Visual Studio 2017 - Publish Individual File Missing from Menu -

Currently working on an MVC project, I used to be able to right click individual files such as js files, and choose publish, so I wouldn't have to publish the entire project for changes in a single file. After installing updates the other day, I no longer have that option from the solution explorer menu when I right click a file.
Has this option moved locations? Is there a setting I need to configure first? Thanks!

Sounds crazy, but install microsoft azure tool in visual studio 2017 tool list . I am not able to sure why microsoft did so


Adding files to Team Foundation Server from web interface

Is it possible to add a new file (or new version of a file) to a TFS project via the web interface without using Visual Studio? There are some code artifacts, such as PS1 scripts, which we may want to keep under source control, but the owners of such files may not have Visual Studio even installed.
No, this functionality is not available in TFS 2013.
This does exist in TFS 2015 (and in Visual Studio Online), but if you are using TFS 2013, you have a few options:
Install the standalone Team Explorer. Despite the name, you do not need to have Visual Studio installed - if you don't, it will install a standalone version that can communicate with a TFS server.
Use the command-line interface. (Also available with the download above.)
Yes it is possible.
In our companies real world example we, have a CI build set up at work that does nothing but code sign powershell files. This was a huge carrot to get the systems engineers to leverage source control. The don't use Visual Studio though. They seem to like using powerGUI which has TFS integration support.
In the TFS 2015 web interface, yes, this is possible.
If you are asking how:
To add a new file, right-click on the folder (in the folder
hierarchy on the left) and there's a menu option to "Add file(s)...".
To edit a file (add a version), open the file contents in the right pane, and
there's an "Edit" button.

Why does TFS Power Tools 2012 not recognise newly uncloaked project?

I have TFS Power Tools 2012 installed on my PC.
I recently uncloaked a project in TFS and performed a get operation to bring the project folder into my private workspace (using server-side for backwards compatability with VS2010).
Whilst in Visual Studio, there is no problem - I can check it out and check back in.
However, Power Tools does not recognise the new folder in windows explorer. In other words, all other projects have the green-arrow icon overlay, but this one doesn't. Right-clicking on the folder also does not bring up the TFS context menu.
Does anyone know what I may have neglected to do? I have tried deleting the folder and doing a "Get specific..." to bring it back in. Hell, I've even done a repair on TFS Power Tools and restarted; the behaviour remains unchanged.
This is not my problem (the rest of my projects do show the icon overlay)...
Possible duplicate here maybe...
I have noticed Power Tools sometimes has conflicts with icon overlays, particularly when they compete with others (like SVN).
It can also conflict when you have multiple workspaces on your PC. As you mentioned, make sure the project is uncloaked in both workspaces.

TFS 2010 Missing Process Templates

I am trying to set up continuous integration using Visual studio 2010 and TFS 2010 and when i try to Create a new build definition, and go to Process Tab, i dont see any templates under the Build Process file(Windows workflow XAML) drop-down.
I have setup a build controller that points to our Team project collection and a build agent, in our TFS server.I am trying to setup a new build definition from my local machine Visual studio and i cant see any default templates under the Build Process file(Windows workflow XAML) drop-down.
Is there any settings i am missing ?Please let me know. Do i also need to install Visual studio in the TFS Server ?
All i need is whenever someone checks in a file, it should kick off a build and see the status if the build is broken or not !
Make sure you have a folder inside your Team Project Source Control called:
Inside of there should be the following files:
There are additional ones in this example, but you should have those two from the install.
If you have this folder and still cannot see anything in that dropdown let me know and we can take it from there. What most likely happened is you or someone on your team saw the folder and deleted it or moved it thinking it its placement wasn't important in the project. Or perhaps deleted the xaml files inside there.
The process section uses that folder and all files within it to display on that prompt.

How to Add project to Source Control (TFS) With TFS Web Access?

How to Add VS project to Source Control (TFS) without Visual Studio? I was also given a web access to tfs project but I did not see any upload option or create sub-project option (I see my main project "Project 333" and all the solutions under it, still talking about via web ui).
You cannot upload a project to TFS via the web UI. The web UI of TFS is for viewing source only, and keeping track of bugs/tasks and the general status of your code and builds. You will need either Visual Studio or the TFS client installed in order to commit code to source control.

Can't manually add files to TFS

We use Codesmith to generate some code, and when we open up the projects, the files are there, in the solution, but there is no way to check them in. The DLL compiles just fine. The only difference to the .csproj is the addition of any new files we generated.
But unlike VSS, TFS, does not detect these files. I validated this behavior by editing the .csproj manually. For some reason, the only way to add a file to TFS is through Visual Studio.
However, when I remove them from the project, and then include them, I get the usual yellow plus sign.
You can manually add files to Visual Studio, however changing your project file isn't the best way to do this. If your project is already under source control and the files you want to add are visible in the Solution Explorer window, you can simply right-click a file and select Include in project. The next time you check your code in, the items will be added.
Since you're using TFS 2010, check out the Team Foundation Server Power Tools extensions. This includes the Windows Shell Extensions which give you integration into Windows Explorer which let's you right click on files or folders and add the to TFS outside of Visual Studio. Very nifty!
Looks like it is not possible and the workaround is to batch-add all the files through PowerTools. Though this article/forum-thread is dated it appears to be helpful:
Adding CodeSmith generated source file in Team Foundation System
