Ruby on Rails / Yellow Maps For Ruby Plugin woes - ruby-on-rails

Okay I've read through the plugin comments and the docs as well and I have yet to come up with an answer as to how to do this. Here's my problem I want to use the :info_window_tabs and the :icon option, but I don't know what format to pass my information in. According to the documentation the following code should be correct. Here's my code:
#mapper.overlay_init([, map.lng],
:title =>,
:info_window_tabs => [
{:tab => "HTML", :content => #marker_html},
{:tab => "Attachments", :content => "stuff"}],
:icon => {
:image => "../images/icon.png"
The readme and documentation can be viewed here.
And the relevant ruby file that I am trying to interact with, including the author's comments, can be viewed here.
I have tried the #rubyonrails channel in IRC as well as emailing the author directly and reporting an issue at GitHub. It really is just a question of syntax.

Okay, so I finally got this figured out. Here's how you do it; :icon accepts a GIcon variable and :info_window_tabs accepts an array of GInfoWindowTabs. Here is how you would declare each with the plugin.
Declare GIcon
#mapper.icon_global_init( => "../images/civil.png",
:icon_anchor =>,0),
:shadow => "../images/shadow.png",
:shadow_size =>,32),
:info_window_anchor =>,2)), "civil_icon")
#civil_icon ="civil_icon")
Declare GInfoWindowTab
#tab1 ='Tab 1 Label', 'HTML for inside of tab1')
#tab2 ='Tab 2 Label', 'HTML for inside of tab2')
#window_tabs = [#tab1, #tab2]
Then in your GMarker declaration just do the following:
#mapper.overlay_init([, map.lng],
:title =>,
:icon => #civil_icon,
:max_width => 300,
:info_window_tabs => #window_tabs))
And you're done.


FBGraph message containing embedded link text in ruby on rails?

I am new in FBGraph and ruby.
I am using FBGraph api for facebook and the following code for posting.
me =
:message => 'Updating via FbGraph',
Its working fine for me.
I want to post a message containing an html tag Text
Please advice.
Thanks in Advance
You would add the following to me.feed! (I added some others just for good measure):
:message => 'Updating via FbGraph',
:name => 'Update',
:link => '',
:description => 'My description'

How do you use the Gibbon Gem to automatically add subscribers to specific interest groups in MailChimp?

I'm trying to figure out how I can use the Gibbon gem in Rails to automatically add subscribers to specific interest groups in MailChimp?
I've found this article which details a non-Rails method for doing so:
I'd like to figure out how to implement that functionality using the Gibbon gem:
FYI, I'm also a novice with both MailChimp and Rails.
Finally, after hours of perusing through code. I've found the example I'm looking for!
Thanks to TJ Moretto for providing this on a Google Groups thread:
I'm using the gibbon gem, but ran into the same types of issues.
Here's how I had to format the parameters to finally get this to work:
gb.list_subscribe({:id => "#{}",
:email_address =>,
:update_existing => true,
:double_optin => false,
:send_welcome => false,
:merge_vars => {'FNAME' => "#{user.first_name}",
'LNAME' => "#{user.last_name}",
'GROUPINGS' => {0 => {'id' =>, 'groups' => "#{}"}}}
Hope that helps.
Mailchimp Team - based on the number of issues that everyone runs into
when trying to do this (across all programming languages), I suggest
you update the API documentation to be more clear.
Update for version 2.0 of the MailChimp API and version 1.0 of Gibbon (For #Calin and posterity). Here are the necessary changes from the previous version. The API object is accessed like this now:
gb =
And list methods like so:
Finally the :email_address parameter has been replaced by the :email parameter, which should be given a value of the following form: The value should itself be a hash with one key, either 'email' or 'leid', and the value should be either the email address of the subscriber or MC's unique identifier (LEID) for the subscriber.
So a full subscription call might look something like this:
gb =
gb.lists.subscribe(:id => "ed6d1dfef4",
:email =>
{ "email" => "" },
:merge_vars =>
{:groupings =>
0 => { :id => "95", :groups => ["Some Group", "Another Group"]},
1 => { :id => "34", :groups => ["A Third Group"]}
:update_existing => "true",
:double_optin => "false",
:replace_interests => "false")

Capturing Webpages Using Nokogiri -- Need to semi-persistent data

I've got a module that does webscraping. I use this method a number of times, since it captures all the data on the webpage.
def page_as_xml(uri)
#page_as_xml ||= Nokogiri::HTML(open(uri))
Since I'll use the above method a handful of times for each page, it makes sense to keep it in an instance variable. However, how do I "empty out" the instance variable after I'm done?
All the webcsraping ends up in a hash (see below). If I don't "empty out" the instance variable, then the same page_as_xml data will get used for each page.
:page1 =>
:url => #page1,
:title => download_title(#page1),
:meta_tags => download_robots_tags(#page1)
:page2 =>
:url => #page2,
:title => download_title(#page2),
:meta_tags => download_robots_tags(#page2)
:page3 =>
:url => #page3,
:title => download_title(#page3),
:meta_tags => download_robots_tags(#page3)
How about make it a hash:
#pages_as_xml[uri] ||= Nokogiri::HTML(open(uri))
Now you don't have to worry about emptying it (unless memory is an issue).
I don't really understand why you need to call it more than once though. Also why do you call it page_as_xml if it is html?

Problem with jQuery in rails

How create a link_to_remote in a jQuery script where url need a parameter that is a javascript variable.
I need create a link_to_remote in pure jQuery.
Thanks in advance
You'll want to use the :with parameter with link_to_remote:
link_to_remote( args[:title],
:update => args[:update],
:url => { :action => args[:action],
:id => id,
:starting => args[:starting]
:with => "'filter[viewer_id]=' + $('filter_viewer_id').value",
:loading => "Element.hide('#{args[:update]}');'#{args[:loading]}')",
:complete => "'#{args[:update]}');Element.hide('#{args[:loading]}')" )
Notice how I am sending the filter_viewer_id by getting it's value from a form field with jQuery. If you don't need that level of detail, just pass the name of your javascript variable.
Like this:
<%= link_to_remote('Hello', :url => "/test?id='+ id +'&test=true") %>
This will result in:
# => Hello
Very little info on your post. Are you using Rails 3? If so, did you check the jquery-rails gem out?
Best regards,
-- J. Fernandes

Auto_complete_for question

I've recently installed this plugin, and I meant to create a Tag field with it, like StackOverFlow does.
When I put the following syntax on my AnnouncementsController(I want to tag announcements) it works great:
auto_complete_for :announcement, :title
protect_from_forgery :only => [:create, :delete, :update]
Also, I had to add the routes syntax as well to make it work:
map.resources :announcements, :collection => {:auto_complete_for_announcement_title => :get }
Now, when I try to accomplish the same with the tags, at the time I create a new announcement, I simply replace the word "announcement" for "tag" and "title" for "name", and it won't work. Tag makes reference for my Tags table at the database.
The error says the following:
<h1> ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
in AnnouncementsController#show </h1>
<pre>Couldn't find Announcement with ID=auto_complete_for_tag_name</pre>
Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?
In your view you probably want to change:
<%= text_field_with_auto_complete :announcement, :title %>
<%= text_field_with_auto_complete :tag, :name %>
to make it work, take another look at the error it's giving, it's still calling announcement.
--- edit:
from autocomplete source:
def text_field_with_auto_complete(object, method, tag_options = {}, completion_options = {})
Well, I finally got the answer to my problem.
I was missing the following at routes.rb:
map.auto_complete '/:controller/:action',
:requirements => { :action => /auto_complete_for_\S+/ },
:conditions => { :method => :get }
My new question now it works is the following:
What if I wanted to multi-tag an announcements, for example: "Ruby, C#". Should I change the plugin's logic or is there a functionality to make this work? Cause right now, it will check for the text_field text, not discriminating a new word after a comma or any kind of separator.
