Jquery UI breaks layout in ie7 & 8 - jquery-ui

I developed a good site layout which works like a charm in Webkit and FF based browsers... but in IE 7 and 8 everything get broken up like.
I've never seen so much difference between Safari/Chorme and IE. I tried different DOCTYPEs but there was no difference.
If I remove all the jquery css everything works fine.
You can see it working on [removed]
Can anyone hint me on how to solve this mess?

You have a compatibility issues, I think you need to override the ui-state-default and .ui-state-hover classes on the buyitui.css file to fit IE.
You can use firebug in firefox to go throught the css files.
To overide the css, create one css file and put all the overrides on this file and place it on the bottom of all the css files. Assuming you make sure you are not using inline style sheet.
You need to override this three:
<div class="clear"/>
<div class="separator" style="width: 950px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; float: right;"/>
<div id="pie" style="float: right;">
The Problem seems on the clear class you have above the separator. When you do clear both, all the floating is cleared and the separator is getting up of the page with the height exanding almost all over the page.
Try to change this and you will see the changes:
This could not be the exact solution, but it really points out the problem on your pages.
on the clear class
remove the clear:both; or make it clear:none;
on the separator class
add float:right and margin-right:200px;
on the pie id
add float:right; and margin-right:200px;

the jquery accordion was what was breaking everything, regeneratd and problem solved (just the regular no standars on IE)


iOS Safari change <table> from display: table; to display: block;

I am experiencing an issue with <table> elements in Safari on iOS. I want to change a table to display:block; but I cannot seem to change it away from display: table;. I can debug it on a macbook pro I have and inspect the elements and the strange thing is, on a different site of mine I have a <table> that is display: block; and I can't change it, but then I have a different <table> (the one I would like to change) that is display: table; and I cannot get the style to override with display: block;. I have tried normal ways of overriding the css such as !important and it seems as though it should catch, but in the computed tab in Safari, it still will only show display: table;. I know that changing the <table> to display:block; will correct my issue, because my other table works correctly.
Does anyone have any experience with Safari overriding styles and what might be preventing me from changing the display property of the table?
Unfortunately, since the issue only occurs in iOS Safari (not in Chrome emulation), it is difficult for me to link to an example here.
In case anyone is interested - I tracked down this issue to be related to the -webkit safari uses.
It was broken and overriding my styles because the <!DOCTYPE html> was not corrected set on my html page.
This was due to a <script> tag that was located outside of my html and above the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration. Moving the <script> tag inside my html fixed the issue.

How to get a smooth and fast scroll in iOS in a Cordova app without JQuery Mobile script

I am developing a Cordova application which previously used the JQuery mobile 1.4.5 script. A previous problem on Android, where transitioning from a page to another caused unnecessary flickering left me no choice but to remove the call to the JQuery mobile script.
<script src="js/jquery.mobile-1.4.5.js"></script>
Instead I simply left the CSS
<link href="js/jquery.mobile-1.4.5.css" rel="stylesheet" />
and used the JQuery mobile classes to change the styles of inputs, buttons, etc, retaining the previous app style (this was highly important especially considering that the app is almost finished and the design in which jquery mobile was heavily used needed to be retained).
When I did this I found out that on iOS the scrolling was no longer fast and smooth as it was before. I tried to revert to the old method, i.e. having the j-query mobile script and the iOS smooth works normally. This proves that J-Query mobile had some specific script that 'fixes' the iOS scroll. I would like to use just this script to fix the scrolling problems. Apart from this problem, the app works and looks just fine.
Below is the 'template' html of every page. As you can see the jquery-mobile classes that are normally automatically wrapped around the components of the app after the page loads are manually assigned to the specific components.
<html class="ui-mobile js csstransitions">
<body class="ui-mobile-viewport ui-overlay-a sidy--panels-closed">
<div class="sidy ui-page ui-page-theme-a ui-page-active">
<div class="sidy__content">
<div id="wrapper" class="wrapper">
<div>Fixed header</div>
<div>Fixed Footer</div>
I tried to search intensively on stackoverflow and other sources. For e.g. this fix did not work when tried on the tag; as the fixed header and footer move with the scrolling and only restore to their original position when the scrolling operation is finished. When trying to assign the class on the container (where the actual scrolling needs to happen); nothing happens.
overflow-y: scroll;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
What would be most useful to me is to know which part of the Jquery mobile script makes the iOS scrolling look smooth and native and act very fast!
Thank you for your help!
Your css'ed div needs for IOS (Safari) to have a non-dynamic size in the scroll direction, i.e. the height in your example.
Add a height element:
overflow-y: scroll;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
height: ...px;
and it should work.
I had the same problem, and was able to solve it with this added property. I use React.JS so, I could easily get computed the height so that it was correct for different devices, adjusted for headers and footers etc. With Javascript you can do compute it with the variable window.innerHeight (at least for Cordova, I don't know if this is a standard browser variable).

Inline-block not working on iPad

I built a grid layout using a Codrops tutorial and my own knowledge. The grid is setup using display:inline-block; and nth-child to remove padding from the last element so they do not break to the next line. As the grid size changes, I use a different nth-child in the media query to remove padding from the last element, whether it be the 3rd element, 2nd element, or the 1st.
Everything works swell in all desktop browsers, but does not work on iPad.
For some reason on iPad, the grid is breaking in the wrong place, which looks awful.
I don't know where to begin to test this bug because it works fine when scaling the browser window down. I've tried some testing with iOS simulator to no avail. However, what is interesting, is on the initial page load the grid works fine, then once fully loaded, the grid breaks.
You can view the problem here (on iPad): http://www.eugeniacameronfoster.com/new/paintings/
There are a few issues that a CSS Tricks article points out.
Basically you need to remove the space between the divs in your grid, so that instead of
you need to put
I will put in a vote for you to just bail on the inline-block idea and go with flexbox or box-sizing: border-box;
There's a workaround that doesn't require to change the html markup.
Using a negative letter-spacing of -0.31em on the parent ul and then resetting the letter-spacing in the li the space between the lis disappear.
ul {
letter-spacing: -0.31em;
li {
letter-spacing: normal;
display: inline-block;
An example can be seen here: http://jsfiddle.net/c67U4/
This trick is used in particular in PureCSS grids that use inline-block instead of floating elements.

Jquery-ui transfer effect misses target

I have a jsfiddle to show what I'm trying to do: http://jsfiddle.net/n9bSC/3/
The jsfiddle works well and does not demonstrate the bug.
In my actual code, the transfer finishes directly below the target (instead of directly at the target).
I've tried removing the float, adding various "position" styles, etc.
Any thoughts on what could be causing the behavior that I've described?
I don't fully understand this, but I think the problem is fixed.
Our CSS had:
position: relative;
So I now change that to "inherit" on the page where I'm doing the jquery-ui transfer effect.
Then, I use conditional CSS for only IE7 to do this:
.joyride-tip-guide {
margin-top: -10px;
(I'm using Joyride and noticed that changing the body position messed up the Joyride tour step positioning for Internet Explorer 7.)

Gaps under tabs using JQuery UI in Firefox

I have been using JQueryUI for various aspects of my site, and a small tabbed menu set was working well, except in firefox. The image below shows the same code rendered in firefox on top, and IE9 below. Note the gap under the tabs and the (possible?) increase in padding inside the tab. I have removed all my stylesheets from the site (the 2nd image) leaving just the base JQuery UI one, but the gaps still appear, and only in firefox.
The js call is as basic as it can be:
It's not often I have display issues where IE is better than firefox... Having removed all the CSS I generated, and made sure there's no styles being applied, I'm at a loss as to where to look next!
If you can offer any suggestions as to what might be causing it, I'd be a happy chappie!
After scaling back the code as far as I could, and using only 'known good' libraries, it turns out that it is caused by it being in a table cell!
Here's some code you can have a play with! http://jsfiddle.net/XVHTk/
It does however work when "Normalized CSS" is checked, so it could be padding inherited from the cell maybe?
[EDIT #2]
It turns out that CSS styles applied to a table to remove padding and margins and borders and so forth are not enough. You have to include cellpadding="0" and cellspacing="0" in the table definition otherwise the jQuery tabs have some extra padding around them.
jsFiddle with table and no extras: http://jsfiddle.net/XVHTk/1/
jsFiddle with table spacing/padding stripped: http://jsfiddle.net/XVHTk/2/
Why the HTML cell properties are being transferred into the tabs, I have no idea. I'm just happy to have fixed it!
This is caused by a bug in the ui-helper-clearfix class. See ticket #8442 and the associated fix. As you can see from the ticket, this was fixed in 1.10.1. I've created a fiddle showing this working properly with 1.10.1 and using 1.8.x with additional CSS to fix the issue. The latter shows that if you can't upgrade to 1.10.1+ right now, you can just include the following CSS:
.ui-helper-clearfix:after {
border-collapse: collapse;
