How to Add project to Source Control (TFS) With TFS Web Access? - tfs

How to Add VS project to Source Control (TFS) without Visual Studio? I was also given a web access to tfs project but I did not see any upload option or create sub-project option (I see my main project "Project 333" and all the solutions under it, still talking about via web ui).

You cannot upload a project to TFS via the web UI. The web UI of TFS is for viewing source only, and keeping track of bugs/tasks and the general status of your code and builds. You will need either Visual Studio or the TFS client installed in order to commit code to source control.


Visual Studio 2017 - Publish Individual File Missing from Menu

Currently working on an MVC project, I used to be able to right click individual files such as js files, and choose publish, so I wouldn't have to publish the entire project for changes in a single file. After installing updates the other day, I no longer have that option from the solution explorer menu when I right click a file.
Has this option moved locations? Is there a setting I need to configure first? Thanks!
Sounds crazy, but install microsoft azure tool in visual studio 2017 tool list . I am not able to sure why microsoft did so

Can we have only VS Code instead of Visual studio professional version for connecting TFS?

I am trying to evaluate VS Code instead of VS professional version for my work.
Can I use VS code with TFS for daily operations like?
Create work space?
Get latest source code?
Code checkin?
Shelve set?
Code review request ?
As jessehouwing mentioned most of that are supporeted except for the Code Review bits.
You need to install Visual Studio Team Services Extension for Visual Studio Code
The following are the current features supported by the extension:
Execute all basic version control actions such as add, delete, rename, move, etc.
View local changes and history for your files
Include and Exclude changes (and move files between the two states)
Merge conflicts from updates
Check-in and update local files
Associate work items to check-ins
Provides an integrated TFVC Output window
Support for a TFS proxy
Supports workspaces created with Visual Studio (via tf.exe) or the JetBrains IDEs and Eclipse (via the Team Explorer Everywhere Command
Line Client)
To start using the TFVC features, review the documentation and
check out the TFVC Source Code Control for Visual Studio Code
video which shows you how to configure and use the TFVC features.
The extension supports TFVC across Windows, macOS and Linux (with
separate configuration instructions for macOS and Linux; see
If you’ve never used the extension before, we also have a
walkthrough to get you started.
Source here : Official Release of TFVC Support for Visual Studio Code

Unable to see documents in Team Explorer 2013 after upgrade

We have upgraded TFS2008 to 2013 on a new server and source control/workitem tracking is okay - we can use all that from within VS2013 Pro.
We have also upgraded Sharepoint (containing all the project documentation) to a new database server and using the TFS 2013 Adminisration Console we can see the Team Projects listed there.
However although from the VS2013 Team Exlorer we can add the team projects and open the 'web portal' for each team project, we cannot see any of the documents nor can we (seemingly) view in a browser the portal that in VS2008 shows the document libraries.
Are we missing something in the unfamiliar interface, or can anyone advise what the cause might be and how to fix it?
You need to "wire up" the Team Projects to the Sharepoint sites. It sounds like they have been detached through the order of the upgrade.
Sharepoint needs to be upgraded and available during the upgrade process or this happens
You can however easily wire them back up. In the Team Project in Visual Studio go to the Team Explorer and do "Settings|Portal".
You should have a dialog for wiring up The existing Sharepoint to the Team Project.
If you don't you may have Tbeen disconnected at the collection level. In which case you can open the TFS Administration Console and follow:

Adding files to Team Foundation Server from web interface

Is it possible to add a new file (or new version of a file) to a TFS project via the web interface without using Visual Studio? There are some code artifacts, such as PS1 scripts, which we may want to keep under source control, but the owners of such files may not have Visual Studio even installed.
No, this functionality is not available in TFS 2013.
This does exist in TFS 2015 (and in Visual Studio Online), but if you are using TFS 2013, you have a few options:
Install the standalone Team Explorer. Despite the name, you do not need to have Visual Studio installed - if you don't, it will install a standalone version that can communicate with a TFS server.
Use the command-line interface. (Also available with the download above.)
Yes it is possible.
In our companies real world example we, have a CI build set up at work that does nothing but code sign powershell files. This was a huge carrot to get the systems engineers to leverage source control. The don't use Visual Studio though. They seem to like using powerGUI which has TFS integration support.
In the TFS 2015 web interface, yes, this is possible.
If you are asking how:
To add a new file, right-click on the folder (in the folder
hierarchy on the left) and there's a menu option to "Add file(s)...".
To edit a file (add a version), open the file contents in the right pane, and
there's an "Edit" button.

Windows file to TFS - How do I do it?

We're a small shop and have legacy VB6, Classic .ASP, .NET 1.2 - 3.51. We installed the product successfully, but since depending on the code which needs changing we fire up the respective IDE Visual Studio x. How do we go from no source control to TFS?
You will probably want to look at the TFS 2008 Power Tools. One of the features that is available in the Power Tools is Windows Explorer integration, so you can get/checkout/checkin by right clicking the file(s).
Your other choices are to use the VS2008 / TFS 2008 client to do your SCM operations (which means you need to switch between multiple IDEs), or you could use the TF.EXE command line to do your SCM operations.
If I misread your question and you're asking how do you get your legacy code into TFS, you'll need to go into the TFS 2008 client and do the following:
Map a workspace to a folder on your hard drive (or network).
Copy your source to the folder.
In TFS 2008, click on the "Add Files" button.
Select the folder you just copied everything into.
Add them.
Check in.
