adding columns to tableview in ipad - ipad

Is it possible to add columns to a table view in ipad?
If yes, please tell me how to do that.

You can put anything you like in a cell. But cells are essentially rows, so no, there's no built-in support for table columns.


With IOS, is there a way of making a proper table with rows and columns?

I have been trying to find a way of creating a table, with rows and columns, for iOS. The UiTableView is basically a tree-structured list like this
Apple sample code, but because it's called a table view, it hijacks any attempt to search for a proper table.
There are a couple answers that suggest very clunky ways of doing it, like this SE Question, but it's quite old. Has the situation changed since this question was asked?
I've done this using UITableView by simply designing custom UITableViewCells that are segmented into columns. All the custom rows together certainly give the appearance of a multi-column table. When any of your data in a column or row updates, you re-render the tableView or have each row in charge of its own re-rendering (i.e. via an NSNotificationCenter message), and the whole experience for the user is as a multi-column table. If you setup your table's data as a separate row-column data model, it's pretty easy to get all the individual cells to go where they need to go with your custom UITableViewCell.
take a UITableView and on tableRow take 3 view of(width=1 and height=row height), each view ill be at equal distance from another one. and take label between these view at end it ill look like a table with rows and column

Two UITableViewCells in One Row

Can somebody expain how to put two uitableview cells in one row, as per whatsapp screenshot below with +353 and Phone Number? Thanks
They might be just two UITextFields in a single table cell.
There are several ways to achieve this.
You can design whole as in a UIView and add to the cell.
Create only create the view for phone number input and add into the footer of table and leave other as cell.

iOS Keeping section titles anchored in Grouped Table Style

I am using a grouped table view to display items on a view controller.
I want anchor the section's title just like it happens with the plani styled table.
How could I do that?
Ah, I know what you mean, my answer is no, you don't think you will be able to do that in a simple way. You might be able to do that with some workarounds using custom UITableViewCells and custom UIView's as the section's titles. I guess that way you could achieve that.

iOS table view - I don't know if this is even possible

In table view with many rows, is it possible to have the top row (row[0]) "frozen",
while the rest of the rows 'scroll' up an down.. If you have any hints about this, it would be appreciated..
The only way to do this would be to use a section header as the top row. Otherwise, do the top row as a separate UI element.

How to display multiple objects in a single row in my UITableVIew?

I want to display three items in my UITableView's row. What should be best and efficient way to do this.
Any suggestions?
Take a look at this example:
It shows you how to customize many aspects of a UITableView (and cells too).
