I've been writing some F# now for about 6 months and I've come across some behavior that I can't explain. I have some boiled down code below. (value names have been changed to protect the innocent!)
I have a hierarchy defined using record types rec1 and rec2, and also a dicriminated union type with possible values CaseA and CaseB. I'm calling a function ('mynewfunc') that takes a du_rec option type. Internally this function defines a recursive function that processes the hierarchy .
I'm kicking off the processing by passing the None option value to represent the root of the hierarchy (In reality, this function is deserializing the hierarchy from a file).
When I run the code below I hit the "failwith "invalid parent"" line of code. I can not understand why this is, because the None value that is passed down should match the outer pattern matching's None case.
The code works if I delete either of the sets of comments. This is not a showstopper for me - I just feel a bit uncomfortable not knowing why this is happening (I thought I was understanding f#)
Thanks in advance for any replies
type rec2 =
name : string
child : rec1 option
and rec1 =
name : string ;
child : rec2 option
and du_rec =
| Case1 of rec1
| Case2 of rec2
let mynewfunc (arg:du_rec option) =
let rec funca (parent:du_rec option) =
match parent with
| Some(node) ->
match node with
| Case2(nd) ->
printfn "hello"
(* | Case1(nd) ->
printfn "bye bye" *)
| _ ->
failwith "invalid parent"
| None ->
// printfn "case3"
funcb( None )
and funcb (parent: du_rec option) =
printfn "this made no difference"
let node = funca(arg)
let rootAnnot = mynewfunc(None)
Based on the comments, this is just a bad experience in the debugger (where the highlighting suggests that the control flow is going places it is not); the code does what you expect.
(There are a number of places where the F# compiler could improve its sequence-points generated into the pdbs, to improve the debugging experience; I think we'll be looking at this in a future release.)
I need to call bool.TryParse in F# and I'm having a little difficulty with the compiler / Ionide.
let value = true
let parsable = bool.TryParse("True", &value)
There error I'm seeing in Ionide for VSCode looks like the following.
val value : bool Full name:
Assembly: example3
The type 'ByRefKinds.InOut' does not match the type 'ByRefKinds.In'F#
This is the first example that I've used call by ref keywords and syntax in F# so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong and the byrefs documentation doesn't seem to be of much help on understanding this particular scenario.
It turns out that the main thing I was missing in my example was that value wasn't mutable as it would need to be when called in this context.
Working example:
let mutable value = true
let parsable = bool.TryParse("True", &value)
This solution came to me after reading a slightly related GitHub issue related to Span<T> and then also playing around in dotnet fsi which at least gave me the following clue.
let parsable = bool.TryParse("True", &value);;
stdin(34,38): error FS3230: A value defined in a module must be mutable in order to take its address, e.g. 'let mutable x = ...'
As it turns out however F# also seems to have sntaxtic sugar around the Try-Parse pattern which I began to recall after playing around with this example further. This reduced into the below alternative solution to calling bool.TryParse.
let value = true
let (parsable, _) = bool.TryParse "True"
Alternatively without having to bind parsable and to specify the default value within a single expression the following example may be more elegant.
let value = match bool.TryParse "True" with
| true, value -> value
| false, _ -> true
Perhaps there are pros and cons to the different ways of calling bool.TryParse and other Try-Parse methods but the important thing is that I found some solutions that work and get me past the initial stumbling blocks with regard to lack of F# documentation on the subject.
As you have already discovered, the error can be fixed by making the 'value' a mutable variable.
Saying that, the last solution solution you shared (using pattern matching) looks the nicest and safest.
If you happen to do many of these parsing operations, I would suggest extracting some utility functions. That will avoid having to correctly pattern match on (true, value) rather than (false, value) by mistake.
Sample code:
open System
module Option =
let ofTry<'a> (res:(bool*'a)) : 'a option =
match res with
| true, res -> Some res
| false, _ -> None
module Result =
let ofTry<'a,'b> (err:'b) (res:(bool*'a)) : Result<'a, 'b> =
|> csharpToOption
|> Option.toResult err
module Samples =
let withPatternMatch =
match Int32.TryParse "5" with
| true, value -> value |> Some
| false, _ -> None
let withOptionHelper = Int32.TryParse "5" |> Option.ofTry
let withResultHelper = Int32.TryParse "5" |> Result.ofTry "Not a number"
How do functional programmers test functions that return a unit?
In my case, I believe I need to unit test an interface to this function:
let logToFile (filePath:string) (formatf : 'data -> string) data =
use file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(filePath)
file.WriteLine(formatf data)
What is the recommended approach when I'm unit testing a function with I/O?
In OOP, I believe a Test Spy can be leveraged.
Does the Test Spy pattern translate to functional programming?
My client looks something like this:
let ``log purchase``() =
[OneDollarBill] |> select Pepsi
|> logToFile "myFile.txt" (sprintf "%A")
|> should equal ??? // IDK
My domain is the following:
module Machine
type Deposit =
| Nickel
| Dime
| Quarter
| OneDollarBill
| FiveDollarBill
type Selection =
| Pepsi
| Coke
| Sprite
| MountainDew
type Attempt = {
type Transaction = {
Deposited:Deposit list
type RequestResult =
| Granted of Transaction
| Denied of Attempt
(* Functions *)
open System
let insert coin balance = coin::balance
let refund coins = coins
let priceOf = function
| Pepsi
| Coke
| Sprite
| MountainDew -> 1.00m
let valueOf = function
| Nickel -> 0.05m
| Dime -> 0.10m
| Quarter -> 0.25m
| OneDollarBill -> 1.00m
| FiveDollarBill -> 5.00m
let totalValue coins =
(0.00m, coins) ||> List.fold (fun acc coin -> acc + valueOf coin)
let logToFile (filePath:string) (formatf : 'data -> string) data =
let message = formatf data
use file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(filePath)
let select item deposited =
if totalValue deposited >= priceOf item
then Granted { Purchased=item
Price = priceOf item }
else Denied { Price=priceOf item;
Need=priceOf item - totalValue deposited }
Do not see this as an authoritative answer, because I'm not an expert on testing, but my answer to this question would be that, in a perfect world, you cannot and do not need to test unit-returning functions.
Ideally, you would structure your code so that it is composed from some IO to read data, transformations encoding all the logic and some IO to save the data:
|> someLogic
|> someMoreLogic
|> write
The idea is that all your important things are in someLogic and someMoreLogic and that read and write are completely trivial - they read file as string or sequence of lines. This is trivial enough that you do not need to test it (now, you could possibly test the actual file writing by reading the file back again, but that's when you want to test the file IO rather than any logic that you wrote).
This is where you would use a mock in OO, but since you have a nice functional structure, you would now write:
|> someLogic
|> someMoreLogic
|> shouldEqual expectedResult
Now, in reality, the world is not always that nice and something like a spy operation ends up being useful - perhaps because you are interoperating with a world that is not purely functional.
Phil Trelford has a nice and very simple Recorder that lets you record calls to a function and check that it has been called with the expected inputs - and this is something I've found useful a number of times (and it is simple enough that you do not really need a framework).
Obviously, you could use a mock as you would in imperative code as long as the unit of code takes its dependencies as a parameter.
But, for another approach, I found this talk really interesting Mocks & stubs by Ken Scambler. As far as I recall the general argument was that you should avoid using mocks by keeping all functions as pure as possible, making them data-in-data-out. At the very edges of your program, you would have some very simple functions that perform the important side-effects. These are so simple that they don't even need testing.
The function you provided is simple enough to fall into that category. Testing it with a mock or similar would just involve ensuring that certain methods are called, not that the side-effect occurred. Such a test isn't meaningful and doesn't add any value over the code itself, while still adding a maintenance burden. It's better to test the side-effect part with an integration test or end-to-end test that actually looks at the file that was written.
Another good talk on the subject is Boundaries by Gary Bernhardt which Discusses the concept of Functional Core, Imperative Shell.
I'm playing around with StructuredFormatDisplay and I assumed I could use multiple properties for the Value, but it seems that is not the case. This question (and accepted answer) talk about customizing in general, but the examples given only use a single property. MSDN is not helpful when it comes to usage of this attribute.
Here's my example:
[<StructuredFormatDisplay("My name is {First} {Last}")>]
type Person = {First:string; Last:string}
If I then try this:
let johnDoe = {First="John"; Last="Doe"}
I end up with this error:
<StructuredFormatDisplay exception: Method 'FSI_0038+Person.First}
{Last' not found.>
The error seems to hint at it only capturing the first property mentioned in my Value but it's hard for me to say that with any confidence.
I have figured out I can work around this by declaring my type like this:
[<StructuredFormatDisplay("My name is {Combined}")>]
type Person = {First:string; Last:string} with
member this.Combined = this.First + " " + this.Last
But I was wondering if anyone could explain why I can't use more than one property, or if you can, what syntax I'm missing.
I did some digging in the source and found this comment:
In this version of F# the only valid values are of the form PreText
{PropertyName} PostText
But I can't find where that limitation is actually implemented, so perhaps someone more familiar with the code base could simply point me to where this limitation is implemented and I'd admit defeat.
The relevant code from the F# repository is in the file sformat.fs, around line 868. Omitting lots of details and some error handling, it looks something like this:
let p1 = txt.IndexOf ("{", StringComparison.Ordinal)
let p2 = txt.LastIndexOf ("}", StringComparison.Ordinal)
if p1 < 0 || p2 < 0 || p1+1 >= p2 then
let preText = if p1 <= 0 then "" else txt.[0..p1-1]
let postText = if p2+1 >= txt.Length then "" else txt.[p2+1..]
let prop = txt.[p1+1..p2-1]
match catchExn (fun () -> getProperty x prop) with
| Choice2Of2 e ->
Some (wordL ("<StructuredFormatDisplay exception: " + e.Message + ">"))
| Choice1Of2 alternativeObj ->
let alternativeObjL =
match alternativeObj with
| :? string as s -> sepL s
| _ -> sameObjL (depthLim-1) Precedence.BracketIfTuple alternativeObj
countNodes 0 // 0 means we do not count the preText and postText
Some (leftL preText ^^ alternativeObjL ^^ rightL postText)
So, you can easily see that this looks for the first { and the last }, and then picks the text between them. So for foo {A} {B} bar, it extracts the text A} {B.
This does sound like a silly limitation and also one that would not be that hard to improve. So, feel free to open an issue on the F# GitHub page and consider sending a pull request!
Just to put a bow on this, I did submit a PR to add this capability and yesterday it was accepted and pulled into the 4.0 branch.
So starting with F# 4.0, you'll be able to use multiple properties in a StructuredFormatDisplay attribute, with the only downside that all curly braces you wish to use in the message will now need to be escaped by a leading \ (e.g. "I love \{ braces").
I rewrote the offending method to support recursion and switched to using a regular expression to detect property references. It seems to work pretty well, although it isn't the prettiest code I've ever written.
I am just starting to learn F#, and impressed by the type inference I thought I would try a function that gets the first record from a table (using query expressions, Linq style):
let getfirst data =
let result = query { for n in data do take 1 }
result |> Seq.head
This works, the type is IQueryable<'a> -> 'a.
But why doesn't this version work?
let getfirst2 data =
query { for n in data do head }
Shouldn't for n in data do head give a scalar 'a just like last time? Can someone explain why the second version doesn't work, and how to make it work without using Seq.head?
The reason is that the query builder has a somewhat hacky overloaded Run method for running queries, with the following overloads:
QueryBuilder.Run : Quotations.Expr<'t> -> 't
QueryBuilder.Run : Quotations.Expr<Linq.QuerySource<'t, IEnumerable>> -> seq<'t>
QueryBuilder.Run : Quotations.Expr<Linq.QuerySource<'t, IQueryable>> -> IQueryable<'t>
In your case, any of the overloads could apply, given a suitable type for data (though QuerySource<_,_> is a type which isn't ever meant to be used by user code, so two of the overloads are quite unlikely). Unfortunately, due to the strange way these overloads are defined (the first and second are actually extension methods defined in separate modules), the third one wins the overload resolution battle.
I don't know why, but when you hover over the data argument in getfirst2 you see it's of type System.Linq.IQueryable<Linq.QuerySource<'a, System.Linq.IQueryable>> when it really should be System.Linq.IQueryable<'a>.
You can "fix" it by adding type annotations:
open System.Linq
let getfirst2 (data : IQueryable<'a>) : 'a = query {
for item in data do
Then it works like you have expected:
[1 .. 10]
|> System.Linq.Queryable.AsQueryable
|> getfirst2
|> printfn "%d" // Prints 1.
Maybe someone else can shed some light on why the compiler infers the types it does.
While writing some code yesterday, I ran into two odd problems, which neither me nor my functional programming oriented friend could figure out. We have looked at it for quite some time, and researched it on the net, but we were not able to find any answers anywhere, so here goes:
The issue is that in this code:
First weird problem:
let outer1 (bs : byte array) =
let rec inner (bs : byte array) (bacc : byte array) (i : int) =
match i with
| bs.Length -> bacc // <--- Error: bs is not recognized. Why?
| _ -> bacc.[i] <- bs.[i]
inner bs bacc (i + 1)
inner bs (Array.zeroCreate bs.Length) 0
The problem here is: FS0039: The namespace or module 'bs' is not defined.
How can this be? bs is in the function signature after all. Moreover, defining a new value with let bsLength = bs.Length works right before the match. But by doing so I see a new oddity:
let outer2 (bs : byte array) =
let rec inner (bs : byte array) (bacc : byte array) (i : int) =
let bsLength = bs.Length
match i with
| bsLength -> bacc
| _ -> bacc.[i] <- bs.[i] // <--- Warning: Rule never matched. Why?
inner bs bacc (i + 1)
inner bs (Array.zeroCreate bs.Length) 0
Here the problem is a warning that says: warning FS0026: This rule will never be matched.
I don't get that at all. i and the length of the array has no relation to each other. If I write an integer (for instance 10) instead of bsLength, the warning disappears.
Both your problems stem from the expectation that pattern matching allows using values and literals interchangeably. No, it does not. Pattern Matching (F#) topic on MSDN gives a good overview of supported pattern types and precedence rules of their application. The major principle simplifying a lengthy description there is: you cannot match a value unless this value is a literal, or identifier (a case value of a discriminated union, an exception label, or an active pattern case).
In your first problem point compiler treats bs.Length not as a property Length of array bs as you expect, but as a literal or identifier Length from non-existing module or namespace bs; as John Palmer pointed in his answer you may achieve the expected behavior by using variable pattern with a guard statement. A sample of legitimate use of the pattern matching expression resembling yours would be:
module bs =
let Length = 100
let v = 100;
let s = match v with
| bs.Length -> "matched"
| _ -> "not matched";;
val s : string = "matched"
The second problem point is treated by compiler as variable pattern, and bsLength is assigned a value of i instead of values being compared, as you expected; second matching rule does not have chances to kick in.
The match statement doesn't work like you think it does - the correct syntax is
match i with
| t when t = bs.Length
In the second case, you actually create a new variable called bsLength which hides the definition of the earlier bsLength and matches all integers, so you get the rule never matched warning.