Rails 3. Building an oauth2 provider - ruby-on-rails

I am developing an API in Ruby on Rails 3 and I would like to secure it with Oauth2.
In other words, I need to create an Oauth provider. Is there a working gem for Rails 3 out there or perhaps a tutorial on the issue?
I know Rails are REST based so I find it very strange that there are no tutorials on how to create a public API and secure it. Does anyone know of any good tutorials. Preferable with oAuth.
Thankful for all help!!

Check out this gem https://github.com/applicake/doorkeeper
It is for Rails 3, the development it's early stages though.
There's also an example app that you take a look and see how the API is done.

I've opensourced an OAuth2 server implementation yesterday.
It's well documented and there is a dashboard to control accesses. Right now I'm searching for somebody who wants to build an engine starting from it, or something cool on top of rack. That's why it is open-source.

https://github.com/intridea/oauth2 is the canonical gem right now for OAuth2 dev. If you are looking for a more complete solution, instead of rolling your own provider code, check out:
But I suggest messing around with the oauth2 gem if you aren't very familiar with the flow so that you can learn it better.

If you are using (or planning to use) devise for authentication, you can use https://github.com/socialcast/devise_oauth2_providable as plugin.

I'm developing a rugygem for OAuth2 provider, Rack::OAuth2.
It requires to develop models (token, code, client etc) by yourself, but you can get a whole Rails3 sample OAuth2 server here.

I'm looking to implement an OAuth2 provider, too! I'm currently experimenting with this https://github.com/assaf/rack-oauth2-server, which seems to be a full-featured OAuth2 server, though it still supports only MongoDB, although implementing support for other DBMS seems simple enough. I am also looking at some of the other options posted here, lots of promising stuff!

"Doorkeeper is a gem that makes it easy to introduce OAuth 2 provider functionality to your application."


Rails API authentication for SPA and Client App

I created a Rails API application, that is currently do his job awesomely, but I realized that is missing the most important part, a login from the React application and at the same time the authentication from a python application I developed that should consume those API as well.
Now, looking at the various offering, seems all fuzzy, at least from my prospective and I would like to have an advice that is not from 2016 or before but that is actual today.
Many solutions on the net, was getting dirty the main ApplicationController, that didn't make sense to me.
So I thought that a 'modern' way or let's say, 'a way' is to use doorkeep and devise.
I thought about Doorkeep because allow me to have the 'Applications' therefore I can delegate to applications the authentication in the proper way while using the JWT for the SPA application, but honestly I don't know from where to start deciding :)
I wanted to share here also the link of a blog post that inspired this question: https://www.vic-l.com/jwt-with-refresh-token-using-devise-and-doorkeeper-without-authorization/
Sadly something I found still, without an answer, at the moment, is Setting up DoorKeeper with multiple Rails/React applications?
Now, I can use doorkeeper to manage the JWT for the SPA and the applications for the client in Python ?
Thanks in advance!

Facebook gem for Ruby on Rails

I am going to make a very simple web application. I only need the friend list of the current user and then send a message to a selected user with an image/text. I have looked after gems that wraps the detail of extracting data from Facebook and I found some gems, but they all use the old REST API. First of all: is it bad to use the REST API? If not, is "Facebooker" a good gem? If it is bad I found this Which Ruby gems support the Facebook API? but I don't see much of documentation for the Facebooker2. Are there other options?
i'm using koala - works with OAuth authentication and Facebook Graph API. Didn't have any serious problems with it, and it's pretty well documented (with examples) on github
The Ruby Toolbox is a great resource for this kind of question.
In your case, try searching for 'facebook' -- as in https://www.ruby-toolbox.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=facebook -- and you'll find that https://github.com/nov/fb_graph is a popular and well-maintained FB gem (at least riight now).
Since Facebook introduced the Open Graph API I've found it's pretty easy to just roll my own wrapper for the REST calls I need using an http client like HTTParty or RestClient. YMMV.

How do I create a Stack Overflow-like registration process?

I am wondering how I can build the registration process like we have in Stack Overflow, where a user can login using one of several already existing accounts? I would prefer using Rails as a technology platform.
Are you looking for this?
I'm not sure this is exactly what you need, but the devise module, available on github, makes it very easy to build a authentication system in a rails application.
For authorization, another great module is called "cancan". You might need that too.
Check out OmniAuth. There are a few railscasts describing it.
You can use omniauth gem to implement openId auth. Also, it possible to extend your existing user auth systems. See great screencast about this at railscast: OmniAuth Part 1

Login/Register in Ruby on Rails?

Im starting to learn RoR and i want to make my personal blog in this language. I usually code a couple of prototypes on top of whatever im doing in my blog. So i would like people to be able to log in, and register with their openID. So i was about to jump to the coding place when i realized the concept of gems and all that stuff is giving you tools for this kind of things.
So is there some kind of package to manage users, profiles and openId?
check out technoweeni's restful-authentication plugin
I'd advise you to look at bort as a complete RoR skeletton app with RESTful auth builtin, one of its fork here or at AuthLogic a less intrusive auth solution for Rails (and Merb and some others).
Take a look at the bort skeleton app. It has restful auth and openid authentication already setup among other things.
Railscasts also has a number of screencasts about setting up authentication, restful authentication and OpenID.
One thing you want to be aware of to avoid hours of headache: the Ruby OpenID library changed substantially with OpenID 2.0, so if you're using a plugin or example code from a blog, be sure you're using the version of OpenID to which it corresponds.
There are several plugins; one with lot of activity is open_id_authentication.
Dan Webb has a good guide to OpenID authentication in Rails that walks you through writing the actual code, but note that, at least last I checked, it hadn't been updated for OpenID 2.0.

How do I implement an OpenID server in Rails?

I see a similar question for Ubuntu, but I'm interested in hosting my own OpenID provider through my Rails-based site that already has an identity and authentication system in place.
Note that I'm not looking for the delegate method to use the site as an OpenID.
What's the best way to do this properly?
This "No Shit Guide To Supporting OpenID In Your Applications"
seems to be a step-by-step tutorial for what you want to do.
Railscasts episode 68 OpenID authentication describes how to do exactly this. It's about a year old, so you may have to do some stuff differently. I'd also strongly for either an updated or newer OpenID plugin (the link for the one in the video is labeled "outdated").
Err, wait, that is to support OpenID authentication in a Rails application you are writing, not to have run an OpenID endpoint in rails.. Here is a guide to implimenting an OpenID server/endpoint in Rails pretty-much form scratch.. gem install openid-server might be easier, but you'll learn more implementing it yourself, and the code is pretty simple.
This reminds me that the overview docs for ruby-openid server are still missing. But you can see the example, and until the docs are ported over, see the docs for the python implementation which follows the same object model.
