How to create Datasource objects using jndi in netbeans - jndi

I have tried to create a data source object using jndi, but i got error like driver not found in the org.dhcp. i have dropped the odbc14.jar file in the both cataline.
which book should i refer and also tell me which book for jsf beginners?

You shouldn't be using the odbc14.jar. (I'm assuming that you're using Oracle for your database.) The "14" in that JAR name refers to the version of the JDK that you deploy to. You'll be better off if you find the matching driver JAR for JDK 5 or 6.
Put the JAR in the /lib directory of your Tomcat deployment. (You said Catalina, so I'll assume Tomcat.)
You need more than a JAR to create a JNDI data source. Here are some docs to help you. (I'll assume Tomcat 6.)
You can tell from all the assumptions that I had to make that your question is missing a lot of very important information. I'd recommend that you bone up on how to ask smart questions.


Correctly provisioning the graph data science plugin on grapheneDB

I have a graph working fully with the plugin locally in neo4j desktop. I've replicated everything from this graph in my grapheneDB instance. I can't use the gds procedures as I get the error:
gds.proc... is unavailable because it is sandboxed and has dependencies outside of the sandbox. Sandboxing is controlled by the setting. Only unrestrict procedures you can trust with access to database internals.
I know to fix this I need to add these two lines to the config/properties file:*,gds.**,gds.*
I just dont know how to do that on grapheneDB, I've read all the docs I can find.
I've tried adding the gds plugin by adding the jar file as just a stored procedure and then also as a server extension with a zip file containing both the jar file and the two config lines mention above in a file.
When added as a server extension I can tell neo4j hasnt found the gds plugin at all. Am I just missing a location in the properties file? Or am I missing something obvious in the stored procedure upload method?
Using the dev free tier graphenedb, Neo4j Community Edition 3.5.17 and graph data science 1.1.1
After a couple of weeks back and forth with graphene support, the config changes have been made. They will be adding support for the GDS plugin as part of their base image soon, but until then you may still need to request that they patch your db for you and add it as a stored procedure.

Neo4J User Defined Functions - How to deploy new functions?

I'm learning Cypher since yesterday and I read about the user defined functions.
There's many material on how to use the functions, but not many on how to deploy new ones.
I would like to try out but I'm having a hard time on finding a step-by-step tutorial on how to deploy new functions to my desktop app.
The ones I have found bypass some concepts as they were too obvious. And maybe they are for someone coming from a Java background or whatever the background is you're supposed to have when using Neo4J. ...But I come from a Javascript background. I'm used to npm, never heard of maven (just an example).
It would be nice you someone could help with a detailed step-by-step tutorial on how to write and deploy a new user defined function in Neo4J.
For helping a bit.
User defined functions are only writables in Java code for now. They're server extensions. You write the code with a Java editor (outside Neo4j) and publish it under a Java Archive (a file with extension .jar) into the /plugins directory of your Neo4j installation (
Many useful procedures already exist with APOC extension ( depending of your Neo4j server version.
Try them first bfeore developping yours, especially if you're starting with CYPHER. Some of them should solve your usuals demands.
All of extensions are taking effect after a restart of Neo4j.
Note : Maven is a dependency manager for Java.

Mixed mode assembly is built against version 'v1.1.4322' of the runtime and cannot

I am trying to get a windows service to work but I keep getting the following error...
Mixed mode assembly is built against version 'v1.1.4322' of the runtime and cannot be loaded in the 4.0 runtime without additional configuration information.
The windows service is pretty simple. It looks at some data, does some organization and sends some information of to a database. If the data meets certain conditions, the service connects to K2 Workflow, find the correct item, then claims and completes the item.
My problem comes about when trying to connect to K2 in an assembly which was build with .NET 1.1. I have tried adding
<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0"/>
to any and all config files in my project but it does not work. The peculiar thing is that when I run the service in debug mode and step through, I have no problems and everything works fine, but when I install and run it as a service, this issue comes up.
I have checked to make sure that the config is getting copied when I install it, but I am just stumped now because the only thing I can find anywhere is the configuration addition which doesnt seem to be solving my problem.
I figured out my problem. It turns out it had to do with the framework that I was using. I thought that my service exe was myservice.exe so I named my config file myservice.exe.config. Upon further investigation, I found out that the service was inheriting from a base service class and that the executable was named serviceshell.exe so my config file needed to be named serviceshell.exe.config.
Can you give some details about the assemblies you're using. The K2 assembly you should be using is SourceCode.Workflow.Client, which simply should work with all .net versions.

Create Debian package using Apache Ant

Is there anywhere that can give you a tutorial or anything on creating a Debian package using Ant?
I'm being told its already a part of Ant but I've never seen any functions even remotely associated with it.
I don't want to use ant-deb-task either seeing as its not actually part of Ant.
There is no task for this in the core Ant distribution.
There are examples for ant-deb-task available in the examples file on the download page.
Another option is jdeb which also provides documentation.

windbg: version of loaded assemblies

does anybody know how to figure out the assembly versions (not file versions) of loaded assemblies if I have a full memory dump?
Suppose I have a full dump of the .net process and I found two assemblies with the same name loaded in one AppDomain. I need to know what versions those assemblies have.
The SOS commands !dumpmodule, !dumpassembly and !dumpdomain do not provide that kind of information or I just missed something.
Thank you in advance.
You could try the !SaveModule SOS command. This takes the start address of an assembly and creates a new file (the name of which is given by you) to save the contents of the assembly. You could then use something like .NET Refletor to open the file, and it might give you the .NET version somewhere in there. This SO question has some details on that:
How to find out which version of the .NET Framework an executable needs to run?
As for the !SaveModule command, here's a blog article that describes how to use it:
