How to specify a Rails 3 scope.limit - with an offset? - ruby-on-rails

So I have some posts, and would like to show n..m most recent entries in the sidebar (these numbers being set in a config)
I can get the latest n records easily enough
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
default_scope :order => "created_at DESC"
scope :published, lambda { where("blog_entries.created_at <= ?", }
scope :latest, lambda { |n| published.limit(n) }
#posts = Post.latest(6)
But what I'd like is
#posts = Post.published.limit(6, 12)
but this gives wrong number of arguments, so is there any way in AR? Right now I'm playing with will_paginate, but it seems hacky to use it for this.

Ok, so the answer is, I think:
#posts = Post.published.limit(6).offset(5)
It will retrieve 6 posts, starting from the sixth.
edit2: About the limit([6, 12]), I find that strange:
attr_accessor :limit_value
def limit(value)
relation = clone
relation.limit_value = value
def build_arel
arel.take(connection.sanitize_limit(#limit_value)) if #limit_value
def sanitize_limit(limit)
if limit.is_a?(Integer) || limit.is_a?(Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral)
elsif limit.to_s =~ /,/
Arel.sql limit.to_s.split(',').map{ |i| Integer(i) }.join(',')
So I don't really see how it works with an array. But I obviously missed something. Do you see what?

For rails 5 (not sure for rails 4). offset(x).limit(y) works correctly. limit(y).offset(x) still behaves as described in other answers.


Calling a ActiveRecord class method for ActiveRecord_Relation as a receiver

I want to create a class method for a class inherits ActiveRecord:Base.
What the method need to do is add where clauses based on the options and it works well.
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.list_by_params(params={})
articles = self
articles = articles.where(author_id: params[:author_id]) unless params[:author_id].blank?
articles = articles.where(category_id: params[:category_id]) unless params[:category_id].blank?
articles = articles.where("created_at > ?", params[:created_at].to_date) unless params[:created_at].blank?
This code works fine in case of the call such as:
articles = Article.list_by_params({author_id: 700})
#=> Works fine as I expected.
articles = Article.joins(:authors).list_by_params({author_id: 700})
#=> Works fine as I expected.
However, the problem is that, if I want to call the list_by_params without filtering params, then it lose its former relations. For example:
articles = Article.joins(:authors).list_by_params({})
#=> articles is just a `Article` (not an ActiveRecord_Relation) class itself without joining :authors.
Is there any chance that I made a mistake?
Thanks in advance.
What you are looking for is a scope.
I would do something like this
scope :for_author, lambda { |author| where(author_id: author) unless author.blank? }
scope :in_category, lambda { |category| where(category_id: category) unless category.blank? }
scope :created_after, lambda { |date| where('created_at > ?', date.to_date) unless date.blank? }
scope :list_by_params, lambda do |params|
Now you can reuse the components of your query. Everything has a names and it gets easier to read the code.
For the self explanation, I've solved the problems by using where(nil).
Actually, Model.scoped returned anonymous scope but the method has been deprecated since Rails version 4. Now, where(nil) can replace the functionality.
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.list_by_params(params={})
articles = where(nil) # <-- HERE IS THE PART THAT I CHANGED.
articles = articles.where(author_id: params[:author_id]) unless params[:author_id].blank?
articles = articles.where(category_id: params[:category_id]) unless params[:category_id].blank?
articles = articles.where("created_at > ?", params[:created_at].to_date) unless params[:created_at].blank?

Method to return a collection - Ruby

Say, I have a method called posted_listings, which is supposed to run an ActiveRecord query and return a collection of User.listings where posted: true, with posted? being a Listing class method. So far I have been doing:
class Bar < ActiveRecord::Base
def posted_listings
posted_listings = []
listings.each { |listing| posted_listings << listing if listing.posted? }
but each time this query runs I start feeling really bad about my skills (or lack of thereof). What is the most efficient way to return a collection of posted listings?
posted? is not an attribute, its a class method:
class Listing < ActiveRecord::Base
def posted?
true if quantity >= 1 && has_sellers?
def has_sellers?
sellers.count >=1 #association to Seller
I would recommend adding a scope to your Listing model like this:
scope :posted, -> { where(posted: true) }
Then you can get all posted listings like this:
You can learn more about scopes here if you are interested.
Try this scope instead:
def self.posted
.where('posted = ? AND quantity > ?', true, 0)
.having('COUNT( > ?', 0)
Your question is not so clear for me.
You may try:
User.listings.where(posted: true)
to get all users' posted Listings.
Or, saying #useris an User instance:
#user.listings.where(posted: true)
to get posted Listings from an specific user.

Rails 3 multiple parameter filtering using scopes

Trying to do a basic filter in rails 3 using the url params. I'd like to have a white list of params that can be filtered by, and return all the items that match. I've set up some scopes (with many more to come):
# in the model:
scope :budget_min, lambda {|min| where("budget > ?", min)}
scope :budget_max, lambda {|max| where("budget < ?", max)}
...but what's the best way to use some, none, or all of these scopes based on the present params[]? I've gotten this far, but it doesn't extend to multiple options. Looking for a sort of "chain if present" type operation.
#jobs = Job.all
#jobs = Job.budget_min(params[:budget_min]) if params[:budget_min]
I think you are close. Something like this won't extend to multiple options?
query = Job.scoped
query = query.budget_min(params[:budget_min]) if params[:budget_min]
query = query.budget_max(params[:budget_max]) if params[:budget_max]
#jobs = query.all
Generally, I'd prefer hand-made solutions but, for this kind of problem, a code base could become a mess very quickly. So I would go for a gem like meta_search.
One way would be to put your conditionals into the scopes:
scope :budget_max, lambda { |max| where("budget < ?", max) unless max.nil? }
That would still become rather cumbersome since you'd end up with:
Job.budget_min(params[:budget_min]).budget_max(params[:budget_max]) ...
A slightly different approach would be using something like the following inside your model (based on code from here:
class << self
def search(q)
whitelisted_params = {
:budget_max => "budget > ?",
:budget_min => "budget < ?"
whitelisted_params.keys.inject(scoped) do |combined_scope, param|
if q[param].nil?
combined_scope.where(whitelisted_params[param], q[param])
You can then use that method as follows and it should use the whitelisted filters if they're present in params:

Count records created within the last 7 days

How can I alter the query below to only select records created within the last 7 days?
This function is located in my User model.
def calculate_user_score
unless self.new_record?
self.score = (self.links.count * 5) + (self.favorites.count * 0.5)
You can add a where-condition like this:
self.favorites.where('created_at >= ?', 1.week.ago).count
And for your calculate_user_score method, you probably want to do that for links as well:
def calculate_user_score
unless new_record?
self.score = (links.where('created_at >= ?', 1.week.ago).count * 5) +
(favorites.where('created_at >= ?', 1.week.ago).count * 0.5)
I recommend you add a scope to your model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :recents, where("created_at > ?",
Then you can do
In Rails 4+
This code seems not working:
"created_at > ?",
I tried like:
scope :recent, -> { where("DATE(created_at) > ?", ( - 7.days) }
self.links.where("created_at > ?",
If you're working in Rails, you can just use the ago datetime methods, instead of doing weird time math.
scope :recent, -> { where("created_at > ?", 1.week.ago) }
In Rails, you can usually avoid a lot of the complicated data preparation and type-casting you might have to do in other languages / frameworks.
Re: the original post, I would probably refactor it like this:
# Using association extensions here to filter this down,
# the ellipses parenthetical should be whatever you're using for your
# association definition.
has_many :links ( ... ) do
def since(last_date)
where('created_at > ?', last_date)
has_many :favorites (...) do
def since(last_date)
where('created_at > ?', last_date)
# Don't use magic numbers; codify them for context.
# Note this does not persist it in the database; if you want it to persist
# you'll want to execute an update instead. However it does memoize it so multiple
# calls will pull from the in-memory cache of the object instead of re-querying it
def score(recalculate: true)
#score ||= (links.since(1.week.ago).count * LINK_SCORE_MULTIPLIER) +
(favorites.since(1.week.ago).count * FAVE_SCORE_MULTIPLIER)
Then you just reference it passively:
#user.score # runs the query and saves to memory
#user.score # pulls from memory
#user.score(recalculate: true) # re-runs the query and saves to memory # persists the result (assuming you have a field for :score)
It might require refactoring, but depending on how your data is modeled, you might be able to use a counter_cache to track it (this would require a has_many,through association, and the counter_cache would be on the joining model.
I was looking for records which could return last 7 days i.e. not including today. But this worked for me and it can work for last n days.
last_n_days = 7
Model.where('created_at BETWEEN ? AND ?',,
with scope
scope :last_n_days, lambda {|n| where('created_at BETWEEN ? AND ?', - n, - 1)}

Moving of will_paginate to model

On my Question model I have some scopes
scope :recent, order("created_at DESC")
scope :approved, where("status = ?", "approved")
scope :answered, approved.recent.where("answers_count > ?", 0)
On my question controller I'm retrieving questions using the scopes
example 1:
#questions = Question.approved.recent
example 2:
#questions = User.find(session[:user_id]) { |t| t.questions.approved.recent }.flatten.uniq
I'm trying to put will_paginate on my model to make things easier on the controller but the 2nd example is very tricky as it is using mapping to retrieve questions according to preferences.
I've tried to add this on my model
def self.pagination(page = 1)
self.paginate(:page => page, :per_page => 5)
and then on my controller I have
#questions = Question.approved.recent.pagination.(params[:page])
That works fine for the 1st example but I Dont know how to implement that on the 2nd example
Any hints?
This looks like Rails 3. Be sure to use the ~> 3.0.pre2 version of the will_paginate gem.
You can use the paginate method at the end of your chain of scopes. For example, your "example 1" would be:
#questions = Question.approved.recent.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 20)
I see you created a custom method (pagination) to wrap this pattern, but it's best that you keep this syntax in original form for now, especially since you're dealing with scopes and Relation objects in Rails 3 and will_paginate doesn't have proper support for this yet (but it's coming).
In your "example 2" it seems you only need to fetch the first few recent questions from each topic and that you won't perform a full-blown pagination here (like, going to page 2 and forward). You don't have to use the paginate method here; you can simply use ActiveRecord's limit:
current_user = User.find(session[:user_id])
#questions = { |topic|
