Two UITableViewCells in One Row - ios

Can somebody expain how to put two uitableview cells in one row, as per whatsapp screenshot below with +353 and Phone Number? Thanks

They might be just two UITextFields in a single table cell.

There are several ways to achieve this.
You can design whole as in a UIView and add to the cell.
Create only create the view for phone number input and add into the footer of table and leave other as cell.


expandable cells table view best practice for ios

For the iOS we are not been provided any expandable list view as a component. so to use the expandable list we are having 2 basic options:
Option-1: Table header as the main view and then clicking on it open cells under that header.
Option-2: Cell as the main view and add more cell below as if its sub cells when clicking on any of the cell.
And more than this 2 different developer uses different logic. so Can we know that which would be the best practice to use expandable/ collapsable Table view in iPhone/iPad application.
Thanks in advance. This could be consider as a knowledge sharing or better coding practice related question.
There are a million ways you could do this.
In the past I have created a custom "stretching" cell that would stretch its own size to show items that were hidden. This could be a way of doing it.
What you would need to do is have a cell that when clicked, opens up (revealing a new cell hidden underneath it). You could also have it seem as if there is another cell being shown below the clicked index, but in reality you are only adding a new cell at cell_index_clicked + 1.
Hope this helps you think it out.
Use iOS 8 auto layout ..........

iOS UITableview similar to contacts app

I am trying to replicate the contacts application in iOS, using two table views in the "New contacts" view. I am trying to scroll up the tableview when the keyboard covers the content. Each cell contains a textfield, I have to enter into that some details. I have used two table views, one is placed as header view over the other. I am not getting the code to scroll up the tables... Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance
If you want the 2 tableviews scroll together you have to use only one main tableview, I mean, you have a main tableview with all the content, and then cells with the textfields.
The cell with the photo, name, surname and enterprise (I'm not sure if they are the correct names because I have it in spanish), contains a imageview for the photo and a tableview with 3 cells, one for the name, other for surname and other for enterprise.

How to display multiple objects in a single row in my UITableVIew?

I want to display three items in my UITableView's row. What should be best and efficient way to do this.
Any suggestions?
Take a look at this example:
It shows you how to customize many aspects of a UITableView (and cells too).

adding columns to tableview in ipad

Is it possible to add columns to a table view in ipad?
If yes, please tell me how to do that.
You can put anything you like in a cell. But cells are essentially rows, so no, there's no built-in support for table columns.

table view with multiple columns

i want to display name phone number and salary of a employee in an ipad in the form of table with multiple columns for that i take three table views and successfully displayed data in them . the table views are scrolling independently.but i want to implement if one table view is scrolled the second and third must be moved parallel. can any one please tell me how to implement that one....
If you want all your UITableViews dependants and scrolling at the same time, there is no reason to create multiple table view.
You can just create un custom UITableViewCell with the layout and style you want! This will be easier and will consume less resources.
find out position of cell in first table depending on that change position of cell in next table.
You can use following property of UITableView - – scrollToRowAtIndexPath:atScrollPosition:animated:
