Can Meteor run with a Microsoft back end (ie EF and MVC) -

Perhaps like some of you, I am inundated by the number of JavaScript MV* out there. When I thought I was going KO, I found Backbone, then Ember.
I recently saw some demos on Meteor and I am extremely impressed. But I know nothing of Mongo and I "think" Meteor requires it. (
I am too heavily invested in Entity Framework & MVC to move away from them but Meteor looks like a terrific client side MV*.
Does anyone know if Meteor can work with a Microsoft back end (ie EF and MVC)?
Yes I see the NuGet package for MongoDb, but truth be told I am only interested in Meteor. Is it a both or nothing situation? Meteor looks like bleeding edge and I really would appreciate any links to documentation on its use with a MS backend.

For anyone still reading this in 2013 or later - it's now possible to run Node.js on Windows under IIS (just install the support with the Web Platform Installer).
There's also versions of Meteor and MongoDB for Windows and Meteor supports deploying a bundle that will run under "pure" node.js

As far as I know, You can't. it runs over Node.js, additionally there is a client implementation of a MongoDB like API that would be a pain to implement with a EF backend I think

Yes, sort of. Meteor runs server-side code using node.js, but also provides some very useful services on the client side like templates, routes, collections, session variables, and reactivity.
The way to use it with a .net back-end (or any other language) is to create an api that can be accessed with Meteor. You can create Meteor collections in the client code, which don't need a mongodb instance. Simply access the api to load the collections with the correct data, and then you can use Meteor as you would normally.
However, for most apps it would be much simpler to implement everything in Meteor.


Authentication silverlight to .NET MVC 5

So my first project at this new company is to convert a silverlight project to HTML5. I get mostly done with it but then in gets down to the nitty gritty. I have a legacy database. I essentially recycled the backend and made a client-side SPA solution using HTML5/CSS/Javascript. I come from an Apple/Linux background, so .NET is super new to me. I have learned that it's generally good to ditch the command line and let windows take control. Either ways, here's the problem. I figured out how to query this Pronto DB, and realized the passwords are hashed as they should be, but the mechanism that encrypted them client side was probably windows/silverlight related and I have to do the same in .NET MVC 5. Would have preferred some newer tech but all we got on the server is .NET 4.5 as the runtime env and it's in the red as far as space on the C drive, so upgrading to better software isn't an option. So basically, can anyone tell me how to tell .NET MVC 5 to reuse my DB for authentication in the same manner that a silverlight app would? Essentially, it's the same concept as how I'm re-using the backend with AJAX, but I imagine some pre-packaged GUI solution for telling windows that it should hash the client password and send it to a legacy DB. Tall order but I know they're some extremely intelligent people out there.

BreezeJS with a Linux backend

I am working on a project where we have a very slim server (Linux, Nginx, Sqlite), but our web application shall not show any signs of shortcomings (should contain charts, dashboards, nice looking controls) – so I need the client to do all the heavy work.
I assume that BreezeJS would be good in this case, because it manages data on the client, in a way that reduces workload on the server. The server only sends the data to the client and at some point gets data back that has to be saved to the database. All caching and other stuff is managed on the client.
I assume AngularJS would also be good in this case, because it is a client-side MVC-framework, again reducing workload on the server. It also works seamlessly together with BreezeJS.
I assume Wijmo would also be good in this case, because it provides nice looking controls and also works seamlessly together with BreezeJS and AngularJS.
Are my assumptions right? Any comments?
My only concerns are how I get BreezeJS to “talk” with the Linux-server (Nginx, Sqlite). Are there any samples regarding this? Is anyone working on something similar?
We will be releasing a NodeJS/Express/Mongo example within the next few weeks that should show how to communicate with an arbitrary non-.NET backend. (also see the current 'Edmunds' example in the Breeze zip). But we don't have anything yet that explicity shows Breeze working with a Linux backend. Please vote for this here: Breeze User Voice

Developing oAUTH service in OpenEdge WebSpeed

I'm developing a new website which is going to include web API. What I want to know is how easy (or hard) is it to develop the server side oAUTH service into my new website?
I'm using OE11.0 WebSpeed in combination with Apache. Because I'be been doing Progress/OpenEdge 4GL/ABL development for over 10 years and nothing else I find very hard to translate existing code like, PHP, Python, Java etc.
I've read the RFC related to oAUTH and I find my self get lost in "key-varner".
Has anybody develop a oAUTH server side code in OpenEdge WebSpeed? If so, are you willing to share?
The CLR bridge works in OE 11 onwards now and we use .NET dll's in webspeed sucessfully.
I think your best bet is to do this outside of Webspeed / ABL, otherwise you are stuck re-inventing the wheel. The easiest solution would be to call a .NET library directly from your ABL code but I think that the CLR bridge doesn't work for Webspeed / Appserver apps.
One solution is to have a separate, non-Webspeed app just to handle these oAUTH requests, using a ProxyPass directive on your Apache server to pattern match the URIs and route the requests to the appropriate app.
You could use any non-Webspeed tech. you want, but since I know Ruby best, I will point out the excellent omniauth gem, which supports arbitrary authentication strategies, including oAUTH. You can create a custom gem for your specific provider by working off of any of these strategies (see the "Notes" section and look at any of them that cite "OAuth API" or "OAuth 2 API").
If you want to go whole hog and write the entire app in a different language (yet still using an OpenEdge database), I will toot my own horn and point out the Ruby adapter for OpenEdge databases. This would allow you to use the Ruby on Rails framework for your Web app.

Microsoft Analysis Services - Interact with Rails ActiveRecord

I'm looking at leveraging an existing Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Service (SSAS) instance for a reporting project. The goal is to have the data compiled in SSAS, then a web front-end that allows the user change time-periods, while building graphics (using D3 or the like).
Google has not been my friend in finding a solution for this...
Is there a gem or other way to connect SSAS to a Rails front-end?
JSON, no, not that I know of. However if you are willing to use XML, then yes. XMLA (documented here) is the client API language for SSAS.
One approach would be to build a web service with .NET, and then have your Rails front-end call the web service.
I suppose you could use XMLA directly, but it's painful.

Simple web service solution for iOS and ruby on rails?

The architecture which iPhone works as client, communicating with back-end service by RESTful way,Ruby on Rails is good at building REST web service.
So just wonder if there is very simple open source project for this sort of solution available now ? ( Just like hello world.)
I've been looking in to this as well. The closest thing to a fully integrated solution on the Objective-C side I've seen is ObjectiveResource but it doesn't look very well maintained anymore.
You can use RestKit for object mapping.
