale under the same lighting conditions.


How to recognize or match two images?

I have one image stored in my bundle or in the application.
Now I want to scan images in camera and want to compare that images with my locally stored image. When image is matched I want to play one video and if user move camera from that particular image to somewhere else then I want to stop that video.
For that I have tried Wikitude sdk for iOS but it is not working properly as it is crashing anytime because of memory issues or some other reasons.
Other things came in mind that Core ML and ARKit but Core ML detect the image's properties like name, type, colors etc and I want to match the image. ARKit will not support all devices and ios and also image matching as per requirement is possible or not that I don't have idea.
If anybody have any idea to achieve this requirement they can share. every help will be appreciated. Thanks:)
Easiest way is ARKit's imageDetection. You know the limitation of devices it support. But the result it gives is wide and really easy to implement. Here is an example
Next is CoreML, which is the hardest way. You need to understand machine learning even if in brief. Then the tough part - training with your dataset. Biggest drawback is you have single image. I would discard this method.
Finally mid way solution is to use OpenCV. It might be hard but suit your need. You can find different methods of feature matching to find your image in camera feed. example here. You can use objective-c++ to code in c++ for ios.
Your task is image similarity you can do it simply and with more reliable output results using machine learning. Since your task is using camera scanning. Better option is CoreML.You can refer this link by apple for Image Similarity.You can optimize your results by training with your own datasets. Any more clarifications needed comment.
Another approach is to use a so-called "siamese network". Which really means that you use a model such as Inception-v3 or MobileNet and both images and you compare their outputs.
However, these models usually give a classification output, i.e. "this is a cat". But if you remove that classification layer from the model, it gives an output that is just a bunch of numbers that describe what sort of things are in the image but in a very abstract sense.
If these numbers for two images are very similar -- if the "distance" between them is very small -- then the two images are very similar too.
So you can take an existing Core ML model, remove the classification layer, run it twice (once on each image), which gives you two sets of numbers, and then compute the distance between these numbers. If this distance is lower than some kind of threshold, then the images are similar enough.

Use Azure Machine learning to detect symbol within an image

4 years ago I posted this question and got a few answers that were unfortunately outside my skill level. I just attended a build tour conference where they spoke about machine learning and this got me thinking of the possibility of using ML as a solution to my problem. i found this on the azure site but i dont think it will help me because its scope is pretty narrow.
Here is what i am trying to achieve:
i have a source image:
and i want to which one of the following symbols (if any) are contained in the image above:
the compare needs to support minor distortion, scaling, color differences, rotation, and brightness differences.
the number of symbols to match will ultimately at least be greater than 100.
is ML a good tool to solve this problem? if so, any starting tips?
As far as I know, Project Oxford (MS Azure CV API) wouldn't be suitable for your task. Their APIs are very focused to Face related tasks (detection, verification, etc), OCR and Image description. And apparently you can't extend their models or train new ones from the existing ones.
However, even though I don't know an out of the box solution for your object detection problem; there are easy enough approaches that you could try and that would give you some start point results.
For instance, here is a naive method you could use:
1) Create your dataset:
This is probably the more tedious step and paradoxically a crucial one. I will assume you have a good amount of images to work with. What would you need to do is to pick a fixed window size and extract positive and negative examples.
If some of the images in your dataset are in different sizes you would need to rescale them to a common size. You don't need to get too crazy about the size, probably 30x30 images would be more than enough. To make things easier I would turn the images to gray scale too.
2) Pick a classification algorithm and train it:
There is an awful amount of classification algorithms out there. But if you are new to machine learning I will pick the one I would understand the most. Keeping that in mind, I would check out logistic regression which give decent results, it's easy enough for starters and have a lot of libraries and tutorials. For instance, this one or this one. At first I would say to focus in a binary classification problem (like if there is an UD logo in the picture or not) and when you master that one you can jump to the multi-class case. There are resources for that too or you can always have several models one per logo and run this recipe for each one separately.
To train your model, you just need to read the images generated in the step 1 and turn them into a vector and label them accordingly. That would be the dataset that will feed your model. If you are using images in gray scale, then each position in the vector would correspond to a pixel value in the range 0-255. Depending on the algorithm you might need to rescale those values to the range [0-1] (this is because some algorithms perform better with values in that range). Notice that rescaling the range in this case is fairly easy (new_value = value/255).
You also need to split your dataset, reserving some examples for training, a subset for validation and another one for testing. Again, there are different ways to do this, but I'm keeping this answer as naive as possible.
3) Perform the detection:
So now let's start the fun part. Given any image you want to run your model and produce coordinates in the picture where there is a logo. There are different ways to do this and I will describe one that probably is not the best nor the more efficient, but it's easier to develop in my opinion.
You are going to scan the picture, extracting the pixels in a "window", rescaling those pixels to the size you selected in step 1 and then feed them to your model.
If the model give you a positive answer then you mark that window in the original image. Since the logo might appear in different scales you need to repeat this process with different window sizes. You also would need to tweak the amount of space between windows.
4) Rinse and repeat:
At the first iteration it's very likely that you will get a lot of false positives. Then you need to take those as negative examples and retrain your model. This would be an iterative process and hopefully on each iteration you will have less and less false positives and fewer false negatives.
Once you are reasonable happy with your solution, you might want to improve it. You might want to try other classification algorithms like SVM or Deep Learning Artificial Neural Networks, or to try better object detection frameworks like Viola-Jones. Also, you will probably need to use crossvalidation to compare all your solutions (you can actually use crossvalidation from the beginning). By this moment I bet you would be confident enough that you would like to use OpenCV or another ready to use framework in which case you will have a fair understanding of what is going on under the hood.
Also you could just disregard all this answer and go for an OpenCV object detection tutorial like this one. Or take another answer from another question like this one. Good luck!

HOG people detection and changes in size due to perspective

I am trying to make HOG work for people detection using OpenCV. My problem is that the persons in my application appear in different sizes due to perspective, so, I am afraid I have to train different people sizes. Here are my questions:
1.- I already have INRIA and MIT databases. all images are 128x64 pix. Could I resize that database to have bigger and smaller samples and later train the system several times? 2.- Will I obtain different lenghts in HOG descriptors if the images in tha database are of different size?
Finally, my negative database is very different in samples to the situation I am facing. I want to detect people in an industrial environment ( machines, repair shop, etc) and the samples are of cities, streets, beaches, etc. Is this negative databa useful? or could I detect only people and reject directly low matches?
Thank you all very much in advance.
My problem is that the persons in my application appear in different sizes due to perspective
You can use gpu::HOGDescriptor::detectMultiScale
Is this negative databa useful? or could I detect only people and reject directly low matches?
All negative data is useful, the more data you train with the more robust your system. However if you are only using one use case. I would suggest getting some background images of the environment you are going to be using it in.

Machine Learning: sign visibility

I work at an airport where we need to determine the visibility conditions of pilots.
To do this, we have signs placed every 200 meters along the runway that allow us to determine how far the visibility is. We have multiple runways, and the visibility needs to be checked every hour.
Right now the visibility check is done manually with a human being who looks at the photos from the cameras placed at the end of each runway. So it can be tedious.
I'm a programmer who has very little experience with machine learning, but this sounds like an easy problem to automate. How should I approach this problem? Which algorithms should I study? Would OpenCV help me?
I think this can be automated using computer vision techniques. openCV could make the implementation easier. If all the signs are similar then ,we can train our program to recognize the sign in a specific conditions(lights). Then, we can use the trained classifier to check for the visibility of signs every hours using a simple script.
There is harr-like feature extraction already in openCV. You can use to train classifier which will output a .xml file and use that .xml file for detecting the sign regularly.
I have done a similar project RTVTR(Real Time Vehicle Tracking and Recognition) using openCV and it worked great. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJwBT76VEZ4
Answering to your questions:
How should I approach this problem?
It depends on the result you want/need to obtain. Is this an "hobby" project (even if job-related) or do you need to build a machine vision system to solve the problem and should it be compliant with some regulations or standard?
Which algorithms should I study?
I am very interested in your question but I am not an expert in the field of meteorology and so searching in the relative literature is, for me, a time consuming task... so I reserve to update this part of the answer in the future. I think there will be different algorithms involved in the solution of the problem, some are very general like for example algorithms for the image segmentation, some are very specific like for example how to measure the visibility.
Update: one of the keyword for searching in the literature is Meteorological Visibility, for example
HAUTIERE, Nicolas, et al. Automatic fog detection and estimation of visibility distance through use of an onboard camera. Machine Vision and Applications, 2006, 17.1: 8-20.
LENOR, Stephan, et al. An Improved Model for Estimating the Meteorological Visibility from a Road Surface Luminance Curve. In: Pattern Recognition. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. p. 184-193.
Would OpenCV help me?
Yes, I think OpenCV can help giving you a starting point.
An idea for a naïve algorithm:
Segment the image in order to get the pixel regions belonging to the signs and to the background.
Compute the measure of visibility according to some procedure, the measure is computed by a function that has as input the regions of all the signs and the background region.
The segmentation can be simplified a lot if the signs are always in the same fixed and known position inside the image.
The measure of visibility is obviously the core of the algorithm and it can be performed in a lot of ways...
You can follow a simple approach where you compute the visibility with a mathematical formula based on the average gray level of the signs and background regions.
You can follow a more sophisticated and machine-learning oriented approach where you implement an algorithm that mimics your current human being based procedure. In this case your problem can be framed as a supervised learning task: you have a set of training examples, each training example is a pair composed by a) the photo of the runway (the input) and b) the visibility related to that photo and computed by human (the desired output). Then the system is trained by means of the training set and when you give a new photo as input it will give you back the visibility measure. I think you have a log for past visibility measures (METAR?) and if you saved the related images too, you will already have a relevant amount of data in order to build a training set and a test set.
Update in the age of Convolutional Neural Networks:
YOU, Yang, et al. Relative CNN-RNN: Learning Relative Atmospheric Visibility from Images. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2018.
Both Tensor and uvts_cvs 's replies are very helpful. While the opencv mainly aims to recognize the sign pattern or even segment it from the background, when you extract the core feature in your problem : visibility, you may still need to include the background signal in your training set. I assume manual check of visibility is based on image contrast, if so, the signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) or contrast-to-noise ratio(CNR) is a good feature in learning. A threshold is defined to classify 'visible-1' and 'invisible-0'. The SNR/CNR can be obtained automatically especially if your sign position and size are fixed in your camera images.
Gather whole bunch of photos and videos and propose it as a challenge on Kaggle. I am sure many people would like to try solve it, even if reward would not be very high.
You can use the template matching functionality of openCV:
Where the template is the sign. If you manage to find a correct match, then the sign is visible. I think you can also get a sense of the scale of the sign in the image from that code.
As this is a very controlled and static environment, you have perfect conditions to estimate the visibility with vision-based approaches. Nonetheless, it is not so easy to decide which approach to take. In my thesis, I am reviewing this topic in depth for the less well-controlled environment of road traffic. See: LENOR, Stephan. Model-Based Estimation of Meteorological Visibility in the Context of Automotive Camera Systems. 2016. Doktorarbeit. (https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/20855/1/20160509_lenor_thesis_final_print.pdf).
I see two major directions you could follow up:
Model-based approaches: Advantages: Not so much dependent on your very specific setup. You do not need heavy collection of data.
Data-based approaches/ML: Advantages: Can hide the whole complexity of different light and weather conditions. You seem to have a good source of data if there are people doing the job right now. Very promising without much engineering effort (just use a light-weighted CNN with few layers or so).
You could also combine both, etc. etc. If you are still interested in a solution, you can contact me again and I am happy to consult in more depth.

People Detection and Tracking

I want to do pedestrian detection and tracking.
Input: Video Stream from CCTV camera.
#(no of) people going from left to right
# people going from right to left
# No. of people in the middle
What have i done so far:
For pedestrian detection I am using HOG and SVM. The detection is decent with high false positive rate. And its very slow as i am running in android platform.
After detection how to do I calculate the required values listed above. Can anyone tell me what is the tracking algorithm I have to use and any good algorithm for pedestrian detection.
Or should I use tracking algorithm? Is there a way to do without it?
Any references to codes/blogs/technical papers is appreciated.
Platform: C++ & OpenCV / android.
This is somehow close to a research problem.
You may want to have a look to this website which gathers a lot of references.
In particular, the work done by the group from Oxford present therein is pretty close to what you are doing, since their are using HOG for detection. (That work has been extremely illuminating for me).
EPFL and Julich have as well work done in the field.
You may also want to give a look to this review which describes several detection/tracking techniques, often involving variants of the HOG algorithm.
Along with #Acorbe response, I suggest the publications section of this (archived) website.
A recent work at the end of last year also released a code base here:
There have also been earlier pedestrian detector works that have released code as well:
The best accurate way is to use tracking algorithm instead of statistic appearance counting of incoming people and detection occurred left right and middle..
You can use extended statistical models.. That produce how many inputs producing one of the outputs and back validate from output detection the input.
My experience is that tracking leads to better results than approach above. But is also little bit complicated. We talk about multi target tracking when the critical is match detection with tracked model which should be update based on detection. If tracking is matched with wrong model. The problems are there.
Here on youtube I developed some multi target tracker by simple LBP people detector, but multi model and kalman filter for tracking. Both capabilities are available in opencv. You need to when something is detected create new kalman filter for each object and update in case you match same detection. Predict in case detection is not here in frame and also remove the Kalman i it is not necessary to track any more.
1 Detect
2 Match detections with kalmans, hungarian algorithm and l2 norm. (for example)
3 Lot of work. Decide if kalman shoudl be established, remove, update, or results is not detected and should be predicted. This is lot of work here.
Pure statistic approach is less accurate, second one is for experience people at least one moth of coding and 3 month of tuning.. If you need to be faster and your resources are quite limited. You can by smart statistic achieve your results by pure detection much faster and little bit less accurate. People are judge the image and video tracking even multi target tracking is capable to beat human. Try to count and register each person in video and count exits point. You are not able to do this in some number of people. It is really repents on, what you want, application, customer you have, and results you show to customers. If this is 4 numbers income, left, right, middle and your error is 20 percent is still much more than one bored small paid guard should achieved by all day long counting..
You can find on my BLOG Some dataset for people detection and car detection on my blog same as script for learning ideas, tutorials and tracking examples..
Opencv blog tutorials code and ideas
You can use KLT for this purpose as this will tell you the flow of person traveling from left to right then you can compute that by computing line length which in given example is drawn using cv2.line you can use input parameters of this functions to compute your case, little math involved. if there is a flow of pixels from left to right this is case 1 or right to left then case 3 and for no flow case 2. Or you can use this basic tutorial to track object movement. LINK
