How to handle large images in matlab without running out of memory? - memory

I am creating mosaic of two images based on the region matches between them using sift descriptors. The problem is when the created mosaic's size gets too large matlab runs out of memory.
Is there some way of stitching the images without actually loading the complete images in memory.
If not how do other gigapixel image generation techniques work or the panorama apps.

Determine the size of the final mosaic prior to stitching (easy to compute with the size of your input images and the homography).
Write a blank mosaic to file (not in any specific format but a sequence of bytes just as in memory)
I'm assuming you're inverse mapping the pixels from the original images to the mosaic. So, just write to file when you're trying to store the intensity of the pixel in your mosaic.

There are a few ways you can save memory:
You should use integer data types, such as uint8 for your data.
If you're stitching, you can only keep the regions of interest in memory, such as the potential overlap regions.
If none of the other works, you can spatially downsample the images using imresample, and work on the resulting smaller images.

You can potentially use distributed arrays in the parallel computing toolbox


What happens if we resize images repeatedly

I need a dataset(image). So I downloaded images, for training purpose I resized images twice. From random sizes to (200,300), using that resized images I resized them again to (64,64). Is there any possibility that I can face problems while training. Does a picture loss it's data when resized again and again.
can u please explain me in detail. Thanks in advance
Images fundamentally lose their data when down sampling. If a pixel is the fundamental piece of data in an image and you remove pixels, then you have removed data. Different down sample methods lose different amounts of data. For instance a bilinear or bicubic down sample method will use multiple pixels in the larger image to generate a single pixel in the smaller image, whereas nearest neighbor downsampling uses a single pixel in the larger image to generate a single pixel in the smaller image, thereby losing more data.
Whether the down sampling will affect your training depends on more information than you have provided.

Efficiently Slice Image on GPU

I need to slice an image into N tiles (rects might be located anywhere and overlap), where N could potentially be quite huge. Since CGImage operates on the CPU and this is a performance critical operation that happens several times per second I was wondering if there is a faster way to do this on the GPU.
What's the fastest possible solution to slice an image (possibly using the GPU)?
PS: If it helps in any way, the image is only grayscale (array of floats between 0 and 1). It doesn't have to be an CGImage/UIImage, a float array suffices.
Since slicing images is basically just copying chunks of the image to a new image there is not really a way to speed up that process. Depending on what you are doing with the slices you might be able to get away with not copying the data. If you keep only the coordinates of your slices you can access the underlying storage of your original image.

Convoluting a large filter in GPGPU

I wish to apply a certain 2D filter to 2D images, however, the filter size is huge. Image dimensions are about 2000x2000 and the filter size is about 500*500.
No, I cannot do this in frequency domain so FFT is no go. I'm aware of normal GPU convolution and the use of shared memory for coalescing memory access, however shared memory doesn't seem feasible since the space needed by the filter is large and would therefore need to be divided, this might even prove to be very complex to write.
Any ideas?
I think you can easily manage doing filtering for such sized images. You can transfer hundreds of megabytes to the videomemory. Such size is going to be working well.
You can use byte matrices to transfer the image data then you can use your filter to operate on it.

Best way to store motion changes to reduce memory

I am comparing jpeg to jpeg in a constant 'video-stream'. i am using EMGU/OpenCV to compare each pixels at the byte level. There are 3 channels to each image (RGB). I had heard that it is common practice to store only the pixels that have changed between frames as a way of conserving memory space. But, if for instance/example I say EVERY pixel has changed (pls note i am using an exaggerated example to make my point and i would normally discard such large changes) then the resultant bytes saved is 3 times larger than the original jpeg.
How can I store such motion changes efficiently?
While taking the consecutive images the camera might also move or not. If the camera is fixed, only the items on the view move and some portion of the image changes every time. If the camera also moves, even if the objects stand still, the image changes significantly. There are some algorithms to discard the effect of the motion of the camera. So the main idea is when compared with the sampling frequency of the camera (e.g. 25 frames per second) most of the objects nearly standing still.
Because most of the image is unchanged between the frames, it becomes feasible to use difference of the images. It provides some compression ratios. However after some amount of time the newly received image shows big difference with the reference image, so it becomes better to get a new image reference. Which is named a "reference frame".
In fact, modern video compression algorithms uses advanced techniques to detect the objects and follow them, which results better compression ratios.
Wikipedia - Different compression techniques
Check This - OpenCV should handle the storing of consecutive images in different video formats.

How to manage large 2D FFTs in cuda

I have succesfully written some CUDA FFT code that does a 2D convolution of an image, as well as some other calculations.
How do I go about figuring out what the largest FFT's I can run are? It seems to be that a plan for a 2D R2C convolution takes 2x the image size, and another 2x the image size for the C2R. This seems like a lot of overhead!
Also, it seems like most of the benchmarks and such are for relatively small FFTs..why is this? It seems like for large images, I am going to quickly run out of memory. How is this typically handled? Can you perform an FFT convolution on a tile of an image and combine those results, and expect it to be the same as if I had run a 2D FFT on the entire image?
Thanks for answering these questions
CUFFT plans a different algorithm depending on your image size. If you can't fit in shared memory and are not a power of 2 then CUFFT plans an out-of-place transform while smaller images with the right size will be more amenable to the software.
If you're set on FFTing the whole image and need to see what your GPU can handle my best answer would be to guess and check with different image sizes as the CUFFT planning is complicated.
See the documentation :
I agree with Mark and say that tiling the image is the way to go for convolution. Since convolution amounts to just computing many independent integrals you can simply decompose the domain into its constituent parts, compute those independently, and stitch them back together. The FFT convolution trick simply reduces the complexity of the integrals you need to compute.
I expect that your GPU code should outperform matlab by a large factor in all situations unless you do something weird.
It's not usually practical to run FFT on an entire image. Not only does it take a lot of memory, but the image must be a power of 2 in width and height which places an unreasonable constraint on your input.
Cutting the image into tiles is perfectly reasonable. The size of the tiles will determine the frequency resolution you're able to achieve. You may want to overlap the tiles as well.
