Is there a good script similar to - search-engine

Basically I'm looking for a search engine that searches through a given database. The content will be text being searched.

You will probably want to use a service such as Solr. The easiest way to get started using it is to find a 'cloud' based version, such as Websolr. However, the solution will depend on what language you wish to use when programming your site.

Solutions depend somewhat on language:
1. For java/c#, you have lucene/solr
2. for python you have haystack
You could do text search in the DB directly via LIKE/ILIKE, but the performance depends on DB.

Iconfinder was coded specifically for icon search and at the time (launched in 2007) there were no scripts that worked well for this.
Building a search engine like Iconfinder is not rocket science. I think the hardest part is getting the SQL tuned and figure out how to rank the content. At the moment I collect data about impressions and downloads and calculate a value from that. The icons' rank is based on this value (download/impression) and how well keywords match the tags for the given icon.


Is there a way to overlap different time time graphs in grafana using datasource as OpenTSDB

We are using grafana to display graphs over OpenTSDB for our performance test results, so we have a use case in which we would like to compare a test metrics with benchmark results or different timestamp, so is there a way we can compare?
i know it is possible with Grafite datasource using timeshift function but now sure about OpenTSDB.
You can try this plugin "graph-compare-panel". It's very easy to use, but it only support some versions of Grafana .
It looks like there is a timeshift function for OpenTSDB. The issue for the timeshift feature request has been closed and this commit adds the timeShift/shift function.
On the other hand, the function is undocumented and there is an open issue where it doesn't seem to work.
On a related note, this is fairly easy to accomplish in ATSD which supports opentsdb protocol and provides a storage plugin for Grafana.
time-offset = 1 week
Here's another example, a bit more artistic:
A more advanced example is to overlay multiple series using a relative elapsed time. Don't know if this is relevant for your use case, but we're working on it.
Disclaimer: I work for the company developing Axibase Time Series Database.

iPad app as wrapper for Excel Model

I've got an Excel file that takes ~10 inputs and outputs ~5 numbers. The problem is, the calculations run involve lots of assumptions, are rather complex, and laid out over 5 excel sheets with lots of lookup tables, etc.
I'd like to wrap the Excel model in an iPad app -- so that it's easy to solicit user input and show the easy outputs without having them to see the dirty work beneath.
It's important for me to encapsulate the Excel model since that's still getting tweaked and adjusted... so to have a wrapper set up as opposed to reproduce the logic in the Excel file would save me probably 2 orders of magnitude of time.
Have looked around and not found a way to do this yet... any thoughts?
Two options come to mind.
One is that you can use an excel wrapper on iOS. Details can be found here: How can i create excel sheet and file in iPhone sdk?
The second option is to setup a server and pass the task onto the server. I'm familiar with Ruby, and creating/modifying excel files in Ruby is a breeze. I'd expect PHP, python, etc. to have similar faculties.
Either option is going to depend on your use case, whether you're charging for the app or not, and your familiarity with server side programming.

Tools for searching full text in iOS bundle

Sorry for the generalized question...I have been hunting for a long time and haven't found anything I can use or easily adapt yet. I'd really appreciate any pointers!
I'm building a reference app that will contain several textbooks in plain-text format. I want the user to be able to perform a search, and get a table back with a list of results. I have a working prototype, but the search logic that I wrote isn't all that smart and it's been hell trying to make it better.
This is obviously a fairly common problem so I'm looking for a tool that I could adapt to the task. So far I've found Lucene ( and Locayta (
Lucene appears to have been last updated for iOS 2...I don't even know if I'll be able to rework it myself. Maybe.
Locayta would probably work great, but a commercial license is $1,000 and I may not soon recoup that with this app, as it's a niche market.
We stumbled upon the same predicament where I work, and have yet to decide on a solution.
Locayta seems promising, but barring that, I've looked into SQLite's FTS3/FTS4 as well.
The only issue seemed the lack of a way to match partial words. It's easy to search for fields that contain whole words (eg. "paper" matches "printer paper", "paper punch", and "sketch paper"), or words that start with something (eg. "bi*" matches "binder", and "bicycle"), but there's no built in way to match a suffix.
If you don't require that functionality, FTS3/FTS4 might work.
I see you mentioned in the follow-up that your SQLite didn't recognize FTS3(), and I had the same issue at first.
Apparently it's not bundled into the iOS version by default, instead you have to download the SQLite3 amalgamation, and include it in the project manually. As found at is FTS available in the iOS build of SQLite?
Also note, the SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3 variable is not enabled by default, you just have to add it to the configuration as detailed at
Hope this helps.
If you can translate plain C code to iOS Objective-C, then Apache Lucy (a loose "C" port of Lucene) might be worth a look.

How to build a search with new features?

I want to build a search engine for my project this year, so what I
need to implement in my project to get best grade (I need new ideas
for search for video or audio...). How and where can I start to learn
about this topic. I want to use Java and any framework on it. I know
that I can't build a Google Search, but I need to implement a new idea
in my project to get best grade.
I'd suggest that you start with an open source search engine like Lucene (Java or .NET) and start adding features on top of the plaform. Perhaps you could build a plugin for searching camera meta data (I.E., EXIF)?
PS. You might want to start marking the correct answers for the 20 questions you've already asked. Having an acceptance rate of 21% doesn't really give the recognition to those who work hard to answer your questions.

Need some input on how to build a large scale text replacement system

My Rails app deals a lot with data from third-party APIs (specifically UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc).
What I'd like to do is whenever that data comes in, replace certain phrases with customized phrases.
Example: "On FedEx vehicle for delivery" (which we get from the FedEx API), I'd like to replace with "Out for Delivery."
Is it best to replace the the text on its way in to the database? Or on output? (Talking from an end-user speed perspective)
I'm planning on storing these phrases in our database, so I'm assuming I'd just create a helper that pulls the phrases I want to replace and then run the strings through those using gsub and replace as necessary?
Any tips on making this efficient and easy to manage would be great.
For speed you should replace the phrases when they enter the database. If you do it on output you'll have to do it every time an user requests the data. It is quite obvious that doing it every time will put more load on the server.
You may, however, want to store the original phrases, in case you want to change the wording in the phrases you replace with.
Just a random idea, which might not be applicable depending on how your data is, but maybe you could leverage the i18n framework that's built into Rails for this. The original text could be viewed as a separate language called vendorspeak :-).
