How to build a search with new features? - search-engine

I want to build a search engine for my project this year, so what I
need to implement in my project to get best grade (I need new ideas
for search for video or audio...). How and where can I start to learn
about this topic. I want to use Java and any framework on it. I know
that I can't build a Google Search, but I need to implement a new idea
in my project to get best grade.

I'd suggest that you start with an open source search engine like Lucene (Java or .NET) and start adding features on top of the plaform. Perhaps you could build a plugin for searching camera meta data (I.E., EXIF)?
PS. You might want to start marking the correct answers for the 20 questions you've already asked. Having an acceptance rate of 21% doesn't really give the recognition to those who work hard to answer your questions.


Programming a drone to flight indoor using opencv

I am newbie with drones. I would like to develop a program to manage a drone using opencv to fly indoor over a line.
I am searching a lot of languages but most all of them are GPS based. I saw there is an alternative which calls SLAM to detect the position using the sensors.
Well I have a line in the floor and a camera on my drone. I like mission planner but I am not quite sure if it is the best choice. I will be using Parrot AR, but I would like to use any drone.
So I would like to use mission planner but I am not sure if it is the best choice.
What would be the best SDK you would recommend me to use in order to manage the drone not using the GPS points but relative locations or SLAM?
Well, you have the Parrot API ,and a couple of wrappers in different languages. Node-AreDrone for nodeJs, PyArdrone for python, and there is a wrapper coded in C# which I have used AR.Drone. It has a good user interface which you can see the both cameras, record and replay the videos, control the drone by clicking on buttons, you can see the metrics and configuration of the drone and you have also a way to send commands in a queue. Because I love c# and the features I've mentioned you have already in a user interface, I prefer this. Most of them are quite the same as they use the Parrot API inside by sending udp messages. I couldn't try others, so, there are a lot, and anybody could tell me which one is the best. For mission planner I couldn't find a good solution for indoors. So, for anyone who is lost and do not know here to start as I was. I recommend to select the language you want and search for the corresponding wrapper. If you like c# as me, so AR.Drone is a good choice.
Also if you want to do something with OpenCV. Copterface is a good example. You could implement it in any language with OpenCV.

Use both GPS and Scan function in same channel with Junaio AR

As the title says, im simply wondering if it is possible to use the GPS tracking and POI part of junaio, and att the same time use the scan functionality to scan and recognize images. Im working with a group at a project which demands that we use both functionalities, and we are at the moment stuck on trying to send 2 XML documents, causing the server to return nothing at all. I simply want to know if it is possible to use both functionalities in the same channel, and I would greatly appriciate if someone would point me in a direction which could help me solve our problems, since I've been able to find absolutley nothing on my own. Thanks beforehand!
Scan + GPS/compass is not possible at the moment.
However, it's possible to use GPS/compass tracking and continuous visual search at the same time. This might be the closest thing to your requirements.
You might find more information on

Is there a good script similar to

Basically I'm looking for a search engine that searches through a given database. The content will be text being searched.
You will probably want to use a service such as Solr. The easiest way to get started using it is to find a 'cloud' based version, such as Websolr. However, the solution will depend on what language you wish to use when programming your site.
Solutions depend somewhat on language:
1. For java/c#, you have lucene/solr
2. for python you have haystack
You could do text search in the DB directly via LIKE/ILIKE, but the performance depends on DB.
Iconfinder was coded specifically for icon search and at the time (launched in 2007) there were no scripts that worked well for this.
Building a search engine like Iconfinder is not rocket science. I think the hardest part is getting the SQL tuned and figure out how to rank the content. At the moment I collect data about impressions and downloads and calculate a value from that. The icons' rank is based on this value (download/impression) and how well keywords match the tags for the given icon.

Carmen Robotics

I have been working with Carmen for a while now, and I really like the software but I need to make some changes inside the source code.
I am therefore interesting in some students reports/projects there have been working with Carmen, or any documentation of the source code.
I have been reading the documentation on the webpage for Carmen, but with all respect I think the literature there is a bit outdated and insufficient.
ROS is the new hot navigation toolkit for robotics. It has a professional development group and a very active community. The documentation is okay, but it's the best I've seen for robotic operating systems.
There are a lot of student project teams that are using it.
Check it out at
I'll be more specific on why ROS is awesome...
Built in visualizer/simulator rviz
- It has a record function which will record all of the messages passed out of nodes, this allows you take in a lot of raw data store it in a "ros bag" and then play it back later when you need to test your AI, but want to sit in your bed.
Built in navigation capabilities,
-all you have to do is write the publishers of data for your sensors.
-It has standard messages that you need to fill out so that the stack has enough information.
There is an Extended Kalman Filter which is pretty awesome because I didn't want to write one. Currently implementing it, i'll let you know how that turns out.
It also has built in message levels, by that I mean you can change which severity of print messages are printed during runtime, fairly handy for debugging.
There's a robot monitor node that you can publish the status of your sensors to and it bundles all of that information into a GUI for your viewing pleasure.
There are some basic drivers already written. For example SICK lidars are supported right out of the box.
There is also a built in transform function, to help you move everything to the right coordinate system.
ROS was made to run across multiple computers, but can work on just one.
Data transfer is handled over TCP ports.
I hope that's more helpful.

What web application framework should I use for a web gallery?

I need to create a photo gallery for a website running IIS 4.0 or IIS 5.0 (im not sure which). It needs to display a low resolution version of the gallery to anyone, and it must show both the low and high resolution images for "priviledged" users. So I need access priviledges, photo albums and once the site is complete, the person I am doing this for needs to be able to upload their own images to the gallery. It also needs to have a minimal interface as it needs to be integrated into an existing website.
So I need some advice on this with the direction I should approach it.
Does anyone know if their is a customisable gallery out there that can do something like this, such as Coppermine or Jgallery or something. The alternative is to use a web framework like Ruby on Rails, CodeIgniter or Sproutcore (each which require learning a new language). The framework would be more work, but the existing galleries may not be customisable enough. The important bit is the user privileges in an admin panel.
I am relatively new to "web programming", although not new to normal/games programming. I have a few years experience with C/C++ OpenGL and Java. I have also read up on MVC etc, and did hello world with sproutcore, so I kinda get the idea. Although learning a framework is a much heavier investment.
What are your thoughts?
If you don't want to re-invent the wheel you could use Gallery2 (requirements here). It runs on IIS -- you'd just need PHP and a database. It's very configurable (including user accounts), has lots of plugins, and its open source if that's not enough. Also, the development and support communities are large and active.
you could always go the route of Dotnetnuke and then use Ventrian's Simple Gallery module (
Using DNN offers a ton of functionality, including the security you need, and it would save you from doing any web development.
If you are a bit more adventurous, try Smaltalk based Aida/Web and specially Aida/Scribo CMS (currently still in beta), which include Gallery so called scriblet as well. Scribo scriblets are otherwise web components which you can include directly into a text. You therefore add a gallery directly into a surronding text. See for instance a presentation as a Gallery for example.
I would recommend my own but... If it weren't for the low/high resolution thing with permissions I think it would fit the rest of your needs. I'm going to leave a link just in case you want to take a look at it:
It's also open-source (although the license is not the best) and you can change it at will if you want. The code itself is clean and self-explanatory. The downside is that I haven't developed it for some time now :(
Having faced a similar dilemma myself I have to say that I found Gallery2 and Coppermine both far too all-encompassing and difficult to customise to the degree I would have wished. I ended up rolling my own using straight, procedural PHP with various bits of jQuery for the GUI fancy bits. At the same time I was able to bake in some e-commerce and data gathering for my wedding photography clients, ending up with something which exactly matched my needs. Certainly, the gallery aspects of this project were, for a complete programming (although not HTML) neophyte, the least challenging - it's exactly the sort of thing PHP is made for.
I'm now taking my first faltering steps with CodeIgniter for my next project (photoblogging software) and I can already see that the framework would make a gallery project very quick, simple and secure. and their API may be suitable from what you described.
