I'm looking to crawl Youtube videos within a given timeframe, e.g. return a list of all (or a fraction of) the videos posted between Jan 14th and Jan 22nd. Does anyone have experience using the youtube data API http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/getting_started.html#data_api in this manner, or should I us a crawler instead?
There is another framework called Tubekit to crawl and get videos. I started using that but now am confused if i should continue using it or should use the youtube API to crawl. Any ideas and suggestions ?
Link to TubeKit:
Haven't used that API, but it seems easy to search videos: http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/2.0/developers_guide_dotnet.html#Searching_for_Videos
There is a website called: TubeSift
This tool determines whether a video is "monetized" or not.
My simple question is...
Is there a way to determine if a specific YouTube video is monetized (can show in-stream ads) via some YouTube API?
If yes, which YouTube API?
If no, how then might TubeSift be determining this? Scraping the response?
Important distinction: this would be a video that you DON'T have authentication or credentials to manage - ie: it's someone else's video.
Similar questions asking slightly different things
youtube api to get channel monetization status?
I realize this question seems off-topic because it doesn't have a code example but YouTube's How to Get Help says to basically ask questions here on StackOverflow for help.
We support the YouTube Data API on Stack Overflow. Google engineers
monitor and answer questions with the youtube-api, youtube-data-api,
and youtube-v3-api tags.
There's really nowhere else to ask.
Youtube provides API to YouTube content partners. I also checked the tubetarget and used scraping also but scraping is very slow as compared to the tubetarget
See this page to get enrolled.
According to youtube: When using delegation in the YouTube Data API, the onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter is always required. The parameter's value is an ID that uniquely identifies the content owner. You can retrieve the ID programmatically by calling the YouTube Content ID API's contentOwners.list method.
Detailed description here
YouTube Partner Program overview, application checklist, & FAQs
Also, check this
YouTube Partner Program policies
Please let me know if you are able to get Content Id API
In my opinion, i think if the video is greater than 10 minutes, therefore that video is being monetized, i read somewhere before that a video needs to have at least 10 minutes in order to be monetized, and obviously we can get the video duration via the API.
The json key is:
+"contentDetails": {#213 ▼
+"duration": "PT4M21S"
The time is formatted as an ISO 8601 string. PT stands for Time Duration, 4M is 4 minutes, and 13S is 13 seconds.
But the way Tubesift does it is just an intelligent guess or maybe some randomizing the "monetized" tagged of a video.
Hope that helps.
I'm creating a website for users to post their videos on a particular topic. The videos will be processed with an intermediate server and then uploaded to each user's YouTube channel. However, I would like to know if the YouTube API, lets you know the number of likes you get each of these videos on YouTube.
Thank you for helping me
This is where to look. Please invest some effort of your own before asking on SO. Your question is easily solvable by using a search engine.
If you don't yet know how the YouTube API works, inform yourself first. Once you do know and were able to try something out, but are stuck, I encourage you to ask another question with your particular problem (after researching, of course).
After looking for hours I still can't find a proper example of how I would load a YouTube videos into a -UItableView or something similar. Something similar to this http://gyazo.com/cb89587662fab215312c764cda281309 . Does anyone know how to do anything like this or similar ?
You should use YouTube IFrame Player for iOS.
You can check out Objective C samples from YouTube and use YouTube Objective-C client library.
Here's a great talk about Mobile best practices for YouTube
Try this out.
IBM DeveloperWorks
I used this for help when I was starting out with the api for my site.
It uses SimpleXML and PHP, but can with some changes be used with json.
Hope this helps you on your way.
I had a working script written in PHP YouTube API 2.0 that would retrieve a feed of videos based on a search query.
Over the couple months it has been getting choppy and it won't consistently retrieve the amount of video views that each video has which is messing up my website.
Does anyone have or know where I can find a working Zend PHP YouTube API 3.0 example that will retrieve videos based on a specific search query?
Anything helps!
Check https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/code_samples/php
But be aware, that the V3 is still "experimental" and therefore some things might not work as expected ;)
you can find many code samples like https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/live/code_samples/php
Getting started - https://developers.google.com/gdata/articles/php_client_lib
YouTube API Samples project has a great example. Make sure, you enabled Data API v3 in your dev console first. Also Data API v3 is highly supported and not experimental anymore.
I noticed in the V3 API under Parameters there is a parameter called: suggestions.editorSuggestions[].
One of the items it takes is videoStabilize – The video appears shaky and could be stabilized.
Would this actually stabilize the video through the API or just offer it as a suggestion to the video owner? If the latter is there a way to stabilize through the API?
At the moment, the API response will offer that suggestion, but not let you act on it.
That being said... this upcoming Google I/O session is relevant to your question.