Method to return a collection - Ruby - ruby-on-rails

Say, I have a method called posted_listings, which is supposed to run an ActiveRecord query and return a collection of User.listings where posted: true, with posted? being a Listing class method. So far I have been doing:
class Bar < ActiveRecord::Base
def posted_listings
posted_listings = []
listings.each { |listing| posted_listings << listing if listing.posted? }
but each time this query runs I start feeling really bad about my skills (or lack of thereof). What is the most efficient way to return a collection of posted listings?
posted? is not an attribute, its a class method:
class Listing < ActiveRecord::Base
def posted?
true if quantity >= 1 && has_sellers?
def has_sellers?
sellers.count >=1 #association to Seller

I would recommend adding a scope to your Listing model like this:
scope :posted, -> { where(posted: true) }
Then you can get all posted listings like this:
You can learn more about scopes here if you are interested.
Try this scope instead:
def self.posted
.where('posted = ? AND quantity > ?', true, 0)
.having('COUNT( > ?', 0)

Your question is not so clear for me.
You may try:
User.listings.where(posted: true)
to get all users' posted Listings.
Or, saying #useris an User instance:
#user.listings.where(posted: true)
to get posted Listings from an specific user.


Rails 5 - iterate until field matches regex

In my app that I am building to learn Rails and Ruby, I have below iteration/loop which is not functioning as it should.
What am I trying to achieve?
I am trying to find the business partner (within only the active once (uses a scope)) where the value of the field business_partner.bank_account is contained in the field self_extracted_data and then set the business partner found as self.sender (self here is a Document).
So once a match is found, I want to end the loop. A case exists where no match is found and sender = nil so a user needs to set it manually.
What happens now, is that on which ever record of the object I save (it is called as a callback before_save), it uses the last identified business partner as sender and the method does not execute again.
Current code:
def set_sender self.receiver_id).each do |business_partner|
bp_bank_account = business_partner.bank_account.gsub(/\s+/, '')
rgx = /(?<!\w)(#{Regexp.escape(bp_bank_account)})?(?!\‌​w)/
if self.extracted_data.gsub(/\s+/, '') =~ rgx
self.sender = business_partner
self.sender = nil
Thanks for helping me understand how to do this kind of case.
p.s. have the pickaxe book here yet this is so much that some help / guidance would be great. The regex works.
Using feedback from #moveson, this code works:
def match_with_extracted_data?(rgx_to_match)
extracted_data.gsub(/\s+/, '') =~ rgx_to_match
def set_sender
self.sender_id = matching_business_partner.try(:id) #unless # Returns nil if no matching_business_partner exists
def matching_business_partner { |business_partner| sender_matches?(business_partner) }
def sender_matches?(business_partner)
rgx_registrations = /(#{Regexp.escape(business_partner.bank_account.gsub(/\s+/, ''))})|(#{Regexp.escape(business_partner.registration.gsub(/\s+/, ''))})|(#{Regexp.escape(business_partner.vat_id.gsub(/\s+/, ''))})/
In Ruby you generally want to avoid loops and #each and long, procedural methods in favor of Enumerable iterators like #map, #find, and #select, and short, descriptive methods that each do a single job. Without knowing more about your project I can't be sure exactly what will work, but I think you want something like this:
# /models/document.rb
class Document < ActiveRecord::Base
def set_sender
self.sender = matching_business_partner.try(:id) ||
def matching_business_partners { |business_partner| account_matches?(business_partner) }
def matching_business_partner
def other_business_partners
def account_matches?(business_partner)
rgx = /(?<!\w)(#{Regexp.escape(business_partner.stripped_bank_account)})?(?!\‌​w)/
def data_matches_bank_account?(rgx)
extracted_data.gsub(/\s+/, '') =~ rgx
# /models/business_partner.rb
class BusinessPartner < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :excluding_receiver_id, -> (receiver_id) { where.not(id: receiver_id) }
def stripped_bank_account
bank_account.gsub(/\s+/, '')
Note that I am assigning an integer id, rather than an ActiveRecord object, to self.sender. I think that's what you want.
I didn't try to mess with the database relations here, but it does seem like Document could include a belongs_to :business_partner, which would give you the benefit of Rails methods to help you find one from the other.
EDIT: Added Document#matching_business_partners method and changed Document#set_sender method to return nil if no matching_business_partner exists.
EDIT: Added as the return value if no matching_business_partner exists.

Calling a ActiveRecord class method for ActiveRecord_Relation as a receiver

I want to create a class method for a class inherits ActiveRecord:Base.
What the method need to do is add where clauses based on the options and it works well.
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.list_by_params(params={})
articles = self
articles = articles.where(author_id: params[:author_id]) unless params[:author_id].blank?
articles = articles.where(category_id: params[:category_id]) unless params[:category_id].blank?
articles = articles.where("created_at > ?", params[:created_at].to_date) unless params[:created_at].blank?
This code works fine in case of the call such as:
articles = Article.list_by_params({author_id: 700})
#=> Works fine as I expected.
articles = Article.joins(:authors).list_by_params({author_id: 700})
#=> Works fine as I expected.
However, the problem is that, if I want to call the list_by_params without filtering params, then it lose its former relations. For example:
articles = Article.joins(:authors).list_by_params({})
#=> articles is just a `Article` (not an ActiveRecord_Relation) class itself without joining :authors.
Is there any chance that I made a mistake?
Thanks in advance.
What you are looking for is a scope.
I would do something like this
scope :for_author, lambda { |author| where(author_id: author) unless author.blank? }
scope :in_category, lambda { |category| where(category_id: category) unless category.blank? }
scope :created_after, lambda { |date| where('created_at > ?', date.to_date) unless date.blank? }
scope :list_by_params, lambda do |params|
Now you can reuse the components of your query. Everything has a names and it gets easier to read the code.
For the self explanation, I've solved the problems by using where(nil).
Actually, Model.scoped returned anonymous scope but the method has been deprecated since Rails version 4. Now, where(nil) can replace the functionality.
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.list_by_params(params={})
articles = where(nil) # <-- HERE IS THE PART THAT I CHANGED.
articles = articles.where(author_id: params[:author_id]) unless params[:author_id].blank?
articles = articles.where(category_id: params[:category_id]) unless params[:category_id].blank?
articles = articles.where("created_at > ?", params[:created_at].to_date) unless params[:created_at].blank?

How can I get all records that return True in a model function in a rails app?

I have the following model:
class AuthorizedDriver < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :car
def authorized?
!self.authorized_until.nil? && self.authorized_until.to_date >= Time.current.to_date
I would like to be able to do:
def show_authorized_drivers
#car = Car.find(params[:id])
#authorized_drivers = #car.authorized_drivers.where(authorized?: true)
I know I can do this with a specific field, but I would like to use the authorized? function (or another function at a later time) above.
Any guidance on this would be much appreciated, thanks!
I am using Rails 4.1.4 and Ruby 2.1.2.
You can do it like so:
#authorized_drivers =
Note that this fetches all the authorized_drivers for that car, then filters them by calling the #authorized? method.
Also note that
is shortcut notation for
.select {|it| it.authorized? }
Add the following scope to your Driver model:
scope :authorized, -> { where('authorized_until >= ?', Time.current) }
Then you can query authorized drivers for a car like this:
#authorized_drivers = #car.authorized_drivers.authorized
Update (to answer your comment): You have two options if you need to add another criteria.
You could combine both conditions into one scope:
scope :authorized, -> {
where('authorized_until >= ?', Time.current).where(status: 'Active')
Or you could add another scope:
scope :active, -> { where(status: 'Active') }
and just chain the scopes:
#authorized_drivers =

Similarity in rails

I am trying to implement a similar posts functionality in my rails app for this i have this code in my posts controller
#related_Posts = Post
.where(' != ?',
this work fine, but I'm wondering if there is a way to consider a post is similar to the other when only 50% of title are similar instead of the full title
Using a full-text search engine like solr/sunspot is probably what you want. It can be configured to find related posts that have similar words in the title field.
Simply you can use sql LIKE function, in rails (matches) it will seems as following:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :by_not_ids, ->(ids = []) { where.not id: ids }
scope :by_title_like, ->(title = '') {
scope :by_category_ids, ->(category_ids = []) {
where category_id: category_ids
class PostsController < ApplicationController
def index
#related_posts = related_scoping
def related_scoping

How to specify a Rails 3 scope.limit - with an offset?

So I have some posts, and would like to show n..m most recent entries in the sidebar (these numbers being set in a config)
I can get the latest n records easily enough
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
default_scope :order => "created_at DESC"
scope :published, lambda { where("blog_entries.created_at <= ?", }
scope :latest, lambda { |n| published.limit(n) }
#posts = Post.latest(6)
But what I'd like is
#posts = Post.published.limit(6, 12)
but this gives wrong number of arguments, so is there any way in AR? Right now I'm playing with will_paginate, but it seems hacky to use it for this.
Ok, so the answer is, I think:
#posts = Post.published.limit(6).offset(5)
It will retrieve 6 posts, starting from the sixth.
edit2: About the limit([6, 12]), I find that strange:
attr_accessor :limit_value
def limit(value)
relation = clone
relation.limit_value = value
def build_arel
arel.take(connection.sanitize_limit(#limit_value)) if #limit_value
def sanitize_limit(limit)
if limit.is_a?(Integer) || limit.is_a?(Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral)
elsif limit.to_s =~ /,/
Arel.sql limit.to_s.split(',').map{ |i| Integer(i) }.join(',')
So I don't really see how it works with an array. But I obviously missed something. Do you see what?
For rails 5 (not sure for rails 4). offset(x).limit(y) works correctly. limit(y).offset(x) still behaves as described in other answers.
