Problem with jQuery in rails - ruby-on-rails

How create a link_to_remote in a jQuery script where url need a parameter that is a javascript variable.
I need create a link_to_remote in pure jQuery.
Thanks in advance

You'll want to use the :with parameter with link_to_remote:
link_to_remote( args[:title],
:update => args[:update],
:url => { :action => args[:action],
:id => id,
:starting => args[:starting]
:with => "'filter[viewer_id]=' + $('filter_viewer_id').value",
:loading => "Element.hide('#{args[:update]}');'#{args[:loading]}')",
:complete => "'#{args[:update]}');Element.hide('#{args[:loading]}')" )
Notice how I am sending the filter_viewer_id by getting it's value from a form field with jQuery. If you don't need that level of detail, just pass the name of your javascript variable.

Like this:
<%= link_to_remote('Hello', :url => "/test?id='+ id +'&test=true") %>
This will result in:
# => Hello

Very little info on your post. Are you using Rails 3? If so, did you check the jquery-rails gem out?
Best regards,
-- J. Fernandes


Ruby on Rails: form_for works, but remote_form_for doesn't

<% remote_form_for(#media, :url => url_for(:controller => :attachments,
:action => :add_from_disk, :object_id => #object),
:html => { :multipart => true, :id => 'new_media', :onsubmit=>'unsaved_changes = false' } ) do |f| %>
but if I change the remote_form_for to form_for, I don't get this error:
ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid (Validation failed: Document file name must be set.):
Why would it work with form_for, but not the AJAX version?
You can't upload a file using AJAX.... You'll need to implement a flash uploader to send files in the background. It's not pretty, but Uploadify is pretty cool
Recommend keeping file uploading as regular form for.
Or you can use the jQuery form plugin, which works great. In this case you'd do a normal form_for, and inside of your javascript file (once you've included jquery and the jQForm lib in your html) you'd do something like this:
$(function() {
$("#myFormDomID").ajaxForm({ iFrame : true });

remote_function keeps adding authenticity token on GET requests

I got the problem similar to this post here:
map.namespace(:admin, :active_scaffold => true) do |admin|
admin.resources :regions, :shallow => true do |region|
region.resources :birds, :collection => {:search => :get}
<%= javascript_tag %Q(
#{remote_function(:update => 'bird_search', :url => search_admin_region_birds_path(, :method => :get)}
) %>
It displays url like:
which should be:
Without this working my Ajax pagination won't work... help!
what version of rails are you using?
that ticket says it was closed out, maybe you are on earlier version
the example output does not have the auth token
Fixed this by using Javascript instead of using RJS.
Many times RJS methods aren't very dependable when your apps get more complicated, so take care there.
Anyway for this problem I changed the code to:
<%= javascript_tag %Q(
new Ajax.Updater('region_birds', '#{of_region_admin_region_birds_path(}', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, method:'get'});
) %>

haml and no javascript? (rails: form_remote_tag and :with parameter)

i am trying to call a remote method to update page content via ajax/js.
either i am too tired already or haml is not parsing the following code correctly to send the value of the query field via prototype. any ideas?
- form_remote_tag(:url => {:controller => "search", :action => "line"},:with => "'query=' + $('query').value" ) do
%input{:type => 'text', :id => 'query'}
%input{:type => 'submit', :value => 'Search'}
thanks a lot!
Have you tried a
= form_remote_tag
instead of
- form_remote_tag
I'm new to HAML myself but I was under the impression that you'll need the form tag to be actually generated not just executed...
Try passing the :with as part of the options hash.
- form_remote_tag({ :url => {:controller => "search", :action => "line"}, :with => "'query=' + $('query').value" }) do
If that doesn't work, debug the problem: Look at the generated html. Is the text field with id query the only element in the page with that id? Is the js code correct? Use the Firebug console to ensure $('query').value returns whatever you've entered into the text field.
Still stuck? Add your generated html into your question so we can better help.
EDIT: Your query input tag does not have a name attribute. Without a name, the javascript helper code skips that field when serializing the form fields...also, you do not need the :with code.
%input{:type => 'text', :id => 'query', :name => 'query'}

remote_form_for in rails with the :with option

Is it possible to use the :with option with remote_form_for?
It works with link_to_remote, and the api docs seems to indicate :with should work with any of the remote_ methods.
Here is the code I'm using, and output it's producing:
Link_to_remote (works):
= link_to_remote 'ARGH', {:url => {:action => 'load_item', :id =>} , :with => "'elephant=mouse'"}
Remote_form_for (doesn't work)
= remote_form_for :policy, #policy, :url => {:action => 'load_item', :id =>} , :with => "'elephant=mouse'" do |f|
<form action="http://localhost:3000/quote_edit/load_item/5" method="post" onsubmit="new Ajax.Request('http://localhost:3000/quote_edit/load_item/5', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, parameters:Form.serialize(this)}); return false;">
Does anyone know how to make remote_form_for pick up on this option?
Or is it being ignored by remote_form_for as it needs to use parameters:Form.serialize(this) to pick up the values from the current form?
Dave Smylie
I had the same problem when I wanted to use javascript to calculate the id of the url.
Researched the source code and determined that remote forms and submits don't seem to allow the :with statement to work.
I got around this using a hidden field called overridden_id on the form. Then in the :before option, I added javascript to set the hidden fields value.
Inside the controller I added "params[:overriden_id] || parmam[:id]" to my Find to override the default id passed into the url.

Ruby on Rails / Yellow Maps For Ruby Plugin woes

Okay I've read through the plugin comments and the docs as well and I have yet to come up with an answer as to how to do this. Here's my problem I want to use the :info_window_tabs and the :icon option, but I don't know what format to pass my information in. According to the documentation the following code should be correct. Here's my code:
#mapper.overlay_init([, map.lng],
:title =>,
:info_window_tabs => [
{:tab => "HTML", :content => #marker_html},
{:tab => "Attachments", :content => "stuff"}],
:icon => {
:image => "../images/icon.png"
The readme and documentation can be viewed here.
And the relevant ruby file that I am trying to interact with, including the author's comments, can be viewed here.
I have tried the #rubyonrails channel in IRC as well as emailing the author directly and reporting an issue at GitHub. It really is just a question of syntax.
Okay, so I finally got this figured out. Here's how you do it; :icon accepts a GIcon variable and :info_window_tabs accepts an array of GInfoWindowTabs. Here is how you would declare each with the plugin.
Declare GIcon
#mapper.icon_global_init( => "../images/civil.png",
:icon_anchor =>,0),
:shadow => "../images/shadow.png",
:shadow_size =>,32),
:info_window_anchor =>,2)), "civil_icon")
#civil_icon ="civil_icon")
Declare GInfoWindowTab
#tab1 ='Tab 1 Label', 'HTML for inside of tab1')
#tab2 ='Tab 2 Label', 'HTML for inside of tab2')
#window_tabs = [#tab1, #tab2]
Then in your GMarker declaration just do the following:
#mapper.overlay_init([, map.lng],
:title =>,
:icon => #civil_icon,
:max_width => 300,
:info_window_tabs => #window_tabs))
And you're done.
