Save a Prawn PDF as a Paperclip attachment? - ruby-on-rails

I'm using Prawn and Prawnto to display a PDF-based reports to the user, but in some circumstances, I'd also like to save the PDF as an attachment to one of my models. I'm using Paperclip for all of my attachments. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this?

When using prawnto you will need to eval the variables in the .pdf.prawn template.
Second step is to mimic a real file for paperclip.
Generating the PDF:
#find the prawwnto template you want
template ="#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/views/reports/your_report.pdf.prawn")
pdf = => 'A4', :your_options => :etc)
pdf.instance_eval do
#report = find_report #put here, all local variables that the pdf template needs
eval(template) #this evaluates the template with your variables
attachment = pdf.render
Save PDF with paperclip:
file = #mimic a real upload file
file.class.class_eval { attr_accessor :original_filename, :content_type } #add attr's that paperclip needs
file.original_filename = "your_report.pdf"
file.content_type = "application/pdf"
#now just use the file object to save to the Paperclip association.
# assuming your Paperclip association is named "pdf_report"
#report_store.pdf_report = file!
Hope this helps.

It should work if you just pass a File reference to that PDF to Paperclip.
require 'prawn'
pdf =
pdf.text("Prawn Rocks")
pdf_file ='/path/to/prawn.pdf')
# assuming your Paperclip association is named "pdf_attachment"
my_model.pdf_attachment = pdf_file

I got it working without instance eval by turning it the other way around : generate the PDF in your model and render it in you controller
In a model :
def generate_pdf => 'A4', :top_margin => 0, :left_margin => 0) do |pdf|
<your pdf code here>
<copy paste from your template>
You can then send it as a mail attachment :
attachment = generate_pdf
mail = Notifier.send_pdf(attachment)
Or render it in your browser windows in your controller :
send_data your_model.generate_pdf, :type => "application/pdf", :disposition => 'inline'

This worked for me
pdf = => "LETTER", :page_layout => :landscape)
pdf.render_file File.join(Rails.root, "app/pdfs", "x.pdf")
current_user.certificate ="#{Rails.root}/app/pdfs/x.pdf")!
Where certificate is what my paperclip attachment is saved as in the model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :certificate

#Adam Albrecht,You will be saving image as a attachment but for saving pdf as an attachment you need to add one more validation -
****validates_attachment :document, content_type: { content_type: 'application/pdf' }****


How to display image returned from Mongoid::GridFs

I'm trying to display my image saved in Mongo in the record row with the rails_admin gem.
I have my model saving, and my image saving, and I'm saving the image ID in the model record.
Here's my model:
require 'mongoid/grid_fs'
class Asset
include Mongoid::Document
field :data_file_name, type: String
field :data_content_type, type: String
field :data_file_size, type: Integer
field :image_id, type: String
Here's what I'm trying to do in rails_admin.rb for my Asset model:
list do
field :id
field :data_file_name
field :data_content_type
field :data_file_size
field :image do
formatted_value do
grid_fs = Mongoid::GridFs
bindings[:view].tag(:img, { :src => grid_fs.get(bindings[:object].image_id)})
And here's the action responsible for saving the model and image:
register_instance_option :controller do
proc do
if request.get? # EDIT
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render #action.template_name }
format.js { render #action.template_name, layout: false }
elsif request.put? # UPDATE
tempFile = params[:picture][:asset].tempfile
file =
grid_fs = Mongoid::GridFS
grid_file = grid_fs.put(file.path) do |asset|
asset.data_file_name = params[:picture][:asset].original_filename
asset.data_content_type = params[:picture][:asset].content_type
asset.data_file_size = ::ApplicationController.helpers.number_to_human_size(File.size(tempFile))
asset.image_id =
The model is saving, and I can see the file saving in fs.files and fs.chunks, but at the moment, I'm just getting the following in the record row:
I've now tried getting the file from mongo (Which seems to work) and then displaying the image by using the file's actual filename.
field :image do
formatted_value do
grid_fs = Mongoid::GridFs
f = grid_fs.get(bindings[:object].image_id)
bindings[:view].tag(:img, { :src => f.filename})
Unfortunately this hasn't changed anything. Trying to open the image in a new tab takes me to the following link: /admin/asset#<Mongoid::GridFs::Fs::File:0x981vj5ry>
Update 2:
Changed field :image_id, type: String to field :image_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
No change in result.
If you are saving image data in GridFS, you need to have an endpoint in your application to retrieve that image data from GridFS and serve it to the applications. See this answer for how to serve image data: Rails - How to send an image from a controller
Then, link to this endpoint instead of linking to "f.filename" as you have indicated in the last code snippet.
After a lot more research, it looks like you can encode the data returned from grid_fs to base64.
In turn, you can use this to display the image by specifying the source to be  like so:
field :asset_thumbnail do
formatted_value do
grid_fs = Mongoid::GridFs
f = grid_fs.get(bindings[:object].thumb_image_id)
b64 = Base64.strict_encode64(
bindings[:view].tag(:img, { :src => "data:image/png;base64,"+b64})

Reading Image url via CSV upload in Rails

I'm trying to upload a CSV file that has an image URL as one of the fields. I'm using paperclip to process images in my Rails 4 app. Here is the import code in my model. Can you tell me what's wrong with the below syntax - specifically the URI parsing code? If I remove the image field from my CSV file, everything uploads correctly.
I want rails to get the jpg file from the url and save it on our server. It's an ecommerce app so I'm trying to load product images for each product.
require 'csv'
require 'open-uri'
def self.import(file)
CSV.foreach(file.path, headers: true) do |row|
listing_hash = {:name => row['Name'], :description => row['Description'],
:price => row['Price'], :image => URI.parse.row['Image'] }
listing = Listing.where(id: listing_hash["id"])
if listing.count == 1
end # end if !product.nil?
end # end CSV.foreach
end # end self.import(file)
This part is wrong:
:image => URI.parse.row['Image']
You should be passing row['Image'] to the parse method like this:

Use paperclip for saving base64 images obtained from an api

I have a Photo model with an image attribute. The image contains a base64 string obtained from an api. I need to run an after_create callback and I was thinking I could use Paperclip for saving the image to the disk in the callback as it would save me some work implementing the folder structure in the public folder and generating thumbnails. Is there an easy way to do that?
To answer my own question, here is what I've come up with:
class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
before_validation :set_image
has_attached_file :image, styles: { thumb: "x100>" }
validates_attachment :image, presence: true, content_type: { content_type: ["image/jpeg", "image/jpg"] }, size: { in: 0..10.megabytes }
def set_image do |data|
data.class.class_eval { attr_accessor :original_filename, :content_type }
data.original_filename = "file.jpg"
data.content_type = "image/jpeg"
self.image = data
image_json is a text field containing the actual base64 encoded image (just the data part, eg "/9j/4AAQSkZJRg...")
your set_image should look something like this
def set_image
self.update({image_attr: "data:image/jpeg;base64," + image_json[PATH_TO_BASE64_DATA]})
At least with Paperclip 5 it works out of the box you need to provide base64 string with format data:image/jpeg;base64,#{base64_encoded_file}
For you model it will be
image: "data:image/jpeg;base64,#{image_json}",
image_file_name: 'file.jpg' # this way you can provide file_name
Additionally in your controller you do not need to change anything:-) (maybe you would like to accept :image_file_name in params)
As of Paperclip 5.2 you need to register the DataUriAdapter for Paperclip to handle base64 images for you.
In config/initializers/paperclip put:
Then as #eldi says you can just do:
image: "data:image/jpeg;base64,#{image_json}",
image_file_name: 'file.jpg' # this way you can provide file_name
(See Paperclip release notes here)
require 'RMagick'
data = params[:image_text]# code like this 
image_data = Base64.decode64(data['data:image/png;base64,'.length .. -1])"somefilename.png", 'wb')
After you kan use image as file image)#save useng paperclip in Photo model

Fancybox not showing uploaded pictures with CarrierWave

I am trying to use fancybox to display images. When I use static images, as the existing in the assets folder, all works fine. However, when I try to use uploaded images which were saved using carrierwave, it always puts the next message: "The requested content cannot be loaded.".
The code that I am using to display the picture is the next:
class Upload
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Timestamps
mount_uploader :file, UploadUploader
# Fields
field :file, type: String
field :filename, type: String
field :file64, type: String
field :size_file, type: Integer
field :file_extension, type: String
# Validations
validates_presence_of :file
# Hooks
before_validation do
if not self.file.url and self.filename and self.file64
sio = Base64.decode64( self.file64 ) )
sio.original_filename = self.filename
self.file = sio
self.filename = nil
self.file64 = nil
before_save do
self.size_file = self.size
self.file_extension = File.extname( self.file.to_s )[1..-1]
def base64
MIME::Types.type_of( self.file.url ).first.content_type
def size
= link_to upload_path( ), class: 'fancybox' do
= image_tag upload_path( ), height: 174, width: 256
$( ".fancybox" ).fancybox()
I have tried lots of things to make the code works. For example, in the view, I change the "href" of the link_tag and the "src" of the image_tag, to the show path of the upload but it still does not work. Also, I tried to load the picture using AJAX and using the "content" property of fancybox but I obtained the same result. Finally, I created a show action for the upload controller in which I only display the picture and used the "content" and "type" properties of fancybox to use html, but I can not see the picture (no routes matches with the url of the picture, not the show action).
I have spent a lot of hours trying to make it works but I can not find anything. Thanks in advance.
class UploadsController < ApplicationController
respond_to :html, :json
def show
if request.format.html?
content_type = MIME::Types.type_for( #upload.file.url ).first.content_type
send_file #upload.file.url, content_type: content_type, disposition: 'inline', :x_sendfile => true
respond_with #upload, api_template: :general
class UploadUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
storage :file
def store_dir
"#{ Rails.root.to_s }/uploads/#{model.class.to_s.underscore}/#{mounted_as}/#{}"
def cache_dir
"#{ Rails.root.to_s }/tmp/uploads/#{model.class.to_s.underscore}/#{mounted_as}/#{}"
def extension_white_list
%w(jpg jpeg png bmp tif)
= image_tag #upload.file_url.to_s
Specifying type option, forces content type. it can be set to 'image', 'ajax', 'iframe', 'swf' or 'inline'
$( ".fancybox11" ).fancybox({
type: 'iframe', width: 380, height: 280
Refer this link fancybox api options.

Paperclip renaming files after they're saved

How do I rename a file after is has been uploaded and saved?
My problem is that I need to parse information about the files automatically in order to come up with the file name the file should be saved as with my application, but I can't access the information required to generate the file name till the record for the model has been saved.
If, for example, your model has attribute image:
has_attached_file :image, :styles => { ...... }
By default papepclip files are stored in /system/:attachment/:id/:style/:filename.
So, You can accomplish it by renaming every style and then changing image_file_name column in database.
(record.image.styles.keys+[:original]).each do |style|
path = record.image.path(style)
FileUtils.move(path, File.join(File.dirname(path), new_file_name))
record.image_file_name = new_file_name
Have you checked out paperclip interpolations?
If it is something that you can figure out in the controller (before it gets saved), you can use a combination of the controller, model, and interpolation to solve your problem.
I have this example where I want to name a file based on it's MD5 hash.
In my controller I have:
params[:upload][:md5] = Digest::MD5.file(file.path).hexdigest
I then have a config/initializers/paperclip.rb with:
Paperclip.interpolates :md5 do|attachment,style|
Finally, in my model I have:
validates_attachment_presence :upload
has_attached_file :upload,
:path => ':rails_root/public/files/:md5.:extension',
:url => '/files/:md5.:extension'
To add to #Voyta's answer, if you're using S3 with paperclip:
(record.image.styles.keys+[:original]).each do |style|
AWS::S3::S3Object.move_to record.image.path(style), new_file_path, record.image.bucket_name
record.update_attribute(:image_file_name, new_file_name)
My avatar images are named with the user slug, if they change their names I have to rename images too.
That's how I rename my avatar images using S3 and paperclip.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
after_update :rename_attached_files_if_needed
has_attached_file :avatar_image,
:storage => :s3,
:s3_credentials => "#{Rails.root}/config/s3.yml",
:path => "/users/:id/:style/:slug.:extension",
:default_url => "/images/users_default.gif",
:styles => { mini: "50x50>", normal: "100x100>", bigger: "150x150>" }
def slug
return name.parameterize if name
def rename_attached_files_if_needed
return if !name_changed? || avatar_image_updated_at_changed?
(avatar_image.styles.keys+[:original]).each do |style|
extension = Paperclip::Interpolations.extension(self.avatar_image, style)
old_path = "users/#{id}/#{style}/#{name_was.parameterize}#{extension}"
new_path = "users/#{id}/#{style}/#{name.parameterize}#{extension}"
avatar_image.s3_bucket.objects[old_path].move_to new_path, acl: :public_read
And to add yet another answer, here is the full method I'm using for S3 renaming :
def rename(key, new_name)
file_name = (key.to_s+"_file_name").to_sym
old_name = self.send(file_name)
(self.send(key).styles.keys+[:original]).each do |style|
path = self.send(key).path(style)
self[file_name] = new_name
new_path = self.send(key).path(style)
new_path[0] = ""
self[file_name] = old_name
old_obj = self.send(key).s3_object(style.to_sym)
new_obj = old_obj.move_to(new_path)
self.update_attribute(file_name, new_name)
To use : Model.find(#).rename(:avatar, "test.jpg")
I'd like to donate my "safe move" solution that doesn't rely on any private API and protects against data loss due to network failure:
First, we get the old and new paths for every style:
styles = file.styles.keys+[:original]
old_style2key = Hash[ styles.collect{|s| [s,file.path(s).sub(%r{\A/},'')]} ]
self.file_file_name = new_filename
new_style2key = Hash[ styles.collect{|s| [s,file.path(s).sub(%r{\A/},'')]} ]
Then, we copy every file to it's new path. Since the default path includes both object ID and filename, this can never collide with the path for a different file. But this will fail if we try to rename without changing the name:
styles.each do |style|
raise "same key" if old_style2key[style] == new_style2key[style]
Now we apply the updated model to the DB:
It is important to do this after we create the new S3 objects but before we delete the old S3 objects. Most of the other solutions in this thread can lead to a loss of data if the database update fails (e.g. network split with bad timing), because then the file would be at a new S3 location but the DB still points to the old location. That's why my solution doesn't delete the old S3 objects until after the DB update succeeded:
styles.each do |style|
Just like with the copy, there's no chance that we accidentally delete another database object's data, because the object ID is included in the path. So unless you rename the same database object A->B and B->A at the same time (e.g. 2 threads), this delete will always be safe.
To add to #Fotios's answer:
its the best way I think to make custom file name, but in case you want file name based on md5 you can use fingerprint which is already available in Paperclip.
All you have to do is to put this to config/initializers/paperclip_defaults.rb
# :url=>"/system/:class/:attachment/:id_partition/:style/:filename"
There's no need to set :path here as by default it's made that way:
I didn't check if it's necessary but in case it doesn't work for you make sure your model is able to save fingerprints in the database -> here
One more tip which I find handy is to use rails console to check how it works:
$ rails c --sandbox
> Paperclip::Attachment.default_options
> s = User.create(:avatar =>'/foo/bar.jpg', 'rb'))
> s.avatar.path
=> "/home/groovy_user/rails_projectes/funky_app/public/system/users/avatars/original/49332b697a83d53d3f3b5bebce7548ea.jpg"
> s.avatar.url
=> "/system/users/avatars/original/49332b697a83d53d3f3b5bebce7548ea.jpg?1387099146"
The following migration solved the problem to me.
Renaming avatar to photo:
class RenamePhotoColumnFromUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
add_attachment :users, :photo
# Add `avatar` method (from Paperclip) temporarily, because it has been deleted from the model
User.has_attached_file :avatar, styles: { medium: '300x300#', thumb: '100x100#' }
User.validates_attachment_content_type :avatar, content_type: %r{\Aimage\/.*\Z}
# Copy `avatar` attachment to `photo` in S3, then delete `avatar`
User.where.not(avatar_file_name: nil).each do |user|
say "Updating #{}..."
user.update photo: user.avatar
user.update avatar: nil
remove_attachment :users, :avatar
def down
raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration
Hope it helps :)
Another option is set to default, work for all upload.
This example change name file to 'name default' for web, example: test áé.jpg to test_ae.jpg
def sanitize_filename(filename)
fn = filename.split /(?<=.)\.(?=[^.])(?!.*\.[^.])/m
fn[0] = fn[0].parameterize
return fn.join '.'
Create config/initializers/paperclip_defaults.rb
include ApplicationHelper
:path => ":rails_root/public/system/:class/:attachment/:id/:style/:parameterize_file_name",
:url => "/system/:class/:attachment/:id/:style/:parameterize_file_name",
Paperclip.interpolates :parameterize_file_name do |attachment, style|
Need restart, after put this code
