How to add Previous / Next links in show view? - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to add Prevous/Next links in my show view. Here is the model:
belongs_to :skill
has_many :positions, :order => 'salary desc, id desc'
position/show view:
<%= link_to("Previous", #position.previous) if #position.previous %>
<%= link_to("Next", if %>
position.rb (new lines added for readibility)
def next
.where("skill_id = ? AND salary <= ? AND id < ?", skill_id, salary, id)
.order("salary desc, id desc").first
This doesn't do what I want. Records should be ordered first by salary, and than by id.
I think will_paginate won't help me because it's only for collections (won't work in the show view)

You should look at the paginate gem it does all the logic for you and creates your view links as well

Ok, try looking at this gem:
It seems the issue is your SQL mojo isn't quite on target, but as I have absolutely no SQL mojo I don't know why your approach isn't working.
Metawhere lets you use very precise ruby code for generating complex SQL queries. From the project homepage it gives this example of complex order clauses:
:comments => [:created_at.asc, :updated_at]
So, I think if you were using metawhere you could simply add this to your where clause:
... :order => [:id.desc, :salary.desc] ...
or chain it on as a .order().
I hope that helps!

I found the solution :) It's rather long, but it works:
where("skill_id = ? AND salary = ? AND id < ?
skill_id = ? AND salary < ?",
skill_id, salary, id, skill_id, salary
.order("salary desc, id desc").first


Arel: join table, sort on joined field

I have the following ActiveRecord Models
class Publication < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :id, :pname
has_many :advertisements
class Vendor < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :id, :vname
has_many :advertisements
class Advertisement < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :id, :vendor_id, :publication_id, :prose, :aname
belongs_to :vendor
belongs_to :publication
The tables for these have the same fields as their accessible attributes.
I would like to be able to sort on the publication name, ad name, or vendor name, ascending or descending.
I also have a controller for the advertisements, where I want to display a list of ads. The list displays the name of the ad (aname), prose of the ad (prose), the name of the vendor (vname), and the name of the publication (pname).
The SQL query for ordering by publication name would look something like:
SELECT ads.aname AS aname,, ads.prose, ven.vname AS vname, pub.pname AS pname
FROM advertisements AS ads
INNER JOIN publications AS pub ON ads.publication_id =
INNER JOIN vendors AS ven ON ads.vendor_id =
ORDER BY <sort_column> <sort_order>
Where sort_column could be one of "pname", "aname", or "vname", and sort_order could be one of "ASC" or "DESC", and both would come as parameters from the web form along with the pagination page number.
The controller index code looks like this:
class AdvertisementsController < ApplicationController
def index
sort_column = params[:sort_column]
sort_order = params[:sort_order]
#ads = Advertisement.join( somehow join tables)
.where(some condition).where(some other condition)
.order("#{sort_column} #{sort_order}") ### I don't know what to do here
.paginate(page: params[:page], per_page: 10) #from will_paginate
# other controller methods.......
The index view table snippet (written in SLIM) looks like this:
- #ads.each do |ad|
td =
td = ad.aname
td = ad.pname
td = ad.vname
I am aware that I could use AREL to do this, but I have been mucking around with AREL in the Rails console trying to generate and execute this query with pagination, and reading tutorials on the web and I can't figure out how to get this query in AREL, with sorting on joined fields, and with the ability to use a will_paginate Ruby query clause to paginate the query.
How does one use AREL, or even ActiveRecord to do this? I appreciate any help I can get.
You can accomplish what you want with vanilla ActiveRecord methods, without Arel. What you have is pretty close, this might help you get there.
# whitelist incoming params
sort_column = %w(pname aname vname).include?(params[:sort_column]) ? params[:sort_column] : "pname"
sort_order = %w(asc desc).include?(params[:sort_order]) ? params[:sort_order] : "desc"
#ads ="advertisements.*, vendors.vname, publications.pname").
joins(:publication, :vendor).
where(some condition).
where(some other condition).
order("#{sort_column} #{sort_order}").
You can have the solution work with both Arel and ActiveRecord. I would suggest you stick to ActiveRecord as much as you can unless you cant do it with AR.
Arel is great, but lately I have seen that in my code base, it reduces overall readability, esp if you mix it with AR or use too much of it.
Also couple of other suggestions:
On the same query about try using "includes" instead of using "joins". You might that its easier than having to add the select clause. I use includes for outerjoins, but for a more detailed comparison, google "includes vs joins", it is very interesting.
In complete opposite direction of my first suggestion, in case you queries are going to get complex, I highly recommend using or for your use case.
Especially if you not doing the above for just learning purposes.

grouping with a non-primary key in postgres / activerecord

I have a model Lap:
class Lap < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :car
def self.by_carmodel(carmodel)
scoped = joins(:car_model).where(:car_models => {:name => carmodel})
def self.fastest_per_car
scoped = select("",:car_id, :time, :mph).group("", :car_id, :time, :mph).order("time").limit(1)
I want to only return the fastest lap for each car.
So, I need to group the Laps by the Lap.car_id and then only return the fastest lap time based on that car, which would determined by the column Lap.time
Basically I would like to stack my methods in my controller:
#corvettes = Lap.by_carmodel("Corvette").fastest_per_car
Hopefully that makes sense...
When trying to run just Lap.fastest_per_car I am limiting everything to 1 result, rather than 1 result per each Car.
Another thing I had to do was add "" as :id was showing up empty in my results as well. If i just select(:id) it was saying ambiguous
I think a decent approach to this would be to add a where clause based on an efficient SQL syntax for returning the single fastest lap.
Something like this correlated subquery ...
select ...
from laps
where id = (select id
from laps laps_inner
where laps_inner.car_id = laps.car_id
order by time asc,
created_at desc
limit 1)
It's a little complex because of the need to tie-break on created_at.
The rails scope would just be:
where(" = (select id
from laps laps_inner
where laps_inner.car_id = laps.car_id
order by time asc,
created_at desc
limit 1)")
An index on car_id would be pretty essential, and if that was a composite index on (car_id, time asc) then so much the better.
You are using limit which will return you one single value. Not one value per car. To return one car value per lap you just have to join the table and group by a group of columns that will identify one lap (id is the simplest).
Also, you can have a more ActiveRecord friendly friendly with:
class Lap < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :car
def self.by_carmodel(carmodel)
joins(:car_model).where(:car_models => {:name => carmodel})
def self.fastest_per_car
.select("laps.*, MIN(car_models.time) AS min_time")
.order("min_time ASC")
This is what I did and its working. If there is a better way to go about these please post your answer:
in my model:
def self.fastest_per_car
select('DISTINCT ON (car_id) *').order('car_id, time ASC').sort_by! {|ts| ts.time}

Find and display nearest date in RoR

I am new to ruby on rails and I'm not sure where to start with this. I have a model for users, and one for projects. Users have many projects, and projects have one user. There is an end_date column in the projects table (as well as a name column).
What I want to do is find the project with the nearest end_date and display it's name and end date on the user's show page.
I tried putting this code in the projects controller, but I do not know if it is working, because I don't know how to access it and display the project name in the view.
def next_deadline(after =, limit = 1)
find(:all, :conditions => ['end_date > ?', after], :limit => limit)
Any help would be appreciated. Let me know if more information is needed.
As #Dan mentioned, you do need the :order clause to get the first one, but you should add it to your query and not replace the :conditions (otherwise you'll get the project with the earliest end_date irrespective of your after argument). The way you're defining this method is a bit off though. It should be defined in your Project model (and definitely not the controller) as a class method, or, what I think is a better approach, as a scope. In Rails < 3 (which it seems that you're using):
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
named_scope :next_deadline, { |after =, limit = 1| {:conditions => ['end_date > ?', after], :order => "end_date ASC", :limit => limit} }
Or in Rails >= 3:
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :next_deadline, { |after =, limit = 1| where('end_date > ?', after).order("end_date ASC").limit(limit) }
Also, you can always test this kind of code using the Rails console: script/console in Rails < 3, rails c in Rails >= 3.
#projects = Project.find_by_sql("SELECT projects.* FROM projects
JOIN users ON = projects.user_id AND projects.user_id = " + + "
WHERE projects.end_date > now()
ORDER BY projects.end_date ASC
LIMIT " + limit)
#projects = Project.where(:user_id =>
.where("end_date > ?",
.order("end_date ASC")
You want to use :order, not :conditions.
Model.find(:all , :order => "end_date ASC")
Then the first result will be the item with the closest end_date
As Dan said, the condition you wrote won't get the nearest end date, but the dates that are greater than today, or the date passed in as a parameter.
In your User model you could write
def next_deadline_project
as long as you give projects a default scope that orders records by end_date
In order to show information on the view you must set it in an instance variable in the User's controller show method. Instance variables are passed to views and you can access them to display the data.
#project = next_deadline_project
And in your show.html.erb you can use something like:
<%= %> - <%= #project.end_date %>

Simple ActiveRecord Question

I have a database model set up such that a post has many votes, a user has many votes and a post belongs to both a user and a post. I'm using will paginate and I'm trying to create a filter such that the user can sort a post by either the date or the number of votes a post has. The date option is simple and looks like this:
#posts = Post.paginate :order => "date DESC"
However, I can't quite figure how to do the ordering for the votes. If this were SQL, I would simply use GROUP BY on the votes user_id column, along with the count function and then I would join the result with the posts table.
What's the correct way to do with with ActiveRecord?
1) Use the counter cache mechanism to store the vote count in Post model.
# add a column called votes_count
class Post
has_many :votes
class Vote
belongs_to :post, :counter_cache => true
Now you can sort the Post model by vote count as follows:
2) Use group by."posts.*, COUNT(votes.post_id) votes_count").
If you want to include the posts without votes in the result-set then:"posts.*, COUNT(votes.post_id) votes_count").
join("LEFT OUTER JOIN votes ON").
I prefer approach 1 as it is efficient and the cost of vote count calculation is front loaded (i.e. during vote casting).
Just do all the normal SQL stuff as part of the query with options.
#posts = Post.paginate :order => "date DESC", :join => " inner join votes on" , :group => " votes.user_id"
So I don't know much about your models, but you seem to know somethings about SQL so
named scopes: you basically just put the query into a class method:
named_scope :index , :order => 'date DESC', :join => .....
but they can take parameters
named_scope :blah, {|param| #base query on param }
for you, esp if you are more familiar with SQL you can write your own query,
#posts = Post.find_by_sql( <<-SQL )
SELECT posts.*

ActiveRecord and SELECT AS SQL statements

I am developing in Rails an app where I would like to rank a list of users based on their current points. The table looks like this: user_id:string, points:integer.
Since I can't figure out how to do this "The Rails Way", I've written the following SQL code:
self.find_by_sql ['SELECT t1.user_id, t1.points, COUNT(t2.points) as user_rank FROM registrations as t1, registrations as t2 WHERE t1.points <= t2.points OR (t1.points = t2.points AND t1.user_id = t2.user_id) GROUP BY t1.user_id, t1.points ORDER BY t1.points DESC, t1.user_id DESC']
The thing is this: the only way to access the aliased column "user_rank" is by doing ranking[0].user_rank, which brinks me lots of headaches if I wanted to easily display the resulting table.
Is there a better option?
how about:
#ranked_users = User.all :order => 'users.points'
then in your view you can say
<% #ranked_users.each_with_index do |user, index| %>
<%= "User ##{index}, #{} with #{user.points} points %>
<% end %>
if for some reason you need to keep that numeric index in the database, you'll need to add an after_save callback to update the full list of users whenever the # of points anyone has changes. You might look into using the acts_as_list plugin to help out with that, or that might be total overkill.
Try adding user_rank to your model.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def rank
#determine rank based on self.points (switch statement returning a rank name?)
Then you can access it with #user.rank.
What if you did:
SELECT t1.user_id, COUNT(t1.points)
FROM registrations t1
GROUP BY t1.user_id
If you want to get all rails-y, then do
cool_users = self.find_by_sql ['(sql above)']
cool_users.each do |cool_user|
puts "#{cool_user[0]} scores #{cool_user[1]}"
