How to get the Preview image using advImage plugin in Rails application - ruby-on-rails

HI ,
i am using Tinymce with advimage plugin in my rails application.
I have doubt that When i click on the Insert/Edit iamge in the Tinymce a popup window comes and in the appearance tab the preview is not shown
How to get the preview image ?? in the Appearance tab

There are two "previews" in the Advanced Image plugin dialog. The first is the preview of the image you have selected. The second is to allow you to visualise what the style changes you make (for instance border, alignment) would look like and uses an "sample" image.
I assume what you would like to see is your selected image displayed instead of the "sample" image. To achieve this, you will need to alter the advimage plugin, which is bundled with TinyMCE, to use the currently selected image instead of the default (sample.gif).
One thing to consider is that if your end user selects a large image, then they wouldn't be able to see the application of the style changes within the small preview window.


Forbid the user to open image in the new tab (Rails app)

I display the image in my Rails app like this:
= link_to image_tag(image.url), image_path(
I want to forbid the user to open this image in the new tab.
How do I achieve this?
You have multiple options:-
Disable right click - but users can still get the url of the image through source file.
Set the image as background of an HTML element - but it also has the same limitation as the first problem.
Use image manipulation software such as imagemagik etc to redue size and quality of image.
Add watermarks using image manipulation software like imagemagik.
How to use imagemagik
How to add water marks using imagemagik
There may be many more solutions
This answer is specific to your comment to address copyright issue.
For disabling right click see this page:-

Windows ribbon split button gallery button image

I'm using Windows Ribbon for Delphi (from and I have a split-button gallery, to give a drop-list of items that I can populate at runtime.
The part that isn't working is when I select an item from the gallery, its image isn't automatically transferred to the split button and I can't find a way to make it happen manually.
I've tried looking through the MS documentation but I can't see anything there that helps change the image of the button.
For the avoidance of doubt: I've checked in MSPaint and the brush selection works exactly as I want my button to work.

How can I extract a PNG from a delphi XE5 firemonkey style?

I'm trying to change the color used when elements of the MetropolisUIBlack.Style XE5 style (Firemonkey). It seems that, in order to do so, the simplest way would be to edit the PNG image that contains all these elements i the style (MetroBluestyle.png).
Unfortunately, I can't find a way to save the PNG that is contained in the style element to a file so I can manipulate it safely and reload it once the color has been changed.
Use the Bitmap Style Designer provided with the product.
You can find it in the Tools menĂ¹ and, once started, you simply have to open the MetropolisUIBlack.vsf file, select the "style.png" item under Images and click the Export button (above the right panel where you can see a preview of the picture).
Edit the picture with your favorite editor (i.e. The Gimp), save the picture, and load it back in the style using the Update button (just left the Export one).
You can save your style with a different name and use it as usual.

Customizing the look and feel of Orbeon forms

We would like to be able to customize the areas outside the form elements area itself, such that customers can have all their forms including the areas surrounding the form in their own style. For instance in the area on the top we would like to have a different color and we would like to replace the Orbeon logo by the logo of the customer. Also we would like to hide/remove/customize some buttons that appear below the form. For instance we don't need the buttons for PDF, Email and Close and we want to change the text in the Save button to Submit.
Is that possible? If so, how do we do that? Is there some instruction somewhere for this?
Yes, you can do all of this through properties:
You can change the color at the top by overriding the .fr-top rule defined in form-runner-orbeon.css. For more on how to override CSS, see: Default CSS.
You can replace or remove the default logo with the*.* property. See Default logo.
You can choose which buttons are shown on the Form Runner "details" page by overriding the*.* property. See Buttons on the detail page.
You can change the label on a button by overriding resources. See Overriding resources.
I was faced with the problem to change the icon in the browser address and found the answer of Alessandro Vernet: .
But this solution has the drawback that I had to change the orbeon-form-runner.jar, and this with every new orbeon forms release, what I wanted to avoid.
So the idea was to give my icons the same name as the orbeon icons and to load them in a corresponding directory of the resource directory.
So I named my icon orbeon-icon-16.ico and orbeon-icon-16.png and loaded the two files in orbeon/WEB-INF/resources/ops/images.
For Firefox this was OK, but IE continued to show the orbeon icon. Then I noticed that in orbeon-core.jar there where also the 32 pixel icon.
So I added the two files orbeon-icon-32.ico and orbeon-icon-32.png and than also IE was showing our icon.

Changing an image doesn't work

I have downloaded a MVC project from an Open source and I am trying to make it my own.
I want to change images and add different things, new pages etc...
When I am changing an image in the content folder (for example the logo appearing at the top of the master page) it is always showing the old one.
If I change the name to logo1 for example I can see the new logo but as long as I am using logo the old logo is showing even if I changed the image.
Do you have an idea of what is going on!
The browser is caching the image, clear the cache and you should see the new image.
