Ant - conditional statement - ant

I'm using ant to build my app, and I want to have single process for dev/qa/prod versions of the app. I want to do be able to specify the build target from command line:
ant -Dbuildtarget=dev|qa|prod
and in build.xml check for the value of buildtarget and set an application specific base URL property based on the buildtarget specified by the user. I will subsequently set the correct runtime param using
<copy file="" tofile="./" overwrite="true">
<filter token="BASE_URL" value="${baseurl}" />
What I am stuck on is how to express this in and build.xml ?
if buildtarget=='dev'
else if buildtarget=='qa'
else if buildtarget=='prod'
I've searched around, but this seems to be difficult to do in ant. Any ideas ?

When starting your ant script with ant -Dbuildtarget=dev|qa|prod it's as simple as =
<project >
<property name="baseurl" value="http://my_${buildtarget}_url"/>
<echo>$${baseurl} => ${baseurl}</echo>
The buildtarget property can be used as dynamic part of the baseurl property.Afterwards ${buildurl} can be used for further processing..

Perhaps you should try using the condition task of ant?


Find all directories in which a file exists, such that the file contains a search string

I have a directory tree that I need to process as follows:
I have a certain file that needs to be copied to a select few sub directories
A sub directory of interest is one that contains a file within which I can regex match a known search string
Ideally I would like to:
Perform a regex match across all files within a directory
If the regex matches, copy the file to that directory
The trouble is that I am quite new to ANT and I'm having difficulties finding my way around. I can't find any tasks in the docs about per directory operations based on regex search. The closest thing I've found is a regex replace task (<replaceregexp>) that can search and replace patterns across files.
Is this even possible? I'd really appreciate a sample to get started with. I apologize for requesting code - I simply don't know how to begin composing the tasks together to achieve this.
Alternatively I have the option of hardcoding all the copy operations per directory, but it would mean manually keeping everything in sync as my project grows. Ideally I'd like to automate it based on the regex search/copy approach I described.
Your requirement is a bit non-standard, so I've solved it using a custom Groovy task.
Here's a working example:
<project name="find-files" default="copy-files">
Groovy task dependency
<path id="build.path">
<pathelement location="jars/groovy-all-1.8.6.jar"/>
<taskdef name="groovy" classname="org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovy" classpathref="build.path"/>
Search for matching files
<target name="search-files">
<fileset id="filesContainingSearchString" dir="src">
<include name="**/*.txt"/>
<containsregexp expression="[4-6]\.[0-9]"/>
Copy file into each directory found
<target name="copy-files" depends="search-files">
project.references.filesContainingSearchString.each { file ->
def dir = new File(file.toString()).parent
ant.copy(file:"fileToBeCopied.txt", toDir:dir)
Groovy jar can be downloaded from Maven Central
Use the copy task with a fileset and regular expression selector :
<copy todir="your/target/dir">
<fileset dir="rootdir/of/your/directorytree" includes="**/*.txt">
<containsregexp expression="[4-6]\.[0-9]"/>
This example is taken from the ant manual and slightly adapted.
Means select all files with .txt extension anywhere beyond rootdir/of/your/directorytree that match the regular expression (have a 4,5 or 6 followed by a period and a number from 0 to 9) and copy them to your/target/dir.
Just adapt it for your needs.

Ant: How to test if a target exist (and call it not if it doesn't)?

I have a set of build files, some of them calling others -- importing them first. End of line builds may have or may not have a specific target (e.g. "copyother"). I want to call it from my main build file if that target is defined within the end-of-line build script. How can I do it?
Part of the calling script:
<!-- Import project-specific libraries and classpath -->
<property name="build.dir" value="${projectDir}/build"/>
<import file="${build.dir}/build_libs.xml"/>
<!-- "copyother" is a foreign target, imported in build_libs.xml per project -->
<target name="pre-package" depends=" clean,
I do not want every project to define "copyother" target. How can I do a conditional ant call?
I'm guessing you aren't importing the "other" build scripts into your main build.xml. (Because that wouldn't work. Ant treats imports as local.)
At the same time, you are using depends and not ant/ant call so maybe you are importing them, but one at a time.
You can't do what you want in native Ant. As you noted testing for a file is easy but a target is not. Especially if that other project isn't loaded yet. You definitely have to write a custom Ant task to accomplish what you want. Two avenues:
1) Call project.getTargets() and see if your target is there. This involves refactoring your script to use ant/antcall instead of pure depends, but doesn't feel like a hack. Writing a custom Java condition isn't hard and there is an example in the Ant manual.
2) Add a target to the current project if not already there. The new target would be a no-op. [not sure if this approach works]
For the same of completeness. Another approach is to have some target for checking the target.
The approach is discussed here: (vimil's post). Check is done using scriptdef. So it is not that different from other answer(Jeanne Boyarsky), but script is easy to add.
<scriptdef name="hastarget" language="javascript">
<attribute name="targetname"/>
<attribute name="property"/>
var targetname = attributes.get("property");
if(project.getTargets().containsKey(targetname)) {
project.setProperty(attributes.get("property"), "true");
<target name="check-and-call-exports">
<hastarget targetname="exports" property="is-export-defined"/>
<isset property="is-export-defined"/>
<antcall target="exports" if="is-export-defined"/>
<target name="target-that-may-run-exports-if-available" depends="check-and-call-exports">
You should explore use of the typefound condition, added to ANT in 1.7. You can use it, for example, with the if task from antcontrib like this, but you have to check for a macrodef and not a taskdef due to how it works:
<typefound name="some-macrodef"/>
With this, ant files that have a macrodef named "some-macro-or-taskdef" will get it invoked and other ant files without it will not get an error.

ANT: How to read property setted in a foreach loop

Dear, I currently face some problem to retrieve the value of a property setted in a foreach loop. Maybe one of you could help me...
The purpose is to check if one file of a folder has been modified since the corresponding jar has been generated. This way I know if I have to generate the jar again.
What I do is to go through the folder with a foreach loop and if one file match my test, set a property to true.
The problem is that my variable doesn't seems to exist after my loop... Here is a simplified code example that has the same problem:
<target name="target">
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml" classpath="${lib.dir}/ant-contrib.jar"></taskdef>
<foreach target="setVar" param="var" list="a,b"/>
<echo>myreturn in target: ${env.myreturn}</echo>
<property name="env.myreturn" value="c"/>
<echo>myreturn in second: ${env.myreturn}</echo>
<target name="setVar">
<property name="env.myreturn" value="${var}"/>
<echo>myreturn in setVar: ${env.myreturn}</echo>
The result of this code is:
[echo] myreturn in setVar: a
[echo] myreturn in setVar: b
[echo] myreturn in target: ${env.myreturn}
[echo] myreturn in second: c
It seems that the variable is correctly set as it could be printed in the "setVar" target but no way to retrieve value from the calling target.
I also know it's not possible to assign a value to a property twice. But the problem doesn't even occurs... When it'll be the case I could add a check on the value of the property before to assign it to be sure it is not already initialized...
Do you have a clue on the way I can solve my problem ???
Many thanks in advance for your help :)
Try <for> task from ant-contrib instead of <foreach>. The <for> task takes advantage of Ant macro facility that came later. It works faster and is more flexible than the older <foreach> task. You are in the same project context when using <for>. That means properties set in the loop will be visible outside of the loop. Of course, normal rules for properties apply... you only get to set it once... unless you use <var> task from ant-contrib to overwrite or unset previously set properties.
Ah the joys of Ant hacking.
Not sure about your foreach problem, but can you not use the uptodate task for your requirement?
Even if I don't need it anymore thanks to sudocode, I found a solution for my question. Maybe it could be useful for someone else...
A collegue talked about the "antcallback" target of ant-contrib: it allows to return a result from a called target to the calling one. With a combination of "for" target and "antcallback" it is possible to do what I wanted to do:
<target name="target">
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml" classpath="${lib.dir}/ant-contrib.jar"></taskdef>
<for param="file">
<fileset dir="../myDirectory" includes="**/*" />
<antcallback target="setVar" return="retValue">
<param name="file" value="#{file}"/>
<echo>result: ${retValue}</echo>
<target name="setVar">
<property name="retValue" value="${file}"/>
"file" contains the name of the file in the directory. It is given to the called target as parameter with value "#{file}" ('#' necessary due to "for" target implementation).
At the end of the main target, ${retValue} contains the first value setted by the "setVar" target. No error is thrown when trying to set it multiple times, so it's not necessary to check if variable has already been instantiated before to set it in "setVar" target.
The <foreach> task uses the same logic as <antcall> under the covers, and any proprrties set inside a target invoked by <antcall> do not have scope beyond the execution of that target.
In other words, the env.myreturn property that you define in the setVar target is lost as soon as execution of that target completes.
This sort of scripting really isn't what Ant is designed for. The Ant-contrib library tries to patch up the holes, but it's still bending it way out of shape.
If you need to write such scripts, and want to use Ant tasks to achieve them, have a look at Gradle instead. It's a rather lovely blend of Groovy (for scripting) and Ant (for the tasks).
The other approaches here (<for>, <var>, <groovy>properties.put(....)</groovy>, <property>, <antcallback>) did not work with ANT 1.9.4, so I used the file system similar to this (pseudocode):
<target name="outer">
<for> <antcall target="inner" /> </for>
<loadproperties srcfile="" />
<echo message="${outerprop}" />
<target name="inner">
<!-- did not work: -->
<property name="outerprop" value="true" />
<var name="outerprop" value="true" />
<antcallback target="setouterprop" />
<echo message="outerprop=true" file="" />
Maybe the other approaches did not work because of my <antcall>, but I need it here. (outerprop is initially unset)

Ant filterset task not recursing

Using Apache Ant 1.7.1
It looks like the Ant Filter task can't resolve the same property several times in one line when recurse is set to true. I can't find any mention of this in the Ant docs. Is this supposed to happen?
Using this ant build file:
<project basedir="." default="assemble" >
<macrodef name="copy-and-filter">
<copy tofile="to.txt" file="from.txt" overwrite="true">
<filterset recurse="true">
<filtersfile file=""/>
<target name="assemble">
<copy-and-filter />
with these files:
I want my broker to be: #broker.url#
and my client to be: #client.url#
I get the output to be:
i want my broker to be: -fish-
and my client to be: myval
and not what I expected which would be this:
i want my broker to be: -fish-
and my client to be: fish-fish
If I set recurse to false then I get the 'correct' behaviour.
i want my broker to be: -#myval#-
and my client to be: #myval#-#myval#
Why is this?
The recurse flag is intended to look for more tokens after an initial replace occurs, but it won't work if the same token is used again. The problem is that setting recurse=true causes an infinite loop. See the output from Ant:
Infinite loop in tokens. Currently known token tokens: [client.url, myval]
Problem token: #myval# called from #myval#
I don't think its possible to do what you want to be able to do using the filterset task. What are you using the to.txt file for? Is it to provide a system configuration file?

editing the xml using ant task

I was trying to edit the my config.xml file using ant task but I could not do that can anybody tell me How can I edit the xml using ant task automatically so that i dont need to change it manually for every new branch?
The first option to check would be the Ant xslt task. For an introduction to its use see the Ant/XSLT Wikibook.
I've used groovy to do this. groovy is very Java like, so you can create your groovy classes very similarly to a static java method, and have ant call out to your groovy script using the <groovy> task (you will of course need to include the groovy task def).
Because groovy can use Java syntax you can include the* libraries to have access to DOM classes.
For example, snippet of code showing the adding a resource ref element to a specifed web.xml file :-
import org.w3c.dom.*;
String web_xml_filename=args[0];
String res_ref_name=args[1];
Document doc = DomHelper.getDoc(web_xml_filename);
Element rootNode=doc.getDocumentElement();
newNode = doc.createElement("resource-ref");
DomHelper.createElement(doc, newNode, "res-ref-name", res_ref_name);
DomHelper.createElement(doc, newNode, "res-type", "javax.sql.DataSource");
DomHelper.createElement(doc, newNode, "description", description);
DomHelper.createElement(doc, newNode, "res-auth", "Container");
rootNode.insertBefore(newNode, nodes.item(0));
DomHelper.writeDoc(doc, web_xml_filename, false);
To call from ant, use the groovy task :-
<groovy src="${e5ahr-groovy.dir}/addResoureRefToJBossWebXML.groovy" classpath="${groovy.dir}">
<arg value="${jboss-web.xml}"/>
<arg value="jdbc/somesource/>
<arg value="java:jdbc/somesource"/>
You can use ReplaceRegExp. Pattern and Expression options won't let you use less than or more than, but it can be replaced with HTML entities. For example:
<replaceregexp byline="true">
<!-- In config.xml this looks like <myVariable></myVariable> -->
<regexp pattern="<myVariable>(.*)</myVariable>" />
<substitution expression="<myVariable>${myVariable.value}</myVariable>" />
<fileset dir="${user.dir}">
<include name="config.xml" />
