How do I set the datatype for a ROWID in an input or output parameter?
ROWID is a peudocolumn in SQL statements. It is a calculated fixed length character column with a size of 18.
More information is available in the help file.
How to format the column so that it adds leading zero to a column value.
for example , in the etext template i want to add this logic. using which function can i do this ?
that is if job_code is 2900 then it should come as 002900. I tried adding "0000000" under the format column, but it didnt work.
You could format the column in Data Model sql so it comes to the template already formated..
Select LPAD(COLUMN_NAME, 6, '0') as ALIAS...
Here is an example of LPAD function: ERROR: Function SUBSTR requires a character expression as argument 1. and adding zeroes in front of data
I have a query that I need formatted in a particular way, but when I have an 8-character string with a 12-character column name, it pads the column to 12 characters even with Set Heading Off and Set Pagesize 0. Is there a way to display a column such that it will not include the length of the column name when calculating the width to use?
This is not the same as "SQLPlus varchar2 outputs whitespaces", which does not appear to be asking about the case when the column name is longer than the data name - just when the data appears to have an excessive length.
ı need to change the datatype of a column .
ALTER TABLE students
ALTER COLUMN "Dname" character varying (30) ;
I tried this but it doesn't work.
You should use this statement instead.
ALTER TABLE students
MODIFY Dname varchar2(30);
In pl/sql, if you create a variable as varchar2(256) and then assign a 10 character string to the variable then the total memory used is 256 characters but if you declare it (4000 or more it will use only the 10 characters. Is that also true for varchar columns on a table? Or does a varchar column always allocate only what you have assigned? Thanks.
The varchar column is meant to be 'variable character' so it stores just one more character (the terminal) than the string you are storing. char, stores exactly the number of characters it is set to.
On an ADOQuery I've created a String Tfield and set the it's size to 24(from Fields Editor).
When I'm trying to assign to this field a 24 characters length string (qry.fieldbyname('fieldname').asString), only first 20 characters are added. I don't understand why.
How is the query populated with data? If you are doing a select against a table then the column will have the same width as in the table schema. Check how the column is defined in your database.