Flutter - receive sharing intent, share PDF with iOS - ios

We are using the package receive_sharing_intent in our application, but with recent update of Flutter and the package not being updated for 15 months, the feature implemented does not work well now, especially on iOS, Android is still doing fine until now.
The feature: for every kind of document (PDF, txt, xls, ...) stored in the device or attached to a mail, when you share it with the application, it should open it, process it, and store it in our database.
So we use the package here to retrieve external data and open our application, and that both on Android and iOS.
We still have not found a workaround that lasts over time for this specific case. Let me know if you find a solution while I continue my research.
Thanks in advance.

I spent a few days on this error, finally I found the exact problem I was experiencing, and the solution.
I finally got the error for the .PDF file extension, the path is incorrect. There is a function in the SwiftReceiveSharingIntentPlugin.swift file inside the Flutter package receive_sharing_intent that is supposed to remove the substring "file://" at the beginning of the file path, but for some reason I still have it in my PDF file path, so it could never be found.
To solve this problem, I use the "replaceAll" method in my Flutter code:
file!.path.replaceAll("file://", "")
I updated the title of this post to match the problem I encountered.


/mlmodels/Inceptionv3.mlmodel: unable to read document

I got this message error:
Inceptionv3.mlmodel: unable to read document
I downloaded the last version of xcode. Version 9.4 beta (9Q1004a)
You don't have the Inception3.mlmodel file. You must get it. Next, drag and drop it to the project. Then you can remove this red file shortcut you already have.
The main problem is to get that file. All pages send you to
but Apple doesn't show download, wich previous probably looks like that:
I had the same problem with GoogLeNetPlaces. I found some models on
but to find the file that interested me most I used torrent.

Invalid Binary in ItunesConnect on Xamarin Project

My Issue
Supported by the Xamarin guidance here http://developer.xamarin.com/guides/ios/deployment,_testing,_and_metrics/app_distribution_overview/publishing_to_the_app_store/ I used the App Loader tool (recently downloaded version 3) and uploaded my .ipa file. Everything indicates success but after a few minutes, it moves from “uploaded” to “invalid binary”
I have checked stackoverflow and done a few suggestions ive double-checked all my image files and the build for 64 bit etc. Any help you can provide is appreciated.
Well since I dont have a 10 reputation I cannot post pics and i can only do one link, so I am going to upload this to my blog, I appreciate any help i can get please.
See complete issue explained here - http://www.fabiangwilliams.com/2015/03/13/troubleshooting-itunesconnect-invalid-binary-with-xamarin-project/
I've hit this issue twice, including a few days ago. In both cases the cause was that I included a bundle resource file (of my own proprietary format and definition) with the *.app extension. For some reason, Apple's validation choked on this. The hint was that the auto-generated email sent by iTunes Connect said something about requiring the zip extension. Red herring error message, but it jogged my memory that *.app is a "special" extension I can't use for my own stuff.
Just to be clear, this *.app file that caused an issue was buried inside my overall *.ipa file and its *.app directory. So you still need the standard format, you just need to be careful not to use Apple's extensions for your own proprietary data.

Opening import file for module 'Swift': Permission denied

As the title shows, I'm currently facing a problem in which I'm trying to add a Swift file to my ObjC project. The bridging header is generated and as soon as I'm trying to build, it stops with the error:
<unknown>:0: error: opening import file for module 'Swift': Permission denied
This only happens with 1 specific project (which is an old app that has been receiving updates once every year or so). A newer project can implement the swift file and build without any problems. I've compared the build settings but couldn't find any differences (and the ones that were there, eventually didn't cause the error).
I've attempted to remove all the Swift related data in the app and let it get generated again, which didn't work. I've also tried to build on both iOS8 and 8.1, but to no avail.
I'm currently out of ideas on what can cause it and I haven't been able to find anything on StackOverflow or Google in general about it so far.
The only method I've found and eventually have used is by creating a completely new Xcode project and restructuring/importing the old files. I've spent an Apple ticket on this project, but they haven't been able to help me out with this problem either.
So, my answer to this is; Create a new Xcode project if it's too outdated to implement Swift.

Trying to publish an AIR for iOS app using Flash CS5.5, but no ipa is being produced

I've finally obtained an iOS developer license, I've managed to publish a hello world, basic kind of app, get an IPA file and install it on my iphone.
However, now i'm trying something more complex, including using imported libraries. I start the publish process as usual, no error is produced but i'm not getting a message that the ipa is ready.
When i look at the target directory I have folders named like 'AOTBuildOutput5264907783565294361.tmp' with files in them.
Looks like it crashes in the middle, but I get no error message to debug!
Please help me find out where I can read these error messages or provide some other kind of insight!
Thanks in advance
I've occasionally run into problems like this. It usually occurs when I'm trying to publish the app from my dropbox folder whilst it is trying to sync.
I can only assume that the problem happens because another application is accessing that file (in my case dropbox).
So make sure nothing else is trying to sync to that folder. Hope that helps.
I ended up moving my development folder to somewhere else in my filesystem and everything went fine. I guess having hebrew charachters in the path didn't work so well for the compiler.

Access apps with AppleScript

Is there anyway to programmatically get a list of iOS apps from iTunes?
AppleScript does not seem able to do this.
The only way I can think of is looking in the 'iTunes Media/Mobile Applications' folder. But this way a lose all metadata.
Any suggestions to get list of iOS apps including the metadata?
I now actually went with the solution to scan the 'Mobile Applications' folder.
In order to get the metadata I had to do the following:
the *.ipa are simply archives
unzip/extract the 'iTunesMetadata.plist' inside
parse the plist
voila you got all metadata
This whole process is actually pretty straightforward in python as your already have both zipfile and plistlib.
One thing to lookout for though is that plistlib in python can not handle the new binary plist files. So you first have to convert them to their corresponding xml format. (only some *.ipa seem to be in binary form).
This can be done quite easily with the following line of code:
os.system("/usr/bin/plutil -convert xml1 %s" % file_name )
Now the only thing I still have to figure out is how to get the currently installed apps on the device...
