Via Google ... What is this? - twitter

On Twitter I see people posting stuff like:
Just designed a new flyer check
And it will say underneath Posted 2 hours ago via Google
I am wondering how they are doing it. Anyone know?

It means they used google buzz.

When an app developer signs up for a Twitter API key, they associate an application name with that key. Then, when that app makes an API call to create a new tweet, the API key is sent along, and Twitter knows to add the "via {APP NAME}" part to the end.
In this case, the user must have updated their Twitter status using some Google application.


LinkedIn company feed/updates in v2 API

I would like to show a company's feed/updates/post on a website. I am the owner/admin of the LinkedIn page. Most of the related questions are old and uses V1. This similar questions also seems unanswered (LinkedIn Company Feed in API v2?). LinkedIn support are of no help and they instruct me to ask questions on Stackoverflow.
I created an App on LinkedIn and they assigned default permissions (r_emailaddress, r_liteprofile, w_member_social). But these permissions are of no use to me since I just want to show the company feeds on the website. Neither I want any user to login to LinkedIn nor I want to read the users/visitors email addresses or profile. Already went through a lot of their documentation but there is no clear mentioning of how to do this.
I read that company updates can be retrieved using the /ugcPosts API. GET organization Urn). But in order to do that I need r_organization_social permission. How to get this permission?
Also in this scenario, since I just want to retrieve company posts, I can use 2 legged oauth: instead of 3 legged oauth. But when I try to generate access token I get error "access_denied: This application is not allowed to create application tokens"
Does anyone know how to achieve this?
You need to apply for the LinkedIn Marketing Partner Program. You can do so by adding this product to the app you have created.
Once you have access, you can read the company feed using the following API endpoint:
Hope this helps.

POSTing to Google Sheets - Access Token

At the moment I have created two versions of my app - for iOS and Android - Where I use the OAuth workaround of posting to a Google Form to indirectly add to a Google Sheet.
However, I am now planning to remake the app in Google's Flutter (using Dart of course), and would prefer to use the proper direct way of POSTing to the sheet (it will simplify the situation for my client), but am having trouble trying to figure out how to do it.
I've found a simple explanation of how to to do the POSTing, but it requires an Access Token - what appears to just be a string.
After searching for an explanation of this, all I've found is explanations of how to create an OAuth token for the user using the app, but I just want to be able to post from within the app - totally separate from the user.
I guess I want a 'static' token that will just allow me to post to my sheet from my app indefinitely - is this possible, and can someone please explain it to me?
It sounds like you want to use what Google calls a service account for access to a sheet that belongs to your app rather than user's account for access to a sheet that belongs to a user.

Does google maps need api key for IOS application (and why)

I saw in this link
Mr. Chris uses a google map without a key.[I've tried it and it's working]
but, when i enter google developer
they say [get a key].
(why should i do it? i got confused)
if it's required to run it in my app, how can Chris did it?
pre-Thanks ^^.
Yes Google map needs API key, without API key your request will be failed.
WHY: Every app is unique with its bundle ID, API key provided by google is used to identify the app uniquely.
There are so many paid services are offered by google to used in our app, App id used to manage your account based on request to API made/ package selected by you.
It also helps you to analyse use of google API through your app, which may may help you plan out your furthuer updates/usage to your App.

How to call WiziQ API from iOS?

I want to integrated WiziQ api with my iOS app. I have created account on it but i do't getting how to call that api using "Access Key" and " Secret Key". I have lots of googling but not getting any idea to how to create User authentication and call list of api.If any one have idea let me know.
Wanted to share that WizIQ API is not open source. You cannot integrate it with your iOS App by yourself. However, you can get it done through WizIQ itself as they provide whitelabelling services for the app.
Hope it helps.
If you simply scratch the surface of the WizIQ developer site, it reveals the following about receiving the keys you speak of, specifically on the Get API Keys page:
To obtain an API key, you need to upgrade your account. Contact our sales team here or call
us at +1-919-647-4727.

Using Google + API and LinkedIn API within a desktop application (without prompting user for username-password)

I'm going to create a page which will download user's activity and save it in an .xml file because my iphone app needs to process it. The problem is that I cannot prompt the user for login-password... so I was wondering if there is a sort of permanent key that I can use to access into linkedin and gplus?
Thank you.
I can field the Google+ part of your question :)
You can access your users' public activity using the REST API's activity list method. To identify who they are you'll need to send them through an OAuth flow during which they will authorize you to know who they are on Google+.
The best way to get started doing server side OAuth flows in Google+ is to grab one of the starter projects and go through the included readme. That will give you a working project to copy code out of, or develop upon.
I'd include a code sample to show you how it works, but I don't know what would best apply to your back end :)
I'm far from an expert on their APIs, but it looks like the flow would be similar using OAuth.
