I have an Ant task that creates an HTML report. Is it possible to load that report automatically in a browser from the Ant task? If so, is it possible to do so in a user-independent way or would it require the use of custom user properties?
I used <script> with javascript:
<property name="mydirectory" location="target/report"/>
<script language="javascript"><![CDATA[
location = "file:///"+project.getProperty("mydirectory").toString().replaceAll("\\\\","/")+"/index.html";
There is an independent way, like we do in java:
Desktop.getDesktop.open(new File("file.html")) ?
I see no exit without ant optional tasks. From all the scripts beanshell looks most lightweight and does not require any new knowledge. So I did it this way:
<property name="bshJar" value="
C:\lang\java\commons-logging-1.1.1.jar" />
<script manager="bsf" language="beanshell" classpath="${bshJar}">
new java.io.File("c:\\temp\\1\\stackoverflow\\DVD FAQ.htm"));
And this is an answer about getting script task running. However javascript language is indeed a better option, as it needs no classpath (and no manager) in JDK 6. And the code inside remains the same.
Try using Ant's exec task to execute a system command.
An example from that document:
<property name="browser" location="C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe"/>
<property name="file" location="ant/docs/manual/index.html"/>
<exec executable="${browser}" spawn="true">
<arg value="${file}"/>
I need a solution that is platform independent, so based upon "1.21 gigawatts" answer:
<scriptdef name="open" language="javascript">
<attribute name="file" />
var location = "file://"+attributes.get("file").toString().replaceAll("\\\\","/");
location = java.net.URLEncoder.encode(location, "UTF-8");
location = location.toString().replace("%3A",":");
location = location.toString().replace("%2F","/");
println("Opening file " + location);
var uriLocation = java.net.URI.create(location);
var desktop = java.awt.Desktop.getDesktop();
This can be called in ant with:
<open file="C:\index.html" />
How I did it:
In my build.properties
browser = open
browser.args = -a Firefox
In my build.xml
<target name="openCoverage">
<exec executable="${browser}" spawn="yes">
<arg line="${browser.args}" />
<arg line="${unit.html}" />
Basing this on Gabor's answer I had to do a few more things to get it to work. Here's my code:
<!-- Build and output the Avenue.swf-->
<target name="Open in browser" >
<property name="myDirectory" location="BuildTest/bin-debug"/>
<script language="javascript">
var location = "file:///"+project.getProperty("myDirectory").toString().replaceAll("\\\\","/")+"/BuildTest.html";
location = location.toString().replace(/ /g, "%20");
// show URL - copy and paste into browser address bar to test location
var uriLocation = java.net.URI.create(location);
var desktop = java.awt.Desktop.getDesktop();
I had to append the project name to the directory and replace the spaces with "%20". After that it worked fine.
One way to do this is to invoke your favorite browser with the filename. If you have Ant execute
firefox "file:///G:/Report.html"
it will launch Firefox with that file.
This opens the given HTML file in the system-default browser using only pure Ant.
<property name="report.file" value="${temp.dir}/report/index.html" />
<exec executable="cmd" spawn="yes">
<arg value="/c" />
<arg value="${report.file}" />
I want to be able to generate a number of Ant targets something like this:
<property name="grunt_tasks" value="jsp,css,js,img" />
<foreach list="${grunt_tasks}" param="task">
<target name="${task}">
<exec executable="grunt" failonerror="true">
<arg line="${task}" />
allowing me to run ant jsp or ant js.
However, this code fails because a target tag cannot be placed in a foreach tag.
How can I accomplish this?
There's a number of ways you might add targets on the fly. Here's one suggestion:
<property name="mybuild" value="mybuild.xml" />
<property name="grunt_tasks" value="jsp,css,js,img" />
<echo message="<project>" file="${mybuild}" />
<for list="${grunt_tasks}" param="task">
<echo file="${mybuild}" append="yes"><![CDATA[
<target name="#{task}">
<exec executable="grunt" failonerror="true">
<arg line="#{task}" />
<echo message="</project>" file="${mybuild}" append="yes"/>
<import file="${mybuild}" />
Use the antcontrib <for> task in preference to <foreach>, else you have to have a separate target for the body of the loop.
Create a second buildfile, here called mybuild.xml, to contain your targets.
The buildfile content has to be within a <project> element.
Import the buildfile.
You can then invoke the on-the-fly targets in the way you wish.
You might alternatively use a <script> task to create the targets if you prefer, which would remove the need for the separate buildfile and import, something like this:
<for list="${grunt_tasks}" param="task">
<script language="javascript"><![CDATA[
var exec = project.createTask( "exec" );
exec.setExecutable( "grunt" );
exec.setFailonerror( true );
var arg = exec.createArg( );
arg.setValue( "#{task}" );
var target = new Target();
target.addTask( exec );
target.setName( "#{task}" );
project.addOrReplaceTarget( target );
I am using Input tasks to collect specific property values and I want to concatenate those into one property value that references my properties file.
I can generate the format of the property but at runtime it is treated as a string and not a property reference.
Example properties file:
# build.properties
# Some Server Credentials
west.1.server = TaPwxOsa
west.2.server = DQmCIizF
east.1.server = ZCTgqq9A
Example build file:
<property file="build.properties"/>
<target name="login">
<input message="Enter Location:" addproperty="loc" />
<input message="Enter Sandbox:" addproperty="box" />
<property name="token" value="\$\{${loc}.${box}.server}" />
<echo message="${token}"/>
When I call login and provide "west" and "1" for the input values, echo will print ${west.1.server} but it will not retrieve the property value from the properties file.
If I hardcode the property value in the message:
<echo message="${west.1.server}"/>
then Ant will dutifully retrieve the string from the properties file.
How can I get Ant to accept the dynamically generated property value and treat it as a property to be retrieved from the properties file?
The props antlib provides support for this but as far as I know there's no binary release available yet so you have to build it from source.
An alternative approach would be to use a macrodef:
<macrodef name="setToken">
<attribute name="loc"/>
<attribute name="box"/>
<property name="token" value="${#{loc}.#{box}.server}" />
<setToken loc="${loc}" box="${box}"/>
Additional example using the Props antlib.
Needs Ant >= 1.8.0 (works fine with latest Ant version 1.9.4)
and Props antlib binaries.
The current build.xml in official Props antlib GIT Repository (or here) doesn't work out of the box :
Target "compile" does not exist in the project "props".
Get the sources of props antlib and unpack in filesystem.
Get the sources of antlibs-common and unpack contents to ../ant-antlibs-props-master/common
Run ant antlib for building the jar :
[jar] Building jar: c:\area51\ant-antlibs-props-master\build\lib\ant-props-1.0Alpha.jar
Otherwise get the binaries from MVNRepository or here
The examples in ../antunit are quite helpful.
For nested properties look in nested-test.xml
Put the ant-props.jar on ant classpath.
<project xmlns:props="antlib:org.apache.ant.props">
<!-- Activate Props antlib -->
<property file="build.properties"/>
<input message="Enter Location:" addproperty="loc" />
<input message="Enter Sandbox:" addproperty="box" />
<property name="token" value="${${loc}.${box}.server}"/>
<echo message="${token}"/>
output :
Buildfile: c:\area51\ant\tryme.xml
[input] Enter Location:
[input] Enter Sandbox:
[echo] TaPwxOsa
Total time: 4 seconds
Solution is :
Consider problem is this, where you want to achieve this :
<property name="prop" value="${${anotherprop}}"/> (double expanding the property)?
You can use javascript:
<script language="javascript">
propname = project.getProperty("anotherprop");
project.setNewProperty("prop", propname);
I gave it a try and this is working for me.
I have an ant script to manage out build process. For WiX I need to produce a new guid when we produce a new version of the installer. Anyone have any idea how to do this in ANT? Any answer that uses built-in tasks would be preferable. But if I have to add another file, that's fine.
I'd use a scriptdef task to define simple javascript task that wraps the Java UUID class, something like this:
<scriptdef name="generateguid" language="javascript">
<attribute name="property" />
importClass( java.util.UUID );
project.setProperty( attributes.get( "property" ), UUID.randomUUID() );
<generateguid property="guid1" />
<echo message="${guid1}" />
[echo] 42dada5a-3c5d-4ace-9315-3df416b31084
If you have a reasonably up-to-date Ant install, this should work out of the box.
If you are using (or would like to use) groovy this will work nicely.
<project default="main" basedir=".">
<taskdef name="groovy" classname="org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovy"
classpath="lib/groovy-all-2.1.5.jar" />
<target name="main">
//generate uuid and place it in ants properties map
def myguid1 = UUID.randomUUID()
properties['guid1'] = myguid1
println "uuid " + properties['guid1']
<!--use the uuid from ant -->
<echo message="uuid ${guid1}" />
Buildfile: C:\dev\anttest\build.xml
[groovy] uuid d9b4a35e-4a75-454c-9f15-16b4b83bc6d0
[echo] uuid d9b4a35e-4a75-454c-9f15-16b4b83bc6d0
Using groovy 2.1.5 and ant 1.8
I'm using Ant 1.8. I want to pass a property that I define in my script to an exec command. Although I can see the property has a value in my echo statements, when I pass it to the script and output its value in the script, its value prints out as "${myco.test.root}", without being converted. What is the correct way to pass the property's value to the script? Below is the relevant code from my build.xml file …
<target name="checkout-selenium-tests" depends="set-critical-path-test-suite,set-default-test-suite,check-local-folders-exist">
<echo message=" test root ${myco.test.root}" />
<stcheckout servername="${st.servername}"
<delete file="${myco.testsuite.file}" />
<echo message="test root ${myco.test.root}" />
<exec failonerror="true" executable="perl" dir="${scripts.dir}">
<arg value="generate_test_suite.pl" />
<arg value="My Tests" />
<arg value="${myco.test.root}" />
<arg value="${myco.testsuite.file}" />
Thanks, - Dave
It actually looks good to me. Try running the build.xml with both the verbose and debug options turned on in Ant:
ant -d -v checkout-selenium-tests
That'll help trace down where the error could be coming from.
i have an ant script as shown below:
<project name="nightly_build" default="main" basedir="checkout">
<target name="init">
<exec executable="C:/Work/Searchversion.exe"/>
<property file="initial.properties"/>
<property file="C:/Work/lastestbuild.properties"/>
<format property="suffix" pattern="yyyyMMddHHmmss"/>
<target name="main" depends="init">
<exec executable="C:/Program Files/True Blue Software/SnapshotCM/wco.exe">
<arg line='-h sinsscm01.sin.ds.net -S"/mobile/6.70_Extensions/6.70.102/ANT_SASE_RELEASE_${Version_Number}" /'/>
i created the above script to replicate a command: wco -h sinsscm01.sin.ds.net -S"/mobile/6.70_Extensions/6.70.102/ANT_SASE_RELEASE_6.70.102.014" /
and is found inside latestbuild.properties file in the form of:
Version_Number =
and this latestbuild.properties file is obtained when i execute C:/Work/Searchversion.exe
but when i execute this ant script using cruisecontrol, in my log file,
[Thread-24] INFO ScriptRunner - [exec] Cannot open snapshot 'sinsscm01.sin.ds.jdsu.net:/mobile/6.70_Extensions/6.70.102/ANT_SASE_RELEASE_${Version_Number}': No such snapshot
where ${Version_Number} should have been
How do i tackle this issue?
after trial and error and substituting with a built in property ${ant.version}, i realise that my property file could be loaded in correctly over here. can anyone point out my mistake? i dont see anything wrong though
Just additional infomation... This is actually a delegate ant script for cruisecontrol(used to perform nightly build). Here is my config.xml file for per minute build:
<project name="dms" buildafterfailed="true">
<currentbuildstatuslistener file = "logs/dms/status.txt"/>
<modificationset quietperiod="60">
<schedule interval="60">
<ant buildfile="nightly_build.xml" target="main"/>
<log dir="logs/dms">
<merge dir="checkout/dms/build/test-results" />
should properties file be loaded in config.xml?
Try breaking your arguments to wco.exe into separate child elements like this:
<exec executable="C:/Program Files/True Blue Software/SnapshotCM/wco.exe">
<arg value="-h" />
<arg value="sinsscm01.sin.ds.net" />
<arg value="-S" />
<arg value="/mobile/6.70_Extensions/6.70.102/ANT_SASE_RELEASE_${Version_Number}" />
<arg value="/" />
I think ant isn't expanding ${Version_Number} because it is inside ' "..." ' in the version you posted.
As mentioned in the docs for <exec> you should avoid use of the <arg line=...> form.
You could add assertions in your init target that the required properties file exists and that the property is defined. For example:
<property name="version.file" value="C:/Work/lastestbuild.properties"/>
<available file="${version.file}" property="version.file.available"/>
<fail unless="version.file.available" message="file [${version.file}] is not available"/>
<property file="${version.file}"/>
<fail unless="version" message="property [version] is not defined"/>
<echo message="version: ${version}"/>
I think that will help you spot that the file does not exist.
I took a look at your other question about this script you're putting together. In the code which writes the version number to file, you use filename latestbuild.properties:
TextWriter latest = new StreamWriter("C:\\Work\\latestbuild.properties");
In your Ant script, you are loading a different filename lastestbuild.properties.
Unless you've fixed it since then, that will be your problem. (If you modified your external script to take the filename as a parameter, and defined the filename once as an Ant property - as in my sample above - it would help you avoid this kind of problem.)
Regarding your discovery that you need to wait for your external script before continuing in Ant, take a look at the Sleep task.