PhoneGap Build - BlackBerry link doesn't work - blackberry

I'm new to mobile development and I've compiled my app through the online PhoneGap Build.
It returns me the links to download all the apps, but the BlackBerry
link doesn't work properly, even if phonegap doesn't return me
any sort of error.
The link is only a single jad file. There are no .jar or .cod files,
and if I try to install it on a blackberry, I can't.
What am I doing wrong?
I don't know much about BlackBerry apps, so maybe I miss something.
Thanks in advance

on your desktop computer, go to, and click the name of your app (not the d/l links)
it will show a list of qr codes, one for each platform
on your blackberry, open App World, menu, scan a barcode, then scan the qr code and it will download it like a normal app

That same issue would occasionally happen to me as well. I resolved it each time by deleting the app in PhoneGap Build and then resubmitting it and then waiting for the build notification to be shown instead of continually hitting refresh in the browser. It's not scientific but it's what resolved the issue the last 2 times for myself.


React native Branch io deep linking in IOS not working

I have followed the set up doc of branch for react native io i.e.
React native Branch io deep linking is working fine for Android part and For ios part if click the banner from my website it is taking me to appstore and not the app though app is installed in device.
When copy the link getting created when user clicking on the banner and pasting it in notepad and on long press I am getting "open in your app" option and its navigating to app.
Since the 'Open in your app' option is visible on long-pressing the link on Notes app, it means that the universal links are setup fine here.
As per your query in regards to the link being redirected to the AppStore even when the app is installed, occurs when the AASA files are not being fetched by the device. This is a common issue occurring in iOS ( as in when the device fails to fetch the AASA files but this is an intermittent one and can be fixed manually. Your device will also try to fetch the AASA files at certain durations so that might also solve the issue at times.
As for the manual process, would request you to check on the Branch documentation here and follow the necessary steps :
If the console shows as the AASA files are not getting fetched, please try uninstalling the app, restarting the device, and reinstalling the app. Recreate the method of testing for AASA once more.
PLEASE NOTE : These steps are advisable only if the SDK is integrated fine as per our docs.

Ionic 1 app on iOS, when multiple apps open it is using/absorbing first apps pages

Has anyone ever seen this before?
Please see attached video from google drive. (was too large to upload as a gif)
The apps being opened are all our apps downloaded from the app store. When opening one after the other and having them run in the background, they are absorbing the first opened app's page. (as seen in the video).
E.g. Spur app gets opened, then johndorys app opens and has Spur app's login page, then panarottis opens and also has Spur's login page.
Only happening with iOS.
All apps are using Ionic 1 and are built from the same code base (so have the same file names etc) but each theme has it's own styles, databases, id's etc.
For anyone who encountered this same issue it was due to the cordova plugin:
Details about issue and fixes can be found here:

Opening a local file with InAppBrowser under iOS doesn't work

I am developping a mobile application using Cordova. This application allows users to navigate in a kind of a file manager and allows them to download files. I use the plugin "FileTransfer" to download the file on the user's device and then call the InAppBrowser (version 0.5.2) plugin in order to open it.
While it works really great under Android, I can't say the same under iOS (tested under versions 7 and 8).
This is the line of code I use to open the downloaded file:, "_system");
Under Android, it proposes the user which application he wants to launch to open the file or launches automatically the default application based on the file extension. Under iOS, the file is downloaded and then nothing happens. I have found out I could use the integrated viewer of the InAppBrowser plugin when the user is under iOS. I do that in this way:
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPod|iPad/)), "_blank");
else, "_system");
With these lines of codes, if the user is under iOS, the integrated viewer is launched and displays the file. The problem is for ZIP files or other files that can't be rendered in the viewer. This one says "Load Error".
I think that if "_system" worked, Safari would be launched and would propose the user how he wants to open the file.
Does anybody have an idea of how I can make "_system" worked in iOS? Is this eventually a known problem (I couldn't find anything related to my problem)?
If this can be relevant to my problem, I use Phonegap Build in order to generate the .ipa file.
On iOS when you use _system, it try to open the url you pass with safari.
As iOS have sandbox access limitations, safari can't open the url because it's inside your app sandbox.
You can try this plugin, it provides an "open with" dialog that will show you the apps that support the type of file you want to open if any available.

Cannot upload iOS simulator build for Facebook App review

I literally cannot upload iOS simulator build for Facebook App review.
I have an iOS universal (iPhone/iPad) video game that I need to submit to Facebook review in order to get approval for "publish_actions" permission.
I've successfully built the iOS simulator build, compressed it to a ZIP archive and then it simply doesn't get uploaded to the corresponding Facebook web site form.
What I've already tried:
I've tried to upload different versions of my app - one is 216MB
compressed, the other is 360MB. Could it be the size of the archive
that is too big?
I've tried to use different archive programs to make the ZIP
I've tried to upload it from different browsers (Safari, Chrome)
and platforms (Mac OS X, Windows 7).
No success at all.
I do the following steps:
Click the "provide a version" link
Click the "Use an Uploaded Simulator Build" button
Click the "Choose a File" button
Select the ZIP archive with the app
Then I see a spinning progress bar
And then - nothing happens.
I've additionally tried the following things as advised:
Created a new empty application. Did a simulator build. And successfully uploaded it. Size of the archive was 23KB
Enabled network state logging in dev tools of Chrome, Safari, Firefox and indeed there's no sign of data transfer when uploading my application archive
I've filed a bug to facebook
They know about this issue.
Most internet connections have much crappier upload speed than download speed. Uploading 200MB would really take a long while. How much did you wait?
Try making an empty new project and uploading a build of it to see if it goes up.
Try checking your network activity while you're waiting to see if you're really uploading anything.
File a bug # . Facebook support will help you figure out the issue much faster.

Blackberry WebWorks + Ripple, whats the easiest way to distribute app?

Currently I use Ripple "Package and Sign" option, and then use Blackberry Desktop Manager (with my blackberry connected to PC via USB) to import then apply the app. What annoys me is the whole process takes min 10mins sometimes 30mins all up.
I try to skip the "Sign" option, ie use "Package" only but when running the app from the device it gives me this error: "Error starting X: Module 'X' attempts to access a secure API".
How are you installing the app on blackberry during Dev/Test?
How are you distributing the app for PROD release?
I have heard we can distribute via Wi-Fi or just sending someone a link to download the app, but cant really find much info on it. Any help?
You have to sign Webworks apps that you intend to use on the phone. Test as much as you can in the simulator, since it has the fastest turn around time between compiling and running the application.
Appworld is probably going to be your easiest distribution method if you intend on having users buy your app.
If you want to use the internet/WiFi option, you'll need to have a webserver/site you can upload all the *.cod and *.jad files that are built when you package the app. Then point the people downloading the app to the .jad file and their phone will try to install it for them.
