Simple web service solution for iOS and ruby on rails? - ruby-on-rails

The architecture which iPhone works as client, communicating with back-end service by RESTful way,Ruby on Rails is good at building REST web service.
So just wonder if there is very simple open source project for this sort of solution available now ? ( Just like hello world.)

I've been looking in to this as well. The closest thing to a fully integrated solution on the Objective-C side I've seen is ObjectiveResource but it doesn't look very well maintained anymore.

You can use RestKit for object mapping.


simple ways to create RESTful Web Service (java/python/?) in OSX to test ios app with swift

I am new on this gurus, as titled, please advise, which solution out there is more popular and/or adopt by the marketplace better?
I would write a small application in Node.js. It's super lightweight and handles JSON natively which has been the norm. Pretty well suited for RESTful development.
There's a library that makes RESTful development a breeze called node-restify. Their documentation is straight forward and will walk you through writing the most basic web service in a few lines of code.
If you've never used Node.js before it's easy to try out. Comes with an installer for OS X,

Calling Meteor from Native iOS Application

We are building an application that consists of a web app and a native iOS client. The web app is pretty straight forward with Meteor. But on the Native iOS App was wondering if someone can give us some pointers on the best practices for that app to call into meteor. I have seen that there is something like the collectionsapi api which exposes meteor collections over http, but am not sure how we would handle authentication for Native iOS clients if we used something like the collectionsapi or similar. Any pointers from some folks who have done this would be greatly appreciated.
Meteor's communication system is based on DDP (Distributed Data Protocol). You can access meteor's methods & make subscriptions to data which is probably the best way to go since you can get live data back too!
There is an objective-c client but its not been maintained :
The ddp client was originally made prior to an official ddp specification (pre1). So you would have to adjust the client a bit to bring it up to date. Luckily its not too much work. The full DDP spec can be found here:
Using DDP is a very attractive alternative to making a traditional REST request (POST,GET,PUT,etc). As the data on the wire is the same system meteor's client communicates to its server. So if you're able to make something on meteor work in a web browser you could pretty much replicate it on a native iOS client.
If you are still wondering about this, I've been working on a free, open source project that enables native ios clients to do meteor auth (SRP auth) and communicate via DDP. The project lives here:
There is an example app here:

Can a native iOS client connect to a meteor.js server?

I'm really intrigued by the meteor.js framework. However, I'm not certain whether or not I can take advantage of the framework's real-time capabilities via the objective-C's native objects such as NSURLConnection. I have some specific questions referencing this question on how meteorjs works: How does the Meteor JavaScript framework work?
Let's start with web sockets:
The client/server messaging is done via websockets using something
like socks.js or
Is there an objective-C library or framework for utilizing websockets in native apps that would be able to communicate with a Meteor server?
Second, is the mongoDB client:
The client side connection to mongodb is really cool. It replicates
the mongo-server driver into the client. Unfortunately, last I
checked, they were still working on securing this database connection.
This seems like the most intriguing part of meteor. However, does this mean there is no standard way to communicate to the meteor server other than executing strings of javascript in a hidden UIWebView?
For anyone interested in this, I've been working on an objective ddp client library here. I've only just started and there is no documentation yet, but everything works well. The project is here:
The specs for the ddp client are here:
I'm also building a library for meteor auth so ios clients can authenticate with a meteor server using the password package. It's all put together and working in this sample todo app (also part of the same repo):
not a full answers but hopefully a few pointers to get you started.
Meteor uses a protocol called DDP - Distributed Data Protocol. The blog post introducing it is here:
There is an Objective-C client library on github here: Although I can't vouch for it and it has no real documentation, the code is short and should be reasonably understandable by someone who already writes Objective-C.
Other than that I would suggest digging in and see if you can uncover any techniques for iOS clients. It's early days for Meteor and were all learning how to use it.

Can Meteor run with a Microsoft back end (ie EF and MVC)

Perhaps like some of you, I am inundated by the number of JavaScript MV* out there. When I thought I was going KO, I found Backbone, then Ember.
I recently saw some demos on Meteor and I am extremely impressed. But I know nothing of Mongo and I "think" Meteor requires it. (
I am too heavily invested in Entity Framework & MVC to move away from them but Meteor looks like a terrific client side MV*.
Does anyone know if Meteor can work with a Microsoft back end (ie EF and MVC)?
Yes I see the NuGet package for MongoDb, but truth be told I am only interested in Meteor. Is it a both or nothing situation? Meteor looks like bleeding edge and I really would appreciate any links to documentation on its use with a MS backend.
For anyone still reading this in 2013 or later - it's now possible to run Node.js on Windows under IIS (just install the support with the Web Platform Installer).
There's also versions of Meteor and MongoDB for Windows and Meteor supports deploying a bundle that will run under "pure" node.js
As far as I know, You can't. it runs over Node.js, additionally there is a client implementation of a MongoDB like API that would be a pain to implement with a EF backend I think
Yes, sort of. Meteor runs server-side code using node.js, but also provides some very useful services on the client side like templates, routes, collections, session variables, and reactivity.
The way to use it with a .net back-end (or any other language) is to create an api that can be accessed with Meteor. You can create Meteor collections in the client code, which don't need a mongodb instance. Simply access the api to load the collections with the correct data, and then you can use Meteor as you would normally.
However, for most apps it would be much simpler to implement everything in Meteor.

Blackberry - Consume .Net Soap Service

I am new to blackberry app development and was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction(and may be a sample application) of how to consume web service in native apps. I'm using Blackberry JDE plugin for Eclipse.
I am able to consume a restful webservice, but now I want to consume a SOAP service. I am new to eclipse , so I would require in detail information.
I followed this none-ksoap2 route and it worked well for me:
This series of articles explains how to utilise the support the BlackBerry Platform has built in for JSR 172, the J2ME Web Services Specification, by creating a java stub class through the use of a utility in the Sun Java Wireless Toolkit for CLDC and the wsdl for your web service.
The articles give a very thorough and detailed explanation of the steps required to achieve the objective, so I would not wish to repeat them here in full, nor paraphrase them at the risk of my debased shorter version being quoted later. I understand the risk of answering in this way, and I realise that my short explanation above will in no way compensate should the original articles disappear from the internet.
Hey thanks for all the help. Figured it out. The problem was wcf service. When I tried with a simple web service(.asmx), it worked like charm and all the stubs were generated correctly. Probably wcf uses Soap 1.2 default and asmx service SOAP 1.1.
I even tried using KSOAP2 for calling wcf service with little success. Again switching back to asmx instead of wcf, solved the issue.
Now I have problem of plenty, which method to use(KSOAP or Stub) :)
I am all for non KSOAP method, but the only thing that is stopping me is I have to generated stub files everytime a introduce a new method.
Anyways +1 for all the help
