Twitter API: Separate read and read/write tokens - twitter

On my site users should be able to authenticate using their twitter account. Another optional feature is, that users should be able to have tweets sent in their name on certain events.
For this I've setup the twitter application to be read & write.
My problem now is, when a user is using twitter to authenticate, then he is automatically also granting read/write permissions. But I'd like to leave it up to the user to decide at a later stage if he trusts me enough, to grant me this permission..
I can't find any setting/parameter in the api which would allow this split. The only solution I can currently see, is splitting the twitter app into two: One read-only app for authentication and one read-write app for tweeting etc.

Send users to and add a parameter of oauth_access_type with a value of read. That should restrict that particular user to read only permissions.!topic/twitter-development-talk/1P765h9ecBk


search Slack messages as a bot

I have a Slack App (source code) where I want to send reminders to channels where a certain piece of text has been mentioned the most on a schedule. It works, but there's a limitation:
The search.messsages API method only supports user tokens. I want this to run in the background, without interaction. Approaches that have come to mind:
Store my personal user token
Con: Would allow others with access to the token to be able to see my private messages
Create a fake user whose only purpose is that user token
Con: Have to pay for that fake user indefinitely, manage shared credentials, etc.
Any other ideas?
Here is what you can do:
Switch on distribution of the Slack app.
Have the admin, or an existing user on the Slack channel install the app. During the time of installation, you can ask for permissions with user token and search:read scope.
Now you can make all the searches using this user's token. You'll need to plan for the scenario where this user is deleted from the Slack workspace, your user token will stop working.
I don't think there is a way to control it from searching for your personal messages. Search functionality is dependent on the user token.

Is there a unique identifier for a user across different Google APIs?

I am using google's oauth2 to allow users to register/login into my site (php library). The first time a user attempts to login I get the user's email address and google+ id which are provided by the Google OAuth2 API (with the user's permission).
In a different part of the site I need some information from the user's youtube channel. I am using the incremental authorization to get the extra permissions as it is recommended (and described here: ).
The problem is that I don't have a unique identifier for the user between the calls, in order to keep track of him/her in my side of the application. A user, for example might have multiple youtube channels and each one can be associated with a different google+ account/id and a different email address, which most of the time is not a real address but a provided email with the format ''.
I was wondering if google's apis can return a unique identifier for the 'parent' account of a user across different apis.
Thanks in advance.

What Twitter access token should I use to automate tweets?

I would like to know what access token I require to achieve the following.
My Meteor app crawls various RSS feeds and makes a daily digest. I would like to automatically tweet about the daily digest when it is created, using the app's Twitter account.
As I see, in the doc, it seems that I need to use application owner access token and create my app using the app's Twitter account. Is this a correct approach?
Yes, that's correct. It's quite simple too.
Go to Twitter Apps and login with your regular twitter account
assuming you have one, if not you need to create one.
Once signed in click on Create New App button.
Fill out the application (Name, description, and whatever else it requires).
Create your key and access tokens. Share those with users that you trust as they'll be used to access the twitter API to read/write information.
Give the application you created a "Read and Write" permission based on what you asked in the question.
Then depending on the software/language you use there's a plenty of existing packages that can help you access and obtain the information from the API.

Using OAuth with Twitter in ASP.NET

I am using Twitter as an OAuth provider for ASP.NET MVC 4 web site. I would like to be able to follow up with a registered user at a later date, either by email or via a tweet. Outside of having the user follow me on Twitter, do I have any other options to communicate with the user?
Here is what I unsuccessfully considered:
It appears that there is no way to get access to the email address since Twitter OAuth API does not return it.
It appears I cannot send a direct message unless a user
follows me on Twitter.
"Read/Write/DirectMessage" permissions seem
too intrusive -- all I want to do is send a user a message that a
new product is released -- I don't need any of the write
capabilities that this level of permissions provides.
To recap, if a user used Twitter to sign in to my website, what are my options to contact that user at a later date?
Twitter's solution for this sort of person-to-person communication is the Direct Message, however, Twitter has (rightfully) decided that both parties need to consent to this channel being available. This decision is intended to reduce the amount of spam in the Twitter ecosystem.
Posting public tweets that mention the username will get your users' attention, but it is also broadcasting their relationship with your company to the entire Twitter ecosystem. You will, essentially, be advertising their relationship with your company without their permission. This approach will bring you headaches sooner or later.
Email is probably a better choice for the sort of announcement to existing customers.

Embedding an interactive google calendar in website for multiple groups of users

I am thinking to embed google calendar in my website to achieve the following and was wondering if this is doable in google calendar. Otherwise I have to go find another solution.
I have groups of users with one super user, and rest are regular users as follows:
Super User 1
Regular User 1
Regular user 2
Group B
Super User 2
Regular User 3
Regular User 4
Each group have their own calendar. Users in each group can not see the other group's calendar. Only able to see their own group's calendar.
Super users of each group have all access to the calendar (add, modify, delete) and have the ability to control how much access regular users have in their group. (read only? read/write etc)
All users are registered to my website, therefore I am thinking to use only one google calendar account (my own account) to create a calendar for each group. Which leads to a question of authenticating my website to google's API. I need the authentication process to be automatic, hidden away from the user and be done on the server side.
My site is built using PHP/Mysql
I have tried the Javascript client library provided by google, however it require the user to type in username/password to log into google so that the authentication (OAuth2) process can work. As mentioned in previous paragraph, I only want the user's to log into my website, they do not need to login again into google account. This should be done on serverside.
I even went as far to create a login form with information prepopulated (hidden from the user, the username/password will be visible in "view page source") and send the request to, and make the form automatic submit once the user successfully login into my website. However this causes cross domain issues.
I may potentially have 10's of thousands of groups registered on my website. each group may have couple hundred users. Can one single google account create that many calendars?
Once the calendar is embedded into my website, it seems to be read-only. Is it possible to make it interactive so super users in each group can add/delete/modify events?
Any ideas/suggestions is much appreciated.
Thank you
No answers? It seems like your question is straightforward. If I understand correctly, you want to access calendars from several Google accounts/users. Each user needs to authorize this access, but they only need to do so once. You could generate these requests and send them out via email, for example. When the user grants permission, Google forwards a grant code to your specified callback_uri. The grant code is extremely volatile. It's used to request a token from Google that apparently lasts indefinitely. So there's no requirement that users continually log into Google.
In Google's calendar/simple.php example. The token is stored as a SESSION variable. Even though the token is persistent, the SESSION variable is not. Users have to grant authorization every time the SESSION variable expires. Storing persistent data in a volatile variable is absurd and probably gives the wrong impression about the OAuth2 token mechanism.
I spent a lot of time writing documentation that I couldn't find anywhere else. Please take a look if you think it might help:
What you're asking isn't possible in Google Calendar.
If you're looking to support thousands of groups and each group needs it's own calendar, then you're saying that you'd need thousands of calendars with access control and you'd need authentication to the calendar to be transparent.
