Setting library directories in configure scripts - libraries

I want to compile vim on a 64 bit Linux server. On this machine, all basic directories are on a common network drive. 32 bit libraries are stored in .../lib, and 64 bit libraries in .../lib64.
When I run the configure script, it finds that X11 is in /usr/X11R6, and adds -L/usr/X11R6/lib to the linker flags. Of course it won't compile, because the 64 bit libraries are in /usr/X11R6/lib64.
I tried setting the environment variable LDIRS=-L/usr/X11R6/lib64 before running configure. It didn't help, because in the linking phase, it preceded -L/usr/X11R6/lib to my LDFLAGS variable, so it still wanted to find the library files in the wrong directory.
Is there any way to force the configure script to find library files on a particular location?


What files or directories of a release are the bare minimum to run a release?

Let's say, I have a completely new VPS server which I've just rolled out, which I haven't installed anything on yet.
And I've compiled and build a production release of Phoenix application on my local machine which is identical to a VPS server Linux distributive- and version-wise.
In the directory _build/prod/rel/my_app123 there have been generated 4 subdirectories:
Will copying the content of rel/my_app123/, that is, these 4 subdirectories, over to a VPS will be absolutely enough in order to run an application?
Or will I have install something extra as well? Elixir and Erlang?
How about production dependencies from mix.exs? Or are these have been included and compiled into into a release?
P.S. Assume that my web application has no "js", "css" and the like files, and doesn't use a database.
When you run mix release, it bundles all of your Elixir/Erlang dependencies for the MIX_ENV in question into the release directory, the erlang BEAM runtime/VM that you were using in your build, and any files that you specify in your mix project in mix.exs.
Because the BEAM runtime and code that bootstraps loading your code are included in the release, you won't need to install Elixir or Erlang on the target machine.
Things that are not included include:
any non-Elixir dependencies. For example, if you rely on openssl, you'll need to make sure you have a binary-compatible version of that installed on the machine you plan to run on (typically, the equivalent major verson release).
Portable bytecode. BEAM isn't like the Java VM. The compiled BEAM code needs to run on a substantially similar architecture. Build on an Arm64 machine for deployment on an Arm64 virtual machine, or x86 for Intel-compatible hardware, for instance. And it's probably best to use the same major OS distribution. There may be cases where "Any Linux * Same CPU architecture" is fine, but for example, building on a Windows or MacOS install of Elixir/OTP and deploying on Linux is a non-starter; you'd need to use a sufficiently similar OS.
As an example, one of my projects has its releases built on Alpine using Docker, so we only really have to worry about CPU compatibility. In our case we do need to make sure some external non-Elixir dependencies our app binds to are included on the docker image.
RUN apk add --no-cache libstdc++ openssl ncurses-libs wkhtmltopdf xvfb \
fontconfig \
freetype \
(ignore the fact that wkhtmltopdf is kind of deprecated, we're working on it. But for now it's a non-elixir dependency we rely on).
If you're building for a, say, an EC2 instance and not using Docker, you'd just need to make sure your release is built on a similar OS to what you're using for production, and make sure the production AMI (image) has those non-Elixir dependencies on it, or will at the time of deployment, perhaps using apt or another package manager. For a VPS, the solution for non-elixir dependencies will depend on whether they have the option for customizing the base machine image (maybe with Packer or Ansible)
Since you may seem to have been a bit confused about it in the comments, yes, MIX_ENV=prod mix release will build all of your production Elixir/Erlang dependencies and include them in the /_build/prod folder.
I include the whole ./prod folder in our release, but it looks like protocol consolidation binaries and the lib folder .Beam files are all in the rel folder so that's a bit unnecessary.
If you do a default build, the target will be inside your _build directory, with sub-directories for the config environment and your application, e.g. _build/dev/rel/your_app/. That directory should contain everything you need to run your app -- the prompt after running mix release provides some clues for this when it says something like:
Release created at _build/dev/rel/your_app!
I find it more useful, however, to zip up the app into a single portable file (and yes, I agree that the details about how to do this are not necessarily the first things you see when reading about Elixir releases). The trick is to customize your mix.exs by fleshing out the releases option -- this is usually done via a dedicated private function but the organization of how you supply the options is up to you.
What I find is often useful is the generation of a single zipped .tar.gz file. This can be accomplished by specifying the include_executables_for option along with steps. It looks something like this:
# mix.exs
defmodule YourApp.MixProject do
use Mix.Project
def project do
# ...
releases: releases()
# ...
defp releases do
my_app: [
include_executables_for: [:unix],
steps: [:assemble, :tar]
When you configure your application this way, running mix release will generate a nice portable file containing your app with everything it needs. Unzipping this file is education for understanding everything your app needs. By default this file will be created at a location like _build/dev/yourapp-1.0.0.tar.gz. You can configure the build path by specifying a path for your app. See Mix.Release for more options.

javac not recognizing external libraries

I have a working version of my project in eclipse.
I exported the project as a runnable jar.
Extracted (after converting to .zip)and tried to compile a particular java file from the command prompt
(Doing it this way since I have a project requirement, where input parameter inside that particular file can be modified and recompiled/run by users who wont have Eclipse)
I have used some external libraries( for Eg:json-simple,gson etc).They arent getting recognized , during compilation.
But if I run the class file(from the Eclipse compiled version), it gets executed properly
a)Tried to compile from root folder(using package name)
b) and went inside the package and compiled directly.
The a)part didnt compile at all saying classNotFound. The b)part started compiling but threw an error where none of the external libraries got recognized.(Getting --> error: cannot find symbol for places wherever the code/import of the external lib is used)
a)Tried to compile from root folder(using package name) javac b) and went inside the package and
compiled directly. javac
The a)part didnt compile at all saying classNotFound.
Yes. javac requires you to specify a filesystem path to the (first) source(s) to compile. You appear instead to have tacked .java onto the end of the desired fully-qualified class name. Probably you want to compile from the root of the unpacked jar, specifying a correct path:
javac [options] package/name/
for class (You can also compile from a different working directory if you specify an appropriate option, as discussed below.)
The b)part
started compiling but threw an error where none of the external
libraries got recognized.(Getting --> error: cannot find symbol for
places wherever the code/import of the external lib is used)
If the class you're compiling depends on others that also need to be compiled then javac would likely make a similar complaint about them. Either compile from the root (as in (a)), or specify the path to the source root via the -sourcepath option. Either way, there's no reason to descend into the source tree to compile.
But the external libs are actually a separate, albeit related, question. You don't need to compile these, but you do need to tell javac to use them as sources of classes. You would do that via the -classpath option, which you can abbreviate to -cp. If those were packaged in the jar itself (i.e. a "fat jar") then that should be fairly easy, something along these lines:
javac -cp .:lib/dependency1.jar:lib/dependency2.jar package/name/
The "lib" part may vary, and the separator definitely differs depending on OS (on Windows it is ;, whereas on Mac / Linux / Solaris is is :, as shown).
If the external libs were not packaged into the main jar then the procedure is the same, but you might have a bigger challenge finding the needed jars. Also, such a jar is probably not runnable if you move it to a different machine. Nevertheless, you should probably look in META_INF/MANIFEST.MF, as it should contain the needed information.

'socket.http' DLLs aren't found when Lua is compiled

I've started to really get into using Lua, and a few months ago I've figured out on how to turn .lua files into executables.
It's been working great so far, until I started to compile lua scripts that use 'socket.http'. It seems to be missing some DLLs of some sort, and I don't know how I would be able to add them into the same folder.
Where would I find these such DLLs to add into the same folder of my executable, so that I could be able to run Lua executables using socket.http?
socket.http module doesn't come as DLL; it comes as a pure-lua module. Usually there is socket.lua and socket\http.lua files (as well as socket\core.dll), so you'd need to package all of them and make them available to your script to make it work.
You can find the Lua files in the luasocket repository, but make sure that they match the API for the binaries (socket/core.* files) you are using.

Is there a tool for generating crosstool files for installed compilers?

Bazel use CROSSTOOL files to figure out how to builds things. This can be used to (for example) switch between GCC and Clang by setting --crosstool_top. The problem is that it's far from trivial to construct those files.
Does anyone know of any tools that can inspect a Linux installation and generate the needed crosstool files for any "common" compiler(s) that happens to be installed? Something that would be able to find and support any installed versions of Clang and GCC would be enought, any other compilers (icc, etc.) would be fantastic.
(Alternatively: are there any repo's with pre-constructed crosstool files for default installations of all the common compilers?)
I've already found #bazel_tools//tools/cpp:cc_configure.bzl et al. but those seem to only generate configs for the default system compiler and I'm specifically looking for support for the non default compiler(s).
It's only a variation on cc_configure, but you can use environment variables to tweak the generation. Maybe using CC will be enough? If not, what else would you need (pull requests welcomed)?
There is no repo with premade crosstools yet, there will eventually be (maybe in the form of docker containers, we'll see) but currently there's not.

Can i run Erlang without local admin rights on Windows?

I have a machine which doesn't give me local admin rights. Is it still possible to run erlang on it, as I cannot run a windows .exe installer to install erlang?
You can copy erl.exe (plus the runtime system and all the libraries you need) from another installation and run it without the need to install. As long as you are allowed to execute files it should be okay.
Forgive me for not being as smart as Zubair,
but I would like to know exactly how to do this.
I do not have admin privilege, cannot run installers, and cannot copy files to C:\WINDOWS.
In particular, I cannot write to C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS or C:\WINDOWS\system32.
How do I get a list of exactly what libraries are required by the various erlang executables ?
I have all the MS redistributable libraries and manifests,
but I don't know where to put them to make it work.
The redistributable library structure has directories such as
Microsoft.VC90.ATL, Microsoft.VC90.CRT, etc. Each directory contains relevant dlls and a manifest.
Do I copy all the contents into the ERL_HOME\bin directory or ERL_HOME\erts-x.y.z\bin or ERL_HOME\erts-x.y.z\lib ?
or leave them in some other directory and put those entries in the PATH ?
or do I need to build the paths implied by the manifests (i.e. where they would be copied into the WinSxS cache) using hashes and version numbers in the paths, then put those entries in the PATH ?
