Is there a way to call the Ant replace task on files in an FTP? I have a project with some static IDs in the code that change depending on whether I am on development platform or production. I setup my and build.xml file to copy all my files to FTP, but I need to change those static IDs either on the way to the FTP or when they hit it.
Ant doesnot have inbulit replace task.
I achieved it by calling "del" first and than used "put", as below.
<ftp action="del" server="%ftpservername%" userid="%ftpserver_user%" password="%ftpserver_pwd%">
<include name="%file1%.db" />
<include name="%file2%.db" />
<ftp action="put" retriesAllowed="-1" remotedir="%dest_dir%" server="%ftpservername%" port="%ftpport%" userid="%ftpserver_user%" password="%ftpserver_pwd%" binary="yes">
<fileset dir="%src_dir%">
<include name="%file1%.db" />
<include name="%file2%.db" />
we can also do for directory which is in
If you are looking to do replace within the ant ftp task, it looks like this is not supported. But you could do a replace followed by ftp.
<replace dir="${ftp.src} token="###" value="replaced"/>
<ftp server="server" userid="user" password="password">
<fileset dir="${ftp.src}"/>
Or perhaps you are looking for something different.
I am using PMD source code analyzer (PMD) for my java web project through ant task. The computer is offline (not connected to the Internet). Part of ant task is as follows:
<target name="pmd">
<taskdef name="pmd" classname="net.sourceforge.pmd.ant.PMDTask">
<fileset dir="E:/pmd-bin-6.41.0/lib">
<include name="*.jar"/>
<pmd shortfilenames="true" cachelocation="pmd.cache" encoding="UTF-8">
<formatter type="html" tofile="report.html">
<fileset dir="src/java/">
<include name="**/*.java"/>
When I run pmd target, report.html file is generated ok. The html file basically lists <fileName, lineNumber, description> triplets.
e.g. initializer for variable "tempIDNo" is never used (overwritten on lin 67)
The description in this html file has a link as file:///E:ws/project/${}/pmd_rules_java_bestpractices.html#unusedassignment which does not work. E:ws/project/ is the folder where my project resides.
As a matter of fact, I have all the necessary html files (such as pmd_rules_java_bestpractices.html) unzipped in E:/pmd-doc-6.41.0 folder.
Could you please help me how to set up description link in html file to show local folder?
Thank you.
Here is the solution I have come up with:
(Using suggestion from (How can I create a link to a local file on a locally-run web page?)) Before ant pmd target define property
<propery name="" value="file:///E:/pmd-doc-6.41.0"/>
(Using usage/suggestion from (, ANT replacing strings in specified files using file with properties ) Change inside target as follows
<pmd ...>...
<copy file="report.html" tofile="report2.html">
<filterreader classname=""/>
</copy> ...
Run the ant target.
I have a FTP folder structure as,
-- Folder 1
-- Folder 2
-- external
-- Code
-- MY Dir
Now, I want to get the folder "Code" from here. I am using the code,
<ftp action="get"
password="pass" >
<fileset dir="Code">
But this gets my whole contents present in the FTP rather than getting only the folder "Code".
Please let me know.
Hi I'm using this and i t works for me
edited: retrive files
<ftp action="get"
<fileset dir="/path/to/Code">
<include name="*"/>
remote dir has to be used within the Ftp. The example is given below.
<ftp action="get"
<fileset dir="e:/temp/">
<include name="**/*" />
I have the following piece of code:
<jar destfile="${jar.file}">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/resources"/>
<include name="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml"/>
<include name="META-INF/persistence-prod.xml"/>
The problem is that persistence-prod.xm1 should be persistence.xml when placed in the jar.
I know I could create a working directory and layout my whole jar there, and then jar that up. I know I can copy that one file elsewhere and rename it while copying. If I had a whole bunch of files named *-prod.xml to be renamed *.xml, I can use a file mapper inside the copy task. However, I want to be able to rename the file right in the <jar> task. I tried adding <globmapper> to the jar task, but I got the error message: jar doesn't support the nested "globmapper" element.
Any idea how this rename can take place while jaring the file?
Of course, the minute I asked the question, I figure out the answer:
I can't put <globmapper> directly into a <jar> task, but I can include <mappedresources> into the <jar> task, and place my <globmapper> in there:
<jar destfile="${jar.file}">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/resources"/>
<include name="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml"/>
<include name="META-INF/persistence-prod.xml"/>
<globmapper from="*-prod.xml" to="*.xml"/>
<jar destfile="${jar.file}">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/resources"/>
<include name="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml"/>
<fileset dir="${basedir}/resources">
<include name="META-INF/persistence-prod.xml"/>
<globmapper from="*-prod.xml" to="*.xml"/>
I guess this makes sense since it limits my file mapping to just the <mappedresources> and not to all <fileset> of the <jar> task.
So I have a bunch of Jars in a directory that look like this:
library_2.4.3.jar 2/3/2012
library_3.0.1.jar 9/1/2012
api.lib_10.3.jar 3/2/2011
api.lib_12.4.5.jar 6/9/2012
I have already written the following using Ant 1.7 to copy the jars to where I want them and strip away the version number from the file
<copy todir="${lib.dir}" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="${plugins.dir}">
<include name="library*.jar" />
<include name="api.lib*.jar" />
<regexpmapper from="(.*)_(.*).jar" to="\1.jar"/>
The problem I'm running into is that I want it to copy the newer version of the file. Right now it seems to be copying only the older files. I have looked into the <sort> and <TimestampSelector> tasks but those are not supported under the copy task.
What can I do to copy the newer versions of the file?
Do not put them under the copy task directly... Create the property and use the property in the copy tag...
<timestampselector property="latest.modified">
<fileset dir="${my-directory.dir}">
<include name="file-*" />
<copy todir="." file="${latest.modified}">
Hope, it works.
I am still very new to ant and, although I know coldfusion, I don't know very much about java conventions, but I know that ant is built using java conventions. That being said I am working on an ant process to copy a project to a temp folder, change some code in the project, and then push the temp directory up to an FTP. I am trying to exclude all of my git, eclipse, and ant files from the copy so that my testing platform doesn't get cluttered. I setup a target to do the copy, but it seems that Ant not only is ignoring my excludes (which I am sure I wrote wrong), but it is only copying top level directories and files. No recursive copy. My current target is:
<target name="moveToTemp" depends="init">
<delete dir="./.ant/temp" />
<mkdir dir="./.ant/temp" />
<copy todir="./.ant/temp">
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="*" />
<exclude name=".*/**" />
<exclude name=".*" />
<exclude name="build.xml" />
<exclude name="settings.xml" />
<exclude name="WEB-INF/**" />
<filter token="set(environment='design')" value="set(environment='testing')" />
I know that I am not doing my excludes right, but I don't know what I am doing wrong with them. I see double asterisks (**) used all the time in Ant but I can't figure out
By default an Ant fileset will (recursively) include all files under the specified directory, equivalent to:
<include name="**/*" />
That's the implicit include. If you supply an include, it overrides the implicit one.
Your include
<include name="*" />
Says 'match any file in the fileset directory', but that excludes traversal of subdirectories, hence your issue. Only files and the top-level directories are being copied.
See Patterns in the Ant docs for directory-based tasks: ** matches any directory tree (zero or more directories).
For your case you should be able to simply remove the 'include', so that the implicit 'include all' applies.
Suggest you also investigate the defaultexcludes task, which lets you set up this sort of thing once for the whole project.
Responding to the title of the question. You can include copy of empty directories as follows. (includeemptydirs attribute)
<copy includeemptydirs="true" todir="${directory}${file.separator}sentinel_files">
<fileset dir="${basedir}${file.separator}sentinel_files"/>
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