Access apps with AppleScript - ios

Is there anyway to programmatically get a list of iOS apps from iTunes?
AppleScript does not seem able to do this.
The only way I can think of is looking in the 'iTunes Media/Mobile Applications' folder. But this way a lose all metadata.
Any suggestions to get list of iOS apps including the metadata?

I now actually went with the solution to scan the 'Mobile Applications' folder.
In order to get the metadata I had to do the following:
the *.ipa are simply archives
unzip/extract the 'iTunesMetadata.plist' inside
parse the plist
voila you got all metadata
This whole process is actually pretty straightforward in python as your already have both zipfile and plistlib.
One thing to lookout for though is that plistlib in python can not handle the new binary plist files. So you first have to convert them to their corresponding xml format. (only some *.ipa seem to be in binary form).
This can be done quite easily with the following line of code:
os.system("/usr/bin/plutil -convert xml1 %s" % file_name )
Now the only thing I still have to figure out is how to get the currently installed apps on the device...


Flutter - receive sharing intent, share PDF with iOS

We are using the package receive_sharing_intent in our application, but with recent update of Flutter and the package not being updated for 15 months, the feature implemented does not work well now, especially on iOS, Android is still doing fine until now.
The feature: for every kind of document (PDF, txt, xls, ...) stored in the device or attached to a mail, when you share it with the application, it should open it, process it, and store it in our database.
So we use the package here to retrieve external data and open our application, and that both on Android and iOS.
We still have not found a workaround that lasts over time for this specific case. Let me know if you find a solution while I continue my research.
Thanks in advance.
I spent a few days on this error, finally I found the exact problem I was experiencing, and the solution.
I finally got the error for the .PDF file extension, the path is incorrect. There is a function in the SwiftReceiveSharingIntentPlugin.swift file inside the Flutter package receive_sharing_intent that is supposed to remove the substring "file://" at the beginning of the file path, but for some reason I still have it in my PDF file path, so it could never be found.
To solve this problem, I use the "replaceAll" method in my Flutter code:
file!.path.replaceAll("file://", "")
I updated the title of this post to match the problem I encountered.

Transfer file from iOS app to computer while debugging

For a native iOS application we are integrating a C++ library which is writing some logs to disk to json file.
During debugging, we would like to access to this logs, but currently we can only do it by downloading the whole app container to the macOS machine and searching for the file there.
Since this a very time consuming operation we were hoping that there would be some solution that would allows us to get this file quickly. I did take a look to the lldb commands, but none of them seem to let you extract a file from the phone.
Is there anyway to do this in a quick way?
Thank you
Couple options...
1 - Add debug-only code in your app to share the log file (via AirDrop would probably be a good option).
2 - During debug, set these two keys (in project settings / info) to Yes:
Application supports iTunes file sharing
Supports opening documents in place
Once you've done that, you can open / copy files from your app's Documents directory (assuming that's where the logs are being written) from Finder on your Mac.

Opening up an .ipa file - Piracy

How easy is it to open up an app submitted to Apple's store?
I'm going to submit a new app to the store soon, and want to protect the app file from being opened up to the source-code. So for instance, if I were to download my own app, how easy would it be to pull out all the .h and .m files and recreate it in Xcode?
Does Apple encrypt it somehow?
What steps can I take to mitigate the code being viewed?
EDIT: Allow me to rephrase the question a little better - can I take decompiled code and make it human-readable?
An IPA is just a zip. But you don't even need to access the IPA.
Just get iExplorer and access all available assets of your installed apps from your Mac.
The m files however build a compiled binary and can not be read (if you consider de-compiled code as not readable, as I do)
Adding on the answer, it is possible to decompile the binary, but the only thing that would be directly removable from the binary itself would be the headers (or to my knowledge of what I've seen). Then the application would be reverse engineered from there. That would probably be the only thing I'd be worried about when it comes to people stealing my code.

Files security in XCode project

I am trying to build an iOS application which has a PDF file emdebbed in it, and I don’t want the user to access or find it by unpacking the IPA file. I found that if I UNCHECK the “Add to Target” check box (when I drag and drop the PDF file into my project), the PDF file will be hidden and no one can see it after showing the IPA contents.
My question is, should I be worry from this case, in another word, if I unchecked this option, will I face any issue in publishing my application or in deploying/supporting any of my targeted devices, or should I be worry from any issue may face the users in reading this PDF through my application?
I did some research regarding this point, but I couldn’t find any good or clear answer, I appreciate any help in this.
If you uncheck the "Add to target" button it means that the .pdf file will not be packed to the .ipa file and it will not be accessible at all when someone downloads your app. So this is definitely not an option for what you want to achieve. It is better to encrypt the pdf file and decrypt it on runtime if you dont want it to be accessed when someone unpacks the .ipa file.
How important is your security? You could just zip it, then name the file something other than "*.zip".
However that would not stop someone who was determined. You would be advised then to use real encryption.
But even that would not stop a truly-determined attacker, who might use a jailbroken device to capture your PDF while it was loaded in your program's memory.
You can make it difficult to get at your PDF, but if you can get at it from your App, then I myself could get at it if I downloaded your app to my device.

How to customize carrier name in iOS 6 simulator?

How can I customize the default Carrier name to something else, e.g. AT&T?
There is a way to change the carrier name without using any objective c code or image editor app:
This solution works great with all versions of iOS (including iOS 6 and 7)
The key point is
sudo plutil -convert xml1 SpringBoard.strings
We don't necessarily have to convert it back to binary code since Mac OS accepts both formats.
After you converted your file to XML, you can easily edit the file with vim or any other editor of your choice.
I uploaded a detailed description on how to update the carrier name:
Copy and paste into terminal, replacing DERP with your carrier string:
find -E /Applications/ -iregex '.*/en(glish)?.lproj/SpringBoard.strings' -exec sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Set :SIMULATOR_CARRIER_STRING DERP' {} \;
Finds relevant files and modifies them in place. No copying files, converting binary to xml, or editing strings in other applications.
You can use this hack, just compile the XCDFakeCarrier.m file in your project and change the FakeCarrier constant to what you want.
There is a perfect app for this called Status Magic that I was beta testing. Just trying to find a link for it...
You import a screenshot and it removes all the carrier specific text from it and replaces it with a standard status bar and you can edit the time, carrier info, etc...
Means you don't have to use Photoshop or anything.
Will be back with a link...
EDIT Just found out that the app is still in review fro the Mac App Store. Should be out soon. It really is perfect for what you are wanting to do though. And really easy to use.
I don't know if that's possible with iOS Simulator (If it's even possible you have to dig deep :) ). The best way is to take the screenshot (Command+S), and change the image in Adobe Photoshop, or some image processing program like that.
