change shortcut in scite dialog - scite

does anyone know how to change alt-a (replace all) in scite's replace dialog to another shortcut? thanks a lot!

2 methods:
1. Use ResourceHacker and the uncompressed verion of SciTE.
You can get it from
Open SciTE.exe with it, go to dialogs/400/1033.
Change the line that starts with
CONTROL "Replace &All"
Then recompile script.
2. recompile the source code...
Unzip the scite source and look for win32\SciTERes.rc
Roundabout line 400 you find the following line:
PUSHBUTTON "Replace &All",IDREPLACEALL,190,41,90,14
You can move the ampersand to a different position to change the shortcut key.
Then recompile SciTE

You can change one of ScITE's profile files by selecting from the Options menu. I usually change the User-level profile but the Global file is useful for seeing a more exhaustive list of settings.
Note 1: If you are the only user, you could change the Global settings but the User-level is just fine. One advantage to changing the User file, at lease in my case, is that User-level file (named is saved in my /home/user_name directory -- I'm using Linux -- so it's included in my data backups.
Note 2: I found that altering ScITE settings is like shopping at Costco. You go in with a $30 shopping list in mind and leave $300 later. The number of things you can customize in ScITE is spectacular. It's the first time I have had an editor that feels tailor-made.
The ScITE website provides the documentation. Specifically, you'll want to look for "user.shortcuts" in this link. That section provides a link to all of the commands.


Error opening SigmaPlot: "the specified macro default library cannot be opened"

I use sigmaplot ver. 10.0. It was working before but now it has some problem.
When I start SigmaPlot I see:
The specified macro default library can not be opened. Please make sure it is a valid notebook or select another from Tools/Options/Macro.
pop up, but it works well. However, when I type F5 (to use regression wizard), I see:
The equation library file
cannot be used because of the file's permissions attributes
(such as Read Only restrictions)
and there are no regression options (such as gaussian, linear, etc...). The same phenomenon occurs running as administrator. What am I doing wrong? help me please...
I had the same problem with SigmaPlot14. It turned out that OneNote moved all folders from C/user/documents... to C/user/Onenote/documents....
I manually copied all folders back to the C/user/documents... folder and this solved the issue for me.
you can also just edit the settings .ini file so that the it points to the correct folders.

ide sublime2 how to find method definition

I'm using Sublime 2 for Ruby On Rails programming.
I need a ability to click a method name and jump to class where the method is defined. There are many IDE with similar capability...
Goto symbol is Ctrl-R (linux), this gives a pop-up-list of all symbol and class definitions in the file, in definition order, and you can jump to what you're after. You could do the same thing with Goto Anything, Ctrl-P and then typing # and the method name.
Also, there is a Goto Symbol plugin, which lets you jump straight to the definition of the method name your cursor is at, with a key binding or click.
However, both those methods are limited to the current file. If you need to jump to definitions in other files, probably the best solution is the SublimeCodeIntel plugin. It seems to be working pretty well and just by hitting Ctrl-f3 (linux) will open up the file at the definition you want.
Another solution is CTags.
SublimeCodeIntel seems to be pretty buggy judging from unresolved issues on the Github tracker. Also it crashes for me, probably because the code base I'm working on is too big...
What I'm using now is the CTags package. There's no "intelligence" but it allows you to jump to definitions and back very easily and it is super fast.
upgrade to sublime text 3 and then put cursor on function name and click F12
to go back ALT+-
or from the menu click on Goto

Is there a way to sync Xcode preferences and keyboard shortcuts across computers?

I'd like to avoid having to do tweaking the keyboard bindings repeatedly for each machine I use Xcode on.
Sort of like copy the settings file to a particular location in the target computer's filesystem; doesn't need Dropbox.
Yes, at least for key bindings. I'm assuming you're using Xcode4. If that's the case, your Key Bindings are stored here...
Just copy the 'sets' you want from one machine to the other and there you go.
Note that unlike Xcode3, Xcode4 now respects global bindings as well. Global bindings are stored here...
Global bindings are for instance, if like me, you prefer the way cursor movement is handled in Windows (e.g. Home/End work on the line, CTRL Left/Right jump a word at a time, etc.) you can remap the keys for the overall system, and Xcode4 respects that. In Xcode3, such changes had to be duplicated in its own key bindings file.
Also note that if the same key is defined in both the defaults and the Xcode4 file, the latter 'wins'.
Additionally, you can unmap a system-wide key when using Xcode. This will disable that key when using Xcode, but leave it enabled elsewhere.
(If you open the actual key bindings file in say TextEdit or a PList editor (that's all these files are) then you'll see it still defines the command, but leaves the key itself cleared out.
Something else that may be of interest is KeyBindingsEditor. It's a great editor for creating system-wide shortcuts. While it claims to support Xcode, it doesn't (or rather Xcode 3 and 4 it doesn't. I can't speak to earlier.)
However since again Xcode 4 can utilize system-wide shortcuts now, you can use this indirectly with Xcode. I personally am very happy about that as now, no matter where I am, including Xcode, my keyboard shortcuts are unified across the entire system.
HTH, Mark
Adding to Mark's answer, setup dropbox to point that file to ~/nameofyourchoice on all of your machines, and viola, everything should be synced. You'll need to test it out to see if other machines don't overwrite etc.

How can I make Squeak ask me where to fileOut to?

I'm right-clicking a class category and choose fileOut for exporting it to an .st file. The problem is that it never asks me where to save to, instead just choosing a folder by itself (seems to be the same folder containing the image file).
How can I change it, forcing it to actually ask me where to save the file to? Previous Squeak versions (3.9.x) did ask me.
Squeak version is 4.2, OS is Ubuntu.
It looks like if you don't mind filing out twice, the default behaviour in 4.3 is to prompt if you would overwrite an existing file. Something like already exists, then select choose another name and you can write to the correct place in any directory, albeit with a second copy in the directory with the image.
I've checked in Pharo and it's the same, the menus just offer to file out to a predefined location.
However, it's still perfectly possible to trigger a file out by script. Look for implementors of #fileOut and #fileOutOn: for examples; evaluating something along the lines of `myProgramEntity fileOutOn: aFileStream' should do it.

Xcode save code folding?

I know it's not directly related to programming, but what better place then stackoverflow right?
So code folding is an awesome feature which I love, but does anyone know if there is a way to get Xcode to remember where you have certain sections collapsed whenever you open a file?
BTW, I'm coding ruby on rails using git version control.
Code folding for a source file is saved in the user file of the project. So if you're just editing a naked Ruby source file, there's no place to store the information. You might just make a dummy Empty Project and add the Ruby files to it just to persist the folding state, scroll position, etc. even if you don't use the project for building or version control.
