Why am I getting this 'can't modify frozen hash' error? - ruby-on-rails

I have a Person model & an Item model. A person has many items, and an item belongs to a person.
In this code, I need to delete the existing items for a person, and create new ones from a parameter (which is an array of hashes). Then, I need to update one of the item's fields, based on one of its other fields.
#person = Person.find(params["id"])
#person.person_items.each do |q|
person_items_from_param = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(params["person_items"])
person_items_from_param.each do |pi|
#person.person_items.create(pi) if pi.is_a?(Hash)
#person.person_items.each do |x|
if x.item_type == "Type1"
x.item_amount = "5"
elsif x.item_type == "Type2"
x.item_amount = "10"
On the x.item_amount = "5" & x.item_amount = "10" lines I get this error:
RuntimeError in PersonsController#submit_items
can't modify frozen hash
How can I fix this? Thanks for reading.

I would suspect
returns a frozen hash which you then use to create objects
#person.person_items.create(pi) if pi.is_a?(Hash)
And since its frozen you can't modify it.
You could
Make a deep copy of the JSON object
Reload the model instance which should reinstantiate the object making the fields unfrozen.
Option A is the "better" solution but difficult because the only way I know of deep copying is serializing and deserializing and object in place and assigning the return value.

If you use q.destroy before saving element then you will get the error. better save the element first and then use destroy.

You can get around this if you read the person_items from the database again rather than using the association. The association is stale and pointing to the destroyed rows.
Instead of
#person.person_items.each do |x|
PersonItem.where(:person_id=>#person.id).each do |x|

You can make a deep copy of any object in rails includes JSON, so just do it.
Remember that clone preserves the frozen state, while dup doesn't.
Easiest way to fix error can't modify frozen Array is to dup this frozen array ;)
person_items_from_param = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(params["person_items"]).dup


Append hash to array column in rails [duplicate]

I have a user model with a friends column of type text. This migration was ran to use the array feature with postgres:
add_column :users, :friends, :text, array: true
The user model has this method:
def add_friend(target)
#target would be a value like "1234"
self.friends = [] if self.friends == nil
update_attributes friends: self.friends.push(target)
The following spec passes until I add user.reload after calling #add_friend:
it "adds a friend to the list of friends" do
user = create(:user, friends: ["123","456"])
stranger = create(:user, uid: "789")
user.reload #turns the spec red
user.friends.should include("789")
user.friends.should include("123")
This happens in development as well. The model instance is updated and has the new uid in the array, but once reloaded or reloading the user in a different action, it reverts to what it was before the add_friend method was called.
Using Rails 4.0.0.rc2 and pg 0.15.1
What could this be?
I suspect that ActiveRecord isn't noticing that your friends array has changed because, well, the underlying array reference doesn't change when you:
That will alter the contents of the array but the array itself will still be the same array. I know that this problem crops up with the postgres_ext gem in Rails3 and given this issue:
String attribute isn't marked as dirty, when it changes with <<
I'd expect Rails4 to behave the same way.
The solution would be to create a new array rather than trying to modify the array in-place:
update_attributes friends: self.friends + [ target ]
There are lots of ways to create a new array while adding an element to an existing array, use whichever one you like.
It looks like the issue might be your use of push, which modifies the array in place.
I can't find a more primary source atm but this post says:
One important thing to note when interacting with array (or other mutable values) on a model. ActiveRecord does not currently track "destructive", or in place changes. These include array pushing and poping, advance-ing DateTime objects. If you want to use a "destructive" update, you must call <attribute>_will_change! to let ActiveRecord know you changed that value.
If you want to use Postgresql array type, you'll have to comply with its format. From Postgresql docs the input format is
'{10000, 10000, 10000, 10000}'
which is not what friends.to_s will return. In ruby:
[1,2,3].to_s => "[1,2,3]"
That is, brackets instead of braces. You'll have to do the conversion yourself.
However I'd much rather rely on ActiveRecord serialize (see serialize). The database does not need to know that the value is actually an array, that's your domain model leaking into your database. Let Rails do its thing and encapsulate that information; it already knows how to serialize/deserialize the value.
Note: This response is applicable to Rails 3, not 4. I'll leave here in case it helps someone in the future.

Mark as persistent an ActiveRecord item recovered from serialisation

I have a situation where a set of items, known to be in the database, is recovered from a serialised json array, including their ids, so they can be reshaped to ActiveRecord model instances just calling new, without access to the database:
for itm in a do
item = Item.new(itm)
itmlist << item
Now, the problem is, how to tell ActiveRecord that these elements are already persisted and not new? If item.new_record? is true, a item.save will fail because Rails will insert instead of update.
The goal is to make sure that Rails does update, without any extra queries to the database. The closest thing I have got is
item = Item.new(itm)
item.instance_variable_set(:#new_record, false)
with plays with ActiveRecord Internals
Not sure I completely understand the question but if you just want to update all the items the following will work
a.each do |item_hash|
If the Item may or may not exist then
a.each do |item|
item = Item.find(item_hash["id"]) || Item.new
Neither one of these options will handle validation failures. Depending on your usage the following could be useful
all_items = a.map do |item_hash|
item = Item.find(item_hash["id"]) || Item.new
pass,fail = all_items.partition(&:save)
If you only care about the failures you can change this to: fail = all_items.reject(&:save)
If there are a substantial number of items there are more performant alternatives as well that avoid so many queries. e.g. Item.where(id: a.map {|i| i["id"]})
Apparently, reload-ing works:
thing = Thing.last
thing_attributes = thing.attributes
same_thing = Thing.new(thing_attributes)
same_thing.new_record? # => true
same_thing.new_record? # => false
From the question, I see that your concern is only about ActiveRecord performing an INSERT query instead of the intended UPDATE, so reloading shouldn't be a problem. But, if my guess is wrong and you don't even want to reload, then it might be difficult without fiddling with the internals of ActiveRecord since it doesn't provide any way to instantiate already persisted records.
Possible alternate solution
Pardon me if the solution won't work in your case, but instead of serialising the entire objects, just serialise an array of IDs. So that you can re-fetch them in one go:
Thing.where(id: the_array_of_ids)

Why do these array operations not save in ActiveRecord? [duplicate]

I have a user model with a friends column of type text. This migration was ran to use the array feature with postgres:
add_column :users, :friends, :text, array: true
The user model has this method:
def add_friend(target)
#target would be a value like "1234"
self.friends = [] if self.friends == nil
update_attributes friends: self.friends.push(target)
The following spec passes until I add user.reload after calling #add_friend:
it "adds a friend to the list of friends" do
user = create(:user, friends: ["123","456"])
stranger = create(:user, uid: "789")
user.reload #turns the spec red
user.friends.should include("789")
user.friends.should include("123")
This happens in development as well. The model instance is updated and has the new uid in the array, but once reloaded or reloading the user in a different action, it reverts to what it was before the add_friend method was called.
Using Rails 4.0.0.rc2 and pg 0.15.1
What could this be?
I suspect that ActiveRecord isn't noticing that your friends array has changed because, well, the underlying array reference doesn't change when you:
That will alter the contents of the array but the array itself will still be the same array. I know that this problem crops up with the postgres_ext gem in Rails3 and given this issue:
String attribute isn't marked as dirty, when it changes with <<
I'd expect Rails4 to behave the same way.
The solution would be to create a new array rather than trying to modify the array in-place:
update_attributes friends: self.friends + [ target ]
There are lots of ways to create a new array while adding an element to an existing array, use whichever one you like.
It looks like the issue might be your use of push, which modifies the array in place.
I can't find a more primary source atm but this post says:
One important thing to note when interacting with array (or other mutable values) on a model. ActiveRecord does not currently track "destructive", or in place changes. These include array pushing and poping, advance-ing DateTime objects. If you want to use a "destructive" update, you must call <attribute>_will_change! to let ActiveRecord know you changed that value.
If you want to use Postgresql array type, you'll have to comply with its format. From Postgresql docs the input format is
'{10000, 10000, 10000, 10000}'
which is not what friends.to_s will return. In ruby:
[1,2,3].to_s => "[1,2,3]"
That is, brackets instead of braces. You'll have to do the conversion yourself.
However I'd much rather rely on ActiveRecord serialize (see serialize). The database does not need to know that the value is actually an array, that's your domain model leaking into your database. Let Rails do its thing and encapsulate that information; it already knows how to serialize/deserialize the value.
Note: This response is applicable to Rails 3, not 4. I'll leave here in case it helps someone in the future.

Remove element from ActiveRecord_Relation in rails

How can i remove the last element from an ActiveRecord_Relation in rails?
e.g. if I set:
#drivers = Driver.all
I can add a another Driver object called #new_driver to #drivers by doing:
#drivers << #new_driver
But how can I remove an object from #drivers?
The delete method doesn't seem to work, i.e.
You can use the reject! method, this will remove the object from the collection without affecting the db
for example:
driver_to_delete = #driver.first # you need the object that you want removed
#drivers.reject!{|driver| driver == driver_to_delete}
Very late too, but I arrived here looking for a fast answer and finished by thinking by myself ;)
Just to clarify about the different answers and the Rails 6.1 comment on accepted answer:
The OP wanted to remove one entry from a query, but NOT remove it from database, so any answer with delete or destroy is just wrong (this WILL delete data from your database !!).
In Ruby (and therefore Rails) convention, shebang methods (ending with !) tend to alter the given parameter. So reject! would imply modifying the source list ... but an ActiveRecord_Relation is basically just a query, NOT an array of entries !
So you'd have 2 options:
Write your query differently to specifically say you don't want some id:
#drivers.where.not(id: #driver_to_remove) # This still is an ActiveRecord_Relation
Use reject (NO shebang) on your query to transform it into an Array and "manually" remove the entry you don't want:
#drivers.reject{ |driver| driver == #driver_to_remove}
# The `reject` forces the execution of the query in DB and returns an Array)
On a performance point of view, I would personally recommend the first solution as it would be just a little more complex against the DB where the latter implies looping on the whole (eventually large) array.
Late to the question, but just had the same issue and hope this helps someone else.
reject!did not work for ActiveRecord_Relation in Rails 4.2
drop(1) was the solution
In this case #drivers.drop(0) would work to drop the first element of the relation
Since its an array of objects, have you tried to write something like #drivers.delete(#new_driver) or #drivers.delete(id: #new_driver.id) ?
This is the documentation you need:
#group.avatars << Avatar.new
The problem you've got is you're trying to use collection methods on a non-collection object. You'll need to use the .destroy ActiveRecord method to get rid of the record from the database (and consequently the collection):
#drivers = Driver.all
.delete will remove the record from the DB
If you want to pull specific elements from the db to populate the #drivers object, you'll need to use a scope:
Class Driver < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :your_scope, -> { where column: "value" }
This will allow you to call:
def index
#drivers = Driver.your_scope
I think you're getting the MVC programming pattern confused - data manipulation is meant to happen in the model, not the controller
As stated above, reject! doesn't work in Rails 4.2, but delete does, so #drivers.delete(#new_driver) works, and more generally:
#drivers.delete(Driver.where(your condition))

New data not persisting to Rails array column on Postgres

I have a user model with a friends column of type text. This migration was ran to use the array feature with postgres:
add_column :users, :friends, :text, array: true
The user model has this method:
def add_friend(target)
#target would be a value like "1234"
self.friends = [] if self.friends == nil
update_attributes friends: self.friends.push(target)
The following spec passes until I add user.reload after calling #add_friend:
it "adds a friend to the list of friends" do
user = create(:user, friends: ["123","456"])
stranger = create(:user, uid: "789")
user.reload #turns the spec red
user.friends.should include("789")
user.friends.should include("123")
This happens in development as well. The model instance is updated and has the new uid in the array, but once reloaded or reloading the user in a different action, it reverts to what it was before the add_friend method was called.
Using Rails 4.0.0.rc2 and pg 0.15.1
What could this be?
I suspect that ActiveRecord isn't noticing that your friends array has changed because, well, the underlying array reference doesn't change when you:
That will alter the contents of the array but the array itself will still be the same array. I know that this problem crops up with the postgres_ext gem in Rails3 and given this issue:
String attribute isn't marked as dirty, when it changes with <<
I'd expect Rails4 to behave the same way.
The solution would be to create a new array rather than trying to modify the array in-place:
update_attributes friends: self.friends + [ target ]
There are lots of ways to create a new array while adding an element to an existing array, use whichever one you like.
It looks like the issue might be your use of push, which modifies the array in place.
I can't find a more primary source atm but this post says:
One important thing to note when interacting with array (or other mutable values) on a model. ActiveRecord does not currently track "destructive", or in place changes. These include array pushing and poping, advance-ing DateTime objects. If you want to use a "destructive" update, you must call <attribute>_will_change! to let ActiveRecord know you changed that value.
If you want to use Postgresql array type, you'll have to comply with its format. From Postgresql docs the input format is
'{10000, 10000, 10000, 10000}'
which is not what friends.to_s will return. In ruby:
[1,2,3].to_s => "[1,2,3]"
That is, brackets instead of braces. You'll have to do the conversion yourself.
However I'd much rather rely on ActiveRecord serialize (see serialize). The database does not need to know that the value is actually an array, that's your domain model leaking into your database. Let Rails do its thing and encapsulate that information; it already knows how to serialize/deserialize the value.
Note: This response is applicable to Rails 3, not 4. I'll leave here in case it helps someone in the future.
