Customizing the look and feel of Orbeon forms - orbeon

We would like to be able to customize the areas outside the form elements area itself, such that customers can have all their forms including the areas surrounding the form in their own style. For instance in the area on the top we would like to have a different color and we would like to replace the Orbeon logo by the logo of the customer. Also we would like to hide/remove/customize some buttons that appear below the form. For instance we don't need the buttons for PDF, Email and Close and we want to change the text in the Save button to Submit.
Is that possible? If so, how do we do that? Is there some instruction somewhere for this?

Yes, you can do all of this through properties:
You can change the color at the top by overriding the .fr-top rule defined in form-runner-orbeon.css. For more on how to override CSS, see: Default CSS.
You can replace or remove the default logo with the*.* property. See Default logo.
You can choose which buttons are shown on the Form Runner "details" page by overriding the*.* property. See Buttons on the detail page.
You can change the label on a button by overriding resources. See Overriding resources.

I was faced with the problem to change the icon in the browser address and found the answer of Alessandro Vernet: .
But this solution has the drawback that I had to change the orbeon-form-runner.jar, and this with every new orbeon forms release, what I wanted to avoid.
So the idea was to give my icons the same name as the orbeon icons and to load them in a corresponding directory of the resource directory.
So I named my icon orbeon-icon-16.ico and orbeon-icon-16.png and loaded the two files in orbeon/WEB-INF/resources/ops/images.
For Firefox this was OK, but IE continued to show the orbeon icon. Then I noticed that in orbeon-core.jar there where also the 32 pixel icon.
So I added the two files orbeon-icon-32.ico and orbeon-icon-32.png and than also IE was showing our icon.


Add / use custom SVG as material-icon

I'm using the material design package for my application layout menu.
I have 2 menus items where I can't find an icon that fits, so I got 2 SVG files that I added to the project.
I want to use this as the material-list-item icon instead of a material-icon.
Is there a way to do this by either adding a custom icon to the material-icon library or replacing the icon in the list.
If yes, please I need a complete example as I am new to DartAngular, still trying to figure out some stuff.
There is a mixin for material-icon which will get allow you to change a material-icon into using an SVG.
There is indeed a mixin for this as pointed out in Ted Sander's answer, but for the moment it does not seem to work. I've asked this on Gitter but did not get an answer, and I also opened a ticket on Github for this seemingly broken feature.
It's a telltale sign that even the official Angular Components Gallery has a broken SVG icon example.
I'd suggest to implement this by using separate list item rendering for those that have an official material-icon representation and those that need a custom SVG image, and conditionally render them with the ngIf directive.

How can I remove Named Color Set in Xcode completely?

I used named a color set at first and recently I removed it from my assets file. (Due to the lack of support of iOS 10)
But it seems they still exist in my project.
If I set a color with same value as the removed named color in Interface Builder, it notices me the named color is missing.
Does anyone have some solution for this kind of case?
I struggled with this for a while and there seems to be no easy way to delete a namedColour in XCode (yet). Here's how I solved it.
Go to your storyboard and open it as XML.
Scroll down the bottom of the document to see a resources tag.
Inside of that, you should see custom resources like images and namedColour. Simply just delete any namedColor elements that you don't want anymore, and save - you're good to go!
Note: You may also want to search in the XML for any references to that namedColor and delete tag. For example, I would search in my XML for name="Color" and delete any tag that has it.
I inherited a project that used named colors where we wanted to support iOS 10. You won't like this answer but the only way I found to fix it was to go into the xml of the storyboard and do a find/replace on all of my named colors.
You can easily see the xml of the storyboard if you open the Version Editor in the upper right of the project navigator.
This is a (very annoying) bug in Xcode. Here's how you can fix it:
Open the color dropdown and click on Other...
Navigate to Color Sliders (the second icon from the left).
Select RGB Sliders from the dropdown.
Click inside the Hex Color # text field and press Enter.
I just came across this in Xcode 13:
The color doesn't show up in Assets.xcassets but there's an entry in the regular color drop-down menu in the inspector and it's marked as "(Missing)":
This happens if there's a UI element that's still using a color that was deleted.
How to remove the missing color without changing the actual storyboard code manually:
Open the storyboard as source code (right-click -> "Open As") and search for the exact name of the color (without "missing"), in my example that would be "HIghlightColor".
Write down what UI elements are still using the color - it's easiest to just copy their ids.
Open the storyboard again but this time as "Interface Builder - Storyboard".
Go through all of the UI elements that are still using the missing color (you can use the id in the search/Find Navigator!) and change their color to something else.
Repeat step 1-4 for the remaining storyboards.
Once the missing color isn't used by anything anymore, it'll vanish from the list and the storyboards' code automatically, including the entry in the <Resources> tag.
Delete the Asset Catalog in your project:
This will delete the missing name, this works for me.

Picturebox controls and memory

I am planning on using many pictureboxes as controls instead of e.g. buttons, mostly because the controls need to look like icons and not buttons. Would pictureboxes kill memory too much when compared with buttons? Is there a way to make a button appear as an icon instead of a picturebox, that is, can a button be made to look like a .png small icon image file instead of a button with no border?
Lastly, there will be several tabs available to the user via a tabcontrol, each of which has maybe 10-15 pictureboxes that can be clicked on. Is there a shortcut for addhandler if many pictureboxes are used within a tab as a replacement for a buttonbar (no longer supported in VB.NET 2010)?
The button control SUPPORTS pictures already!
Most likely too (more importantly!) the buttonis LIGHTWEIGHT and will consume less memory than pictureboxes
Use the Property sheet to assign the image(s)
You can assign a different image for the button up and down states too!!

JQuery mobile, is there a way to prevent the SELECT box from becoming a dialog page?

SO I have a select box that I fill dynamically. I discovered that once the SELECT gets longer than the page, it automatically becomes a dialog listview.... which is TERRIBLE!
When this happens, the page refreshes when the dialog is closed and my whole page starts over....
Has anyone experienced that and do you know how to shut it off?
You could use the native look and feel?
Native form elements & buttons Although the framework automatically enhances form elements and buttons into touch input
optimized controls to streamline development, it's easy to tell jQuery
Mobile to leave these elements alone so the standard, native control
can be used instead.
Adding the data-role="none" attribute to any form or button element
tells the framework to not apply any enhanced styles or scripting. The
examples below all have this attribute in place to demonstrate the
effect. You may need to write custom styles to lay out your form
controls because we try to leave all the default styling intact.

How to get the Preview image using advImage plugin in Rails application

HI ,
i am using Tinymce with advimage plugin in my rails application.
I have doubt that When i click on the Insert/Edit iamge in the Tinymce a popup window comes and in the appearance tab the preview is not shown
How to get the preview image ?? in the Appearance tab
There are two "previews" in the Advanced Image plugin dialog. The first is the preview of the image you have selected. The second is to allow you to visualise what the style changes you make (for instance border, alignment) would look like and uses an "sample" image.
I assume what you would like to see is your selected image displayed instead of the "sample" image. To achieve this, you will need to alter the advimage plugin, which is bundled with TinyMCE, to use the currently selected image instead of the default (sample.gif).
One thing to consider is that if your end user selects a large image, then they wouldn't be able to see the application of the style changes within the small preview window.
