I'm trying to validate the value of a form (a checkbox actually) in a model, but am having a lot of trouble finding what to pass validates:
validates :agreement, :agreement => true
I've gotten other things to work like:
validates :password, :presence => true, :length => {:minimum => 6, :maximum => 25}, :confirmation => true
My view looks like this:
<% form_for :signup_form, :url => {:controller => "user", :action => "post_signup"} do |f| %>
<%= f.check_box( :agreement ) %> I agree to the <%= link_to("Terms of Service", :controller=> "about", :action => "terms") %> and <%= link_to("Privacy Policy", :controller=> "about", :action => "privacy") %>
Which then goes to my controller:
agreement = params[:signup_form][:agreement]
new_user = User.create(:login_name => login_name, :first_name => first_name, :last_name => last_name, :email => email, :password => password, :agreement => agreement, :created_at => DateTime.now())
And then my model.
Thanks for any help you can offer in advance.
You might be looking for :acceptance => true or validates_acceptance_of
You'll want to display your errors on the page, and ensure your validation is working at all. I would re-implement your validation as:
# app/models/user.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :agreement do |ag|
ag.errors.add "Must agree to the terms" unless self.agreement
see http://asciicasts.com/episodes/211-validations-in-rails-3 for a comprehensive treatment, including a nice way to display the errors.
I'm workin on ROR app using Rails 3.2.9 and I'm getting the error messages for a sign up page in my app as follows
<li>Login is too short (minimum is 3 characters)</li><li>Email is too short (minimum is 7 characters)</li><li>Email is invalid</li><li>Password can't be blank</li><li>Password is too short (minimum is 4 characters)</li><li>Password is invalid</li><li>Password confirmation can't be blank</li>
These are the default messages of Active Record Validation . (ref: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_validations_callbacks.html )
This app was previously written in Rails 2 and later migrated to rails 3. I have changed the validates_presence_of commands to validates : password , :presence=>true etc in accordance with rails 3 .
In the view ( signup.html.erb) error_messages_for is rendering these msgs. It is deprecated from rails 3.
Can anyone tell me what needs to be used instead of error_messages_for in the view and all code needs to be changed correspondingly for getting the error msgs right..
Here's the code (not complete)
user.rb in app/model
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :excel_files # One user may have many excel files
has_one :user_access_validity# One user may have one license period
# Virtual attribute for the unencrypted password
attr_accessor :password
attr_accessible :login
attr_accessible :email
attr_accessible :password
attr_accessible :password_confirmation
attr_accessible :company
#changes of 'validates' in accordance with rails 3:
validates :login, :presence => true,
:length => { :within => 3..40},
:uniqueness => { :case_sensitive => false },
:format => { :with => /^([a-z_0-9\.]+)$/i },
:on => :create,
:if => :is_login_entered?
validates :email, :presence => true,
:length => { :within => 7..100},
:uniqueness => { :case_sensitive => false },
:format => {:with => /^([a-z]+((\.?)|(_?))[a-z0-9]+#(mindtree.com|rvce.edu.in))$/i},
:on => :create,
:if => :is_email_entered?
validates :company, :presence => true,
:format => { :with =>/(mindtree|RVCE)/i},
:format => { :with => /^([a-z]+)$/i },
:on => :create,
:if => :is_company_entered?
#validates_presence_of :login, :email, :company
on => :create, :if => :is_login_entered?
validates :password, :presence => true,
:length => { :within => 4..40 },
:confirmation => true,
:format => { :with => /^([a-z0-9#!#\$]+)$/i },
:on => :create,
:if => :password_required?
validates :password_confirmation, :presence => { :if => :password_required? }
#validates_presence_of :password_confirmation, :if => :password_required?
before_save :encrypt_password
In signup.html.erb
<font color=red>(Fields marked * are mandatory)</font><h3>Sign me up!</h3>
<span class='error'><%= error_messages_for (#user) %></span>
<%= form_for :user do |f| -%>
<p><label for="login"><span class='redcolor'>*</span>Login</label><br/>
<%= f.text_field :login %></p>
<p><label for="email"><span class='redcolor'>*</span>Email</label><br/>
<%= f.text_field :email %></p>
<p><label for="password"><span class='redcolor'>*</span>Password</label><br/>
<%= f.password_field :password %></p>
<p><label for="password_confirmation"><span class='redcolor'>*</span>Confirm Password</label><br/>
<%= f.password_field :password_confirmation %></p>
<p><label for="company"><span class='redcolor'>*</span>Company</label><br/>
<%= f.text_field :company %></p>
<p><%= submit_tag 'Sign up' %></p>
<% end -%>
Got the following code from http://www.rubydoc.info/github/edavis10/redmine/ApplicationHelper:error_messages_for which shud be added in application_helper.rb and corresponding change in html.erb file as <%= error_messages_for (#user) %>
def error_messages_for(*objects)
html = ""
objects = objects.map {|o| o.is_a?(String) ? instance_variable_get("##{o}") : o}.compact
errors = objects.map {|o| o.errors.full_messages}.flatten
if errors.any?
html << "<div id='errorExplanation'><ul>\n"
errors.each do |error|
html << "<li>#{h error}</li>\n"
html << "</ul></div>\n"
if you read this guide you will see that in you form you can use form.error_messages
Solution for the question is added below the question
First and foremost, thanks for taking time to read and respond to my questions. I really appreciate it.
I'm not looking for the exact code on how to achieve the following but more of a direction or path I should follow.
Users that are logged in can create different courses. I've added a requirement (a provider) for each course and I want the user to have at least one provider associated (using rolify for this) to them before doing so but I'd like this to be on the same view (courses#new)
I've tried the following:
Nested forms (Doesn't work since I require at least one provider upon course creation)
Adding the providers#new in a modal on the page (can't call a controller from another one using form_form(#provier)
I've thought of the following:
Redirect the users to providers#new if they haven't created one first
Add a modal with a form_tag element that creates a provider and then refreshes the underlying page.
What are your thoughts? Better ideas?
My courses#new (_form) view
<%= simple_form_for(#course) do |f| %>
<%= f.error_notification %>
<%= f.input :name %>
<%= f.input :description, as: :text, input_html: { rows: '2' } %>
<%= f.association :provider, :value_method => :id, collection: Provider.with_role(:provider_admin, current_user), input_html: { class: 'input-large' }, include_blank: false %>
<div class="form-actions">
<%= f.button :submit, :class => 'btn-primary' %>
<%= link_to "Cancel", :back, class: 'btn' %>
<% end %>
class Provider < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :description, :name
validates :name, :presence => true
validates :description, :presence => true
validates :name, :length => { :minimum => 6, :maximum => 100 }
validates :description, :length => { :minimum => 6, :maximum => 100 }
has_many :courses
class Course < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :description, :name, :provider_id
validates :name, :presence => true
validates :name, :length => { :minimum => 6, :maximum => 100 }
validates :description, :presence => true
validates :description, :length => { :minimum => 6, :maximum => 256 }
validates :provider_id, :presence => true
belongs_to :provider
has_many :sessions, :dependent => :destroy
I like the idea where you do a redirect in courses#new to providers#new when !current_user.provider.any?.
But I would probably go the nested forms way. You can use one form to create a new course and a new provider if a user doesn't have a provider. Have a look at http://railscasts.com/episodes/196-nested-model-form-revised to get a quick idea. I think that this would be best UI wise.
I am facing an issue showing up the error messages in active admin.
I get all the error messages displayed with the fields in the form.
But in the code below, I need atleast one skill and maximum 5 skills to be added.
Else need to throw an error message.
I've added a validation in model as :
validates :skills, :length => { :minimum => 1, :maximum => 5,
:message => " should be atleast 1 and less than 5"}
This validates perfectly, but no error message is displayed.
Can anyone help me with the display of the error message.
Following is the code :
form :html => { :enctype => "multipart/form-data" } do |f|
f.inputs "User", :multipart => true do
f.input :name
f.input :email, :as => :email
f.input :profile_name
f.input :date_of_birth
f.input :gender, :as => :select, :collection => Gender::GENDERS
f.inputs "Skills* ( minimum 1 & maximum 5 )" do
f.has_many :skills do |p|
if !p.object.nil?
# show the destroy checkbox only if it is an existing appointment
# else, there's already dynamic JS to add / remove new appointments
p.input :_destroy, :as => :boolean, :label => "Destroy?",
:hint => "Check this checkbox, if you want to delete this field."
p.input :description
p.input :title
activeadmin 0.5.1 is available on github.
it contains next line in changelog
"Add support for semantic errors #905 by #robdiciuccio"
here is pull request with this feature
form do |f|
f.semantic_errors *f.object.errors.keys
f.inputs "Locations" do
f.has_many :locations do |loc|
loc.input :address
loc.input :_destroy, :as => :boolean, :label => "Delete"
to use it add to Gemfile
gem 'activeadmin', :git => "git://github.com/gregbell/active_admin.git", :tag => "v0.5.1"
For passing validation try this
validates_length_of :skills,
:within => 1..5,
:too_short => 'too short message',
:too_long => 'too long message'
The easy way from our page is
welcome-controller add an email -> second_controller create an new object with the E-Mailadddress.
we have a welcome-controller that shows our welcome-page. At this page you can type an e-mailaddress which will give to an other controller. We work with simple_form
If we that this config.browser_validations = false and enter an "normal" text we get an error on the create action. In the older version, without simple_form we get an validation-error.
If we enable this we get the html5 validation. but when the browser doesn't support html5?
Our model is here
validates :owner_email,
:presence => true,
:format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+#[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/ },
:on => :create
Our welcome-view is here
<h2>Create a list without registration.</h2>
<%= simple_form_for([#list], :html => {:class => 'well' }) do |f| %>
<%= f.input :owner_email, :label => false, :placeholder => 'Your Email.' %>
<%= f.button :submit, "Create", :class => "btn-primary" %>
<% end %>
Our create-action from the second controller is this
def create
# create a new list and fill it up
# with some default values
#list = List.new(
:title => "List",
:description => "Beschreibung",
:owner_email => "test#domain.com",
:admin_key => generate_admin_key)
respond_with(#list) do |format|
format.html {#
redirect_to :action => "admin", :id => #list.access_key, :status => 301}
What have we to change that we get errormessages in the html4 version? can everyone help us please?
Just add a :message parameter. Unless you changed simple_form configuration, message errors should be shown on the right side of the field with errors.
validates :owner_email,
:presence => true,
:format => { :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+#[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/ ,
:message => 'Invalid e-mail! Please provide a valid e-mail address'},
:on => :create
I have this in my model:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
"in a relationship",
"it's complicated"
validates :relationship_status, :inclusion => RELATIONSHIP_STATUSES
This in the view:
collection_select(:person, :relationship_status, Person::RELATIONSHIP_STATUSES, :to_s)
And I would like to translate that to simple_form. Is that possible?
If I understood you right, it's simple(it's for formtastic):
<%= form.input :relationship_status, :as => :select, :collection => Person::RELATIONSHIP_STATUSES %>