BlackBerry BrowserField displaying a webpage - detect when user navigates to other pages - blackberry

I have a BrowserField in my application displaying a webpage.
Is there a way to detect browser navigation when user clicking on one link in the webpage and move to another webpage?
Not sure if this will trigger it however if you look at the api you can see all your options.
Let me know if you find it.


Unable to load the URL in iOS WebView when the button is clicked for the first time

The mobile app is all about showing a SharePoint website in a WebView. I am trying to get the URL of a third party website on click of a button which is a part of the WebView. Based on this URL, I am trying to show an alert. On the first click of the button, the URL I am looking for, is not loading and hence the alert is not showing up. However, I am able to see the URL for the second click of the button and I'm able to see the alert as well.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in Advance.

FaceBook JavaScript API in native app UIWebview

I am creating an app which is reusing some of the HTML pages from my site. In one of the pages, there is a share event in facebook functionality. This is not working in UIWebview as there is no concept of "pop ups" in uiwebview. FB.Login() opens a new tab in an actual browser, but in UIWebview, it loads on top of the existing page.Hence after login, while the actual browser tab closes itself and transfers the control to the callback function in the original tab, UIWebview page just turns blank as it probably cannot find the original call back function anymore. Any solutions?

Navigating to XAML page from WebView Windows Store application

I am developing an application, where I need to open a full-screen WebView over my existing XAML page.
Now I've added a AppBar over this WebView. The requirement is that, appBar button click should navigate me to different application Page.
e.g. WebView is opened on MainPage.xaml and on clicking the AppBar button added on this webView I have to navigate to SeconsPage.XAML
I am not able to do this now and seeing an exception thrown by COntrol_webview,exe
Can I do such navigation? If Yes, pleas help me to find out what I am I missing?
Thanks in advance!!
go for a native app - it saves you a lot of trouble. Filip Skakun already described the first crazy thing about the webview (with the webviewbrush).
if not, you can use the script notification to communicate back and forth between your webapp and your store app. here's a good link:

How do you get the "Add my app to the springboard" notification to pop-up in Mobile Safari?

For some websites/webapps, using Mobile Safari on the website causes a pop-up to come up advising the user that they can add the site/app to their home screen. I tried to replicate it but I can't figure it out.
Is there a JS library to do this or is there a meta tag to add to my html?
Most of them use add to home screen from cubiq

Navigation between pages in blackberry webworks

I want to know how to handle navigation between html pages. When I am using
window.location.href = "Screen1.html";
I am able to load the new page, but when I click the back button, the application gets terminated. How can I handle this?
In native java blackberry, the screen will be on stack, so how it be done in webworks?
i think the better way is to use HTML url
<a href="Screen1.html" >
at the second page when you click on back button it will take you to the previews screen "as the normal browser do"
