how can I check if a tsqlconnection is open? - c++builder

after an unsuccesfull login:
if(mytsqlconnection->ConnectionState == csStateOpen)
the "if" returns true. How can I check if the connection is really open? Do I have to execute a query and catch the exception? Thanks in advance.

If the login fails, Open() should be raising an exception. The ConnectionState property is not set to csStateOpen unless Open() is successful in establishing a connection to the DB without error.

It was a matter of driver. I used the dbexpora.dll that came with cppbuilder6 (right-click on dbexpora.dll give no info about version). I change driver and everything works fine: Open() raise the exception, ConnectionState is set as expected. Thankyou.


What is "Custom Program Error 0xa7" in anchor?

My Anchor program is giving me a Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 1: custom program error: 0xa7 with nothing useful in the logs.
How do I even begin to debug this?
Custom Program Error 0xa7 is Error: 167: The given account is not owned by the executing program.
This might happen if you pass in an account that's expected to be owned by a program, but isn't.
This can happen accidentally if you forget to set declare_id!(/* ... */) to the program id you're trying to hit.
Consider logging the program id that you're using in your javascript client:
And then seeing if that matches the public key that's in your target/idl/yourprogram.json file.

Error in db2hpu procedure call

Is there a solution to this problem in db2hpu call:
SQL0443N Routine "DB2INST1.DB2HPU" (specific name "SQL160823160100917") has
returned an error SQLSTATE with diagnostic text "Cannot Connect: rc =
0x25a7dd". SQLSTATE=38107
Thanks a lot
The "Cannot Connect: rc = ..." error is coming from HPU stored procedure, not DB2 itself.
It may be raised if the db2hpudm deamon is not able to start.
Verify that the HPU was correctly installed and that you have no warnings or error in the installation trace files under :

Action not defined in controller cakephp

I am having this issue while using findbyid to get a unique url for a page on my shared hosting. The problem I have is that I keep getting the following error while trying to access the unique page via the Id number of the item on shared hosting(i dont get this issue on localhost):
Error: The action item is not defined in controller ProductsController
Error: Create ProductsController::item() in file: app/Controller/ProductsController.php.
However item is defined in the productscontroller:
public function item($id = null) {
if (!$id) {
throw new NotFoundException(__('product not found'));
$items = $this->Product->findById($id);
if (!$items) {
throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid post'));
$this->set('item', $items);
you can see the problem at this url:
it works on localhost via wamp so I am not sure what the problem is.
Thanks in advance
Well I figured out the issue. The problem was with the files uploaded; the files uploaded were incomplete or missing, when I check the ProductsController.php file I realised that most of the code was missing. Reuploading solved the problem.
For others with problematic internet connection take note of this while coding.
Error: A Database connection using "Mysql" was missing or unable to connect.
The database server returned this error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'root'#'localhost' (using password: NO)
Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app/View/Errors/missing_connection.ctp
I think you have not created/configured your database.php in app/Config
I am using cakephp 3.8 and I figure out one possible cause of this kind of messages.
In my case, I am expecting the __construct method is responsible for creating the base class.
And the solution is to use initialize method, like so:
function initialize() {
In conclusion, we should more carefully read the documentation, it clearly stated here and please take time to do the 20 min cms tutorial

Diagnosing Worklight 6 SQL Adapter issue, JPA tracing

Worklight Studio 6, SQL adapter attempting connection to DB2 database.
Standard pattern for procedure
return WL.Server.invokeSQLStatement({
preparedStatement : listUnassignedWorkOrders,
parameters : []
When I invoke my procedure I see this error
[ERROR ] FWLSE0035E: Invocation of procedure 'SqlStatement' failed.
[project Infrabel01] Type 'Function' currently does not support
marshalling to JSON.
And the logs show
[err] 0 WorklightPU WARN [Scheduled Executor-thread-1]
openjpa.Runtime - An error occurred while registering a
ClassTransformer with PersistenceUnitInfo: name 'WorklightPU', root
The error has been consumed. To see it, set your openjpa.Runtime log
level to TRACE. Load-time class transformation will not be available.
How to diagnose? How would I set the trace level in worklight?
JPA docs say:
property name="openjpa.Log" value="DefaultLevel=WARN, Runtime=INFO,
But where to put that in worklight?
The WorklightPU WARN in the log is not relevant and has been removed in newer releases of Worklight.
For your actual issue, see the following developerWorks threads with the same issue that was resolved.
Type 'Function' currently does not support marshalling to JSON.
developerWorks thread #1
developerWorks thread #2

Option Value Changed - ODBC Error 2169

I am connecting to ADS through ODBC DSN. Everything works well until I tried
out my Save Routine. Data is saved quite alright but I get an error that
says - "Option value changed". What could this be? Can't find in the help
The full error message is:
ODBC - 2169
[iAnywhere Solutions][Advantage ODBC Driver] Option Value Changed.
I sent an email in respect of this to since this
number falls between error numbers: 2168 - 2188 Internal Error that should
be reported.
I posted this question on the Newsgroup without a possitive response.
Best regards,
Fredrick Ughimi
For ODBC, in general, "Option Value Changed" typically indicates that a request was made that was not valid or not supported by the driver so the driver substituted similar value. Typically this type of error is informational or in other words sql_success_with_info. I suggest looking into an ODBC trace as it may help uncover what was changed or at least narrow down what was occurring.
It may also be helpful to post information about your save routine.
