Cachegrind under Xen - profiler

I have an application written in C++ that someone else has written in a way that's supposed to maximally take advantage of cpu caches. This application runs on a guest Ubuntu OS that is using paravirtualization. I ran cachegrind and received very low cache miss rates.
Since my OS is virtualized, can I be sure that these values are in fact correct in showing that the cpu cache is being well used for my application?

Cachegrind is a simulator. A real CPU may actually perform differently (e.g. your real CPU may have a different cache hierarchy to cachegrind, different sizes of cache, a different replacement policy and so forth). You would need to watch the real CPUs performance counters to know for sure how well your program was really performing on real hardware with respect to cache.


Memory allocation during startup of a C++ program

I sometimes read that the code segment is placed into ROM/FLASH. Others state that it is also loaded into RAM.
Is my understanding correct that it is common to place it into FLASH primary memory in case of an embedded system? And what are the advantages? I assume the startup of the program will be faster but since the FLASH memory is much slower it would be better to additionally load it from FLASH to RAM during the startup phase when RAM usage does not matter?
Sometimes you don't have enough memory for your program, so you just leave it in ROM or flash. On a system flush with memory you just load everything into RAM, it's much faster.
Some embedded CPUs have 2K of memory, but 2MB of flash. As an example the RP2040 has 264KB of SRAM (RAM) but 2MB of Flash memory for your programs. That's a lot bigger than the memory footprint.
Flash is slow compared to modern DRAM but in an embedded environment the CPU isn't always that fast either. The RP2040 only runs at 133MHz, so it won't notice the difference between flash latency and SRAM latency like a chip running in the 2GHz range might. It's clocked 15x slower.
If you want to explore this more, embedded CPUs like the RP2040 are really cheap, some less than $1, so you can experiment on them and see how it plays out in real life without having to spend much money at all.
Generally, RAM is much faster than flash. Where to run the code from however, depends on the system. On most traditional embedded systems, you don't execute from RAM.
On low-end embedded systems (8 and 16-bitters) you always keep all code in flash and there won't be a performance difference between executing from RAM or flash. Such systems typically don't have a MMU nor protection against writing to the code area, so running code from RAM is highly dangerous since bugs can write straight into physical memory. Also, these systems tend to have very limited RAM.
On mid-range embedded systems (Cortex M etc) where you start to clock the core faster than the flash can keep up with, you need to introduce wait states, where the CPU waits for the flash to read. Typically you need wait states when you go beyond somewhere around 40-50MHz system clock on modern systems. The higher the clock, the more wait states you need.
Such systems do not typically execute code from RAM either, since they usually don't need extreme performance. And they typically don't have a lot of RAM either. In some cases like mid-range Power PC, you'll have instruction cache, which helps a lot in compensating for the slower flash, since instructions can be pre-loaded from flash to cache by branch prediction.
On high-end systems (Cortex A, x86 etc) there will be lots of RAM available for the purpose of executing the code from there and then you are expected to do so. On these systems, cache rather serves the purpose of speeding up access to RAM.
Historically, RAM was also much more prone to electromagnetic interference and could also lose charge over time unless you kept writing to the cells, so you didn't want to keep code in RAM for those reasons alone. That's not much of an issue today though.

Is there any means to do RAM memory testing for multi-core during another application using target memory domain

I try to implement ram test such like this url( in dual core microcontroller.
This ram testing shall be available in the middle of another process.
I think implementing this by using interrupt disable, but it is not appropriate.
As a precondition, My implementing ram test is supposed to do data backup to another domain before testing and to put these data back to initial address.
So, other driver can use same data as usual after RAM testing.
In this case I use interrupt disable, it's not available in dual core.
Because the both of cores access the same RAM domain and disabling interrupt
is not working another core's processing, there are only occurring data inconsistency.
Could you give me your idea?
Somewhat by definition if you are running code on that ram you are not testing that ram if you want to do a memory test you need to be off the ram under test.
But that depends on what your definition of test is. If it is a memory test to test the memory itself, cant be on it, you are not testing some of the memory so you are not testing the memory (looks like what your link is about, note links are bad in SO questions and answers, remote links are not assumed to remain active).
Cant test half then another half you are not testing the address bus completely.
If this is a performance test then ideally you want to be off of it and have the test run completely from cache. Multi core helps for a targeted test as you can push the interface a little bit harder, difficult to max it out with a general purpose processor though, multi-core or not.
Otherwise if you just want to exercise a fraction then allocate a fraction and test it, in whatever way you wish. Its not really a memory test though.
Sounds like from your requirements you are not really interested in a full memory test, so do as much as you can to make your boss happy.
Actual memory testing a system is very much specific to that system, how you approach it, how you solve it. You want that code(/stack) to not be on that ram, ideally the chip/system design includes a fast internal SRAM that you can use for board bring up and design verification, possibly manufacture test, but manufacture test should be testing the solder/board not all the bits in the ram, there are ways to do that too. If no internal sram then they had to design some way to bring the system up, or not, if you can run from flash and have the cache on, and can map that out of the way of the DRAM address space, then you can test the dram(/external ram) that way (no stack, just the CPU registers, basically assembly language).

Windows to embedded port: data and code memory size

I am in the process of porting a windows 7 library to an embedded platform. In order to do so my employer asks me the amount of memory (and CPU but let us concentrate on the memory for now) that my system will need once ported - so he can size the board to my needs.
I had a look on the internet and there seem not be exist much information about this question, hence my questions:
in order to get a rough idea of the memory footprint of the code in flash memory (code only without memory for data), I read on the Internet that I should sum the size of all the dlls I use. It seems that all compilers and platforms give a different size for the code footprint but overall the size of the code (without data) is often very close. Do you confirm?
in order to deal with the memory required by the data only (heap + stack but no code), I had a look at the task manager (and process explorer). It seems the overall amount of data which I use is specified in the 'peak working set'. I have a few questions about it though:
2.a. Does the 'working set' include the heap + stack memory or does it correspond to the heap only?
2.b. Does the 'working set' include the size for the code as well? (as I am on windows 7, the code is also stored in RAM and not in flash as on embedded systems), or does it only correspond to the data?
2.c. it seems the 'peak working set' reflects the maximum amount of physical memory that was actually in RAM from the time the program was started, but it does not reflect the size the program could take afterwards (if I happen to allocate memory at runtime - which would be bad ;) - the peak value would go on increasing). Do you confirm?
2.d. Hence, do you also confirm that if I do not allocate memory at runtime, the 'peak working set' should roughly be the maximum size of RAM my embedded system will need? Up to a bit of size difference due to the difference in systems technology...
Unless you are intending to run your application on Windows Embedded, then looking at the code and data usage in Windows is not going to be much of an indicator of anything useful!
1) DLLs are libraries - not all the code within them will be utilised by your code. Most embedded systems are statically linked and the linker will link only modules that are actually referenced in your by your code. So taking the sum of the DLL dependencies is likley to lead to a gross over estimation of memory requirement.
2) Windows memory management is profligate with memory use - because it can be and to do so generally improves performance of typical desktop systems. For example, an thread stack in Windows is typically of the order to 2Mb - you may seldom use that much, but Windows gives it to you in any case because it can and to do so errs on the side of safety. A thread stack in an embedded system will typically range from a few tens of bytes to a few tens of kilobytes - it depends on your application.
Windows task manager shows what Windows allocates to your process, that may not relate to what your process needs. Also your application is using Windows services - all the memory used for kernel and device services will not show up as part of your process, but your embedded system may still need those.
If you do use your Windows prototype code to assess the embedded system requirements, then your best place to start is by getting the linker to generate a map file, which will give a detailed description of memory usage in terms of statically allocated data and code size.
Code size depends not only on the performance of the compiler, but also on the efficiency of the instruction set. Some architectures achieve higher code density than others. Windows application code size is never a good indicator of embedded code size because its execution environment is likley to be so much different. For example an pre-emptive multitasking RTOS kernel on a 32bit ARM can be implemented in less than 10Kb of code, a file system perhaps another 10, and network stack anything from 10 to 30K, USB another 10. As you can see this is a different world to desktop code.
Data memory usage is more easily determined perhaps; but you do that through analysis of your application rather than observing what Windows does. There is the data your application instantiates directly, and then there is data instantiated by libraries and device drivers you might call - in Windows the latter is likley to be relatively large and out of your control. Typical embedded systems libraries for things such a s network stacks, USB, file systems etc. are fall smaller and far more deterministic in both performance and size.
Your better bet is to describe your application in terms of its general purpose, performance requirements, real-time constraints, and its hardware requirements (display, networking, I/O, mass storage etc.), and then look at comparable solutions or at the libraries you will need to implement your solution; most embedded systems are "bare board" and do not have the services you find in Windows unless you write them or use third-party solutions - Windows is seldom a comparable solution to an embedded system.
If it is just a library rather than an application, then build it for a likley target using a Windows hosted GCC cross-compiler and see how big it ends up. You don't need hardware for that or even expend any money.

What will happen if a application is large enough to be loaded into the available RAM memory?

There is chance were a heavy weight application that needs to be launched in a low configuration system.. (Especially when the system has too less memory)
Also when we have already opened lot of application in the system & we keep on trying opening new new application what would happen?
I have only seen applications taking time to process or hangs up for sometime when I try operating with it in low config. system with low memory and old processors..
How it is able to accomodate many applications when the memory is low..? (like 128 MB or lesser..)
Does it involves any paging or something else..?
Can someone please let me know the theory behind this..!
"Heavyweight" is a very vague term. When the OS loads your program, the EXE is mapped in your address space, but only the code pages that run (or data pages that are referenced) are paged in as necessary.
You will likely get horrible performance if pages need to constantly be swapped as the program runs (aka many hard page faults), but it should work.
Since your commit charge is near the commit limit, and the commit limit will likely have no room to grow, you will also likely recieve many malloc()/VirtualAlloc(..., MEM_COMMIT)/HeapAlloc()/{Local|Global}Alloc() failures so you need to watch the return codes in your program.
Some keywords for search engines are: paging, swapping, virtual memory.
Wikipedia has an article called Paging (Redirected from Swap space).
There is often the use of virtual memory. Virtual memory pages are mapped to physical memory if they are used. If a physical page is needed and no page is available, another is written to disk. This is called swapping and that explains why crowded systems get slow and memory upgrades have positive effects on performance.

Determine whether memory location is in CPU cache

It is possible for an operating system to determine whether a page of memory is in DRAM or in swap; for example, simply try to access it and if a page fault occurs, it wasn't.
However, is the same thing possible with CPU cache?
Is there any efficient way to tell whether a given memory location has been loaded into a cache line, or to know when it does so?
In general, I don't think this is possible. It works for DRAM and the pagefile since that is an OS managed resource, cache is managed by the CPU itself.
The OS could do a tight timing loop of a memory read and try to see if it completes fast enough to be in the cache or if it had to go out to main memory - this would be very error prone.
On multi-core/multi-proc systems, there are cache coherency protocols that are used between processors to determine when to they need to invalidate each other's caches, I suppose you could have a custom device that would snoop this protocol that the OS would query.
What are you trying to do? If you want to force something into memory, current x86 processors support prefetching memory into the cache in a non-blocking way, for instance with Visual C++ you could use _mm_prefetch to fetch a line into the cache.
I haven't done this myself, so use at your own risk. To determine cache misses for profiling, you may be able to use some architecture-specific registers., Appendix A gives "Performance Tuning Events". This can't be used to determine if an individual address is in the cache or when it is loaded in the cache, but can be used for overall stats. I believe this is what vTune (a phenomenal profiler for this level) uses.
If you try to determine this yourself then the very act of running your program could invalidate the relevant cache lines, hence rendering your measurements useless.
This is one of those cases that mirrors the scientific principle that you cannot measure something without affecting that which you are measuring.
dont know how to tell if address IS in cache
BUT here is how to tell if address WAS in cache
save timestamp
mov eax,address
rdtsc read timestamp counter
calculate timestamp difference
if < threshold then was in cache
threshold has to be determined from documentation or empirically
some machines have cache hit/miss counters which would serve equally well
