Can I set up database connections in Qt without writing code (like in Delphi)? - delphi

Although it is comparatively hard to write in C++ than in Pascal I'm really attracted by multi-platform support of Qt. I can connect to an MSSQL server running on Win2003 server from Linux or I can connect to a PostGreSQL server running on Linux. That made a plus when comparing with Delphi.
I'm trying to write sample programs to get used to the Qt and C++. So far I'm comfortable with the layouts and signals-and-slots mechanism (still double clicking the buttons to write event code though :) ). I wish I was using the SQL data in my programs as easily as in Delphi.
Is there any way that I can put some connection object, a DataSource, a DBGrid and a DBNavigator on to a form and go on without writing code? (For some forms it is really a time saver, a project with 300+ forms can be made faster)
I would like to hear from people using Qt with data from SQL servers.

You would have to write your own designer plugins to achieve that and make your widgets invisible, as there is no direct support for non gui components in Qt Designer.
However, writing explicit code in Qt (which is really a lot less work than in most other programming environments) helps the program to stay readable. Delphi projects with a lot of forms and components tend to become readable to the author alone, because dependencies jump across files a lot. If you store your forms in binary format, you are lost anyway, because you then cannot search your project textually to find dependencies.
Good design, which causes your code to become small and easily readable is necessary in any programming environment and makes aspects like invisible components in forms less important (though you will miss them for a while to come like I do).
So, unfortunately, you are on your own for the moment.


Usage for LiveBinding

I don't understand LiveBinding's purpose. I would like to know which are the cases in which LiveBinding is most valuable. Embarcadero's manual describes it: "LiveBindings is a data-binding feature supported by both the VCL and FireMonkey frameworks in RAD Studio. LiveBindings is an expression-based framework, which means it uses binding expressions to bind objects to other objects or to dataset fields".
Thanks but I still don't know more than before.
I have seen some video in which a guy spends 12 minutes and hundredths of clicks to connect the caption of a TLabel to a TListBox control. When the user clicks an item in ListBox the name of the item is shown in Label. I could have done that with a single line of code (few keystrokes and no mouse clicks).
I am not criticizing LiveBinding. I am saying that I don't understand where it is helpful. I am missing something. Since it is not doing something that cannot be done from code, it means it's doing something that can be done from code, but visually and much much faster. I admit I haven't invested a lot of time in this topic but everywhere I look I see a terribly convoluted way (come on, you really need 5 extra controls to make LiveBinding works?) to do a simple task.
Also, it seems that LiveBinding was mostly designed for DB. All examples will include some kind of DB connectivity. But I am expressly interested only about the cases where I can use LiveBindings and there is no data set/DB involved. I am not using DB that much.
I doubt v. much that anyone would use live bindings if they could use traditional db-aware VCL components. However, that's not an option for non-VCL projects (Android, Apple, etc) and live bindings is the only Emba-supplied option for delivering data to those from TDataSet descendants.
An advantage of live bindings is that in addition to the Android and Apple targets, you can use them in Windows apps, so conceivably you could write the same (FMX-based) application for all three.
Libe-binding can also be used in VCL applications, but tbh, I can't imagine why anyone would use live bindings if they were only targeting a Windows DB application, as they are much slower than the traditional db-aware controls, especially multi-row ones such as grids.
I have not tried myself, but because the implementation of live bindings is interface-based, its potential use extends far beyond DB applications, but you would have to implement the interfaces yourself. It seems to be based around a fairly abstract expression-evaluation engine.
Setting up a l.b. project in the IDE does seem to require quite a bit more clicking around than you'd be used to from a traditional VCL app, but that's mostly because there is an additional step involved where you tell the IDE how to bind the gui objects to the data source(s). However, it is quite straightforward to "wire up" live bindings entirely in code if you want to.

Delphi Application over the web

Possible Duplicate:
What Web Application Framework for Delphi is recommended?
We have a Delphi 2007 desktop application which we have hosted using Citrix. Now we want to get rid of Citrix and somehow web-enable it.
I have done bit of research and found that it is possible by using the uniGUI.
Conclusion: Can be done, but would require a re-write and only a subset of components are supported. Serious questions remain are the monolithic application structure in a web environment.
There are two more options morfik and atozed and they also require a re-write.
I want to know if there is any other option which requires a very less re-write work and how fragile is it?
How fragile it is, is based on the quality of your code. If you have a good structured application, with business logic and data access fully separated from the GUI, it will be pretty safe, although you still have to rewrite mostly all your GUI.
If there's logic in your forms, and the code that talks to the GUI components is intwined with the code that checks your input and stores the data, then you have a big problem.
In that case, this is a great opportunity to refactor large portions of your app and do it better this time. ;)
Since there is no "silver bullet" here, it doesn't matter much which product you use. You have the same challenges with any of them. I would recommend spending a few days on a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) re-write of 2-3 typical screens. Implement the POC for each "finalist" product, and see how it works out. Keep track of how long it took for each one, things that were easier/harder, and how the end result appears to the end-user (performance, good/funny-looking, robustness, "feel").
As for the actual re-write, I would recommend the following:
Re-factor existing application to remove business logic from the UI.
Full Regression testing, and push that into production.
NOW proceed with conversion to one of the web tools.
Oops - I left out a step. Step 0: FREEZE all features/fixes. If fixes are needed to current production, they'll need to be done in a separate branch, and then rolled-up into this project later.
Note that this type of work lends itself nicely to outsourcing, as the work is straightforward and the requirements are simple. Especially if it can be delivered one form at a time, so progress, timelines, and $$$ can be measured in small chunks.
Another preliminary step is to develop a "cook book" for stripping the business logic from the existing GUI layer. It should identify naming conventions, common libraries (for code that should have been shared all along but wasn't), and should describe the conversion methodology.
AFAIK, there's not tool will convert your desktop application to web application without requiring rewrite for most of GUI Parts.
as Golez said, you will have to refactor your application, try to separate your business logic from the GUI, then you can use some tools like Intraweb to develop the GUI as web and reusing the existing business logic with it.
Another option by converting your application to n-tiers technology and warp your business logic as web services or any open technology and make your web part by any web languages such as ASP.Net or PHP.
Depending on how 'Web enabled' you want the App to be.. I use Cybele Software's ( Thinfinity UI to extend Apps to the Web, including Database Apps.
It only requires the installation of their ThinFinity Server and one line of code added to the Proj source and you are in business.
The Apps all run on your PC.
Well perhaps I simplified it a little, but worth a look.

How to handle legacy app?

I have inherited a legacy app written in C++ (VS2003) MFC that was not updated in years.
I have limited experience in C++, being mainly a Delphi developer. All other apps of the company are written in Delphi.
Going forward, I see a few choices:
1) Keep the app as is and become a C++ MFC developer. But I don't like the idea of using an outdated technology (MFC) for years to come, trying to keep up with new Windows versions and UI standards. It somehow feels like making several steps backwards and I don't think this is the best way to go (?)
2) Convert the app to any modern UI technology offered with C++ and become a C++ developer, but at least using modern technology. Might be a lot of work, not sure.
3) Rebuild the app from scratch in Delphi, where I will be a lot more productive thinking about the future. It's a lot more work right now, but it might pay off later.
Obviously, I personally prefer 3) but I would like to know from your experience which way is the best for the product.
It's a long term decision to make and I will have to stick with it, therefore I don't want to rush into one direction.
(I have intentionally not tagged this question as C++, trying to get answers from Delphi developers in similar situations)
Thanks to all for your answers.
After learning that it is possible to switch to C++ Builder with a MFC application, this seems to be the best solution.
It combines the least amount of modifications to the current app with the possibility to go forward using the VCL for future GUI improvements.
It's not possible to combine MFC and VCL in one app, therefore C++ Builder won't be an option. (thanks David for pointing this out)
In general everything depends on how complex the application's logic is and what is the projected life time of the application. If it requires maintenance for another 20 years, then
I'd rewrite the UI in Delphi and move the business logic into C++ DLL (for beginning and possibly rewrite it in Delphi either). Then it can turn that the application can be maintained this way for another 10 years and relatively easily ported to other platforms if needed (less work would be required).
This is a hard question to answer generically. Can you provide any more information about your specific app? What sort of technologies does it use? How separated is the UI from underlying layers and logic?
Some general-ish points though:
Rewriting an app is generally a bad idea, for the following reasons:
It's surprisingly hard to get an accurate idea of the requirements. You're sure you know what it does (after all, it's right there in front of you!), but then you release your rewritten app and you get complains that functionality you didn't know was there is missing, that functionality is harder to access if you've changed something, etc.
It introduces bugs. The code, especially if it's old, is full of bugfixes, tweaks, etc. You will lose all that if you rewrite, especially if it's a different language and you can't reuse any code at all.
When using a different UI layer (MFC to something else) separating the UI can be very hard if the app wasn't written well in the first place. You will probably end up doing a lot of refactoring, even if you don't do a complete rewrite and simply move from MFC to 'something else'.
MFC is kept up to date (ish) - there is a MFC Ribbon control, for example, as well as modern controls and Windows 7 support. The least amount of work, probably, would be to upgrade to a modern version of Visual C++ and become a C++ developer. However, you're quite right that MFC is an old technology and is unpleasant to use, not only because of its design, but also because modern form designers etc are great to use.
You're a Delphi developer. Without rewriting the entire thing, you could consider migrating to C++Builder. Consider this:
You can use old versions of MFC with C++Builder. I've never done this, since the VCL is miles ahead, but it's possible and there are a number of people who do it. Check out this forum, for example. (Credit for that link: this thread.)
Once you have your app compiling and working with C++Builder, you can start migrating to the VCL. As a Delphi developer you'll find using this, even with C++, very familiar. It's the same form designer of course, and using it from C++ is pretty simple - it's a different language but code is often line-for-line translatable. Everything you're used to (DFM files, units, event handlers, etc) all translate.
Not only that, but Delphi code can be used in C++ projects. Just add the units to the project, and in your C++ code include the auto-generated unitname.hpp file. You can't (easily) use C++ code from Delphi, but you could create new modules in Delphi and use them from C++. As you do this, more and more of your app will slowly become Delphi code - ie, you don't need to rewrite in a different language all in one go.
As a Delphi developer, I'd suggest going the C++Builder route. Get it working with MFC, and then migrate your windows to the VCL. At that point, you could start rewriting modules in Delphi, or you may find yourself comfortable enough in C++ to continue developing as is.
Edit: I noticed in a reply above you like the idea above of making it a C++ DLL. The link I gave a paragraph or two above of using C++ object from Delphi might be more applicable than I thought. It would fit the RAD Studio (mix of C++ and Delphi) method as well.
Keeping the app as is, tying you to MFC, is likely not very productive - You'll need to learn a GUI toolkit you'll most likely never use for something else (Delphi is great for GUI, MFC doesn't even come close IMO), in addition to a new language.
That leaves you with the choice of rewriting it in a somewhat unfamiliar language using an unfamiliar GUI toolkit, which'll take a lot more time than rewriting it in a familiar language using a familiar GUI toolkit. So you should just get started porting this to Delphi.
Rewriting C++ code in Delphi isn't as easy as you think. A better way to rewrite it is by just redesigning it from scratch, without looking at the old code. Feel free to look how the old application worked, so you can rebuild it. Just don't look at the code. That way, you should get a more modern result.
Of course, if you use the RAD Studio then you have both the C++ as Delphi compiler, thus it should be able to continue to develop the C++ application, although this means you have to learn C++. Then again, any good programmer should be able to just move to another programming language and learn to use it within 2 weeks to a month. C++ can be complex but still, learning C++ and then maintaining the legacy app should take a lot less time than a complete rewrite.
Do keep in mind that any generic C++ application should be able to be compiled for any platform, although the MFC will probably restrict this to just Windows. Still, it's a language that has an even better backwards compatibility than Delphi!
But to keep in mind, will this app run on a different platform in the future? Should it become a .NET application? Or run on Linux? Should it support tablet computers? Android? Your choices today might be outdated again in two years. And since Delphi has a bit uncertain future right now, mostly because C#/.NET became so popular, you might have a more safe bet with C++. Try to replace the MFC libraries with a more modern UI technology, preferably one that's available for multiple platforms, and think very, very well about the future usages of this application.
In general I'd say:
If it's a tiny tool application, and it takes just a couple of days to do a full rewrite: go for it. Don't waste your time creating dll wrappers or to interface with the existing code in other ways. Just do a full rewrite and be done with it.
Otherwise: you'll probably be making changes in one specific area of the application at the time only. Unless the code is a complete spaghetti, you could even get away with making some local changes without fully understanding the implementation details of the rest of the code.
In any case, you need to invest some time into understanding the application and its language + frameworks.
You have a great opportunity to learn C++ and MFC. Take advantage of it. When Delphi goes astray you will have the required knowledge to keep on coding with a language that won't go away so easily, and you can even broaden your development horizons to areas Delphi (and C++ Builder) will never reach. MFC is no more outdated than the VCL is (although I agree the original design is worse).
Good UI programming has nothing to do with the ability to drop controls on a form visually. Many great applications are not built that way. Actually, trying to rewrite it in Delphi could bring you issue in the future, as long as Embarcadero delivers slowly, and without a credible roadmap.
I recommend
1) Keep the app as is and become a C++ MFC developer. But I don't like the idea of using an outdated technology (MFC) for years to come, trying to keep up with new Windows versions and UI standards. It somehow feels like making several steps backwards and I don't think this is the best way to go (?)
Since MFC is well supported and keeps going with the time. MFC is also a what-you'd-call intrusive framework, meaning that the framework dependencies are usually not easily refactored. (The author of CPPDepend published some nice stats on that IIRC, but I can certainly vouch for this from my own experience with large MFC applications).
If you're gonna rewrite to any modern UI framework, don't code the UI in C++ (judging from the fact that Delphi is an option, it is not about realtime visualizations or something like that).
(I'll unask the unasked question here: I you're gonna rewrite, XXXXXXXXXXXXX?) please gentle(wo)men, let's not do the flame
Does the app come with a descent amount of automated tests? If not you're pretty much stuck with option 1 and hope for the best. If there are many tests you can do a lot more with the code without breaking all kinds of things you didn't know were there.

How to convert OWL/BP7 application to Delphi?

Which tool/approach would you suggest to convert of a large 16bit Windows GUI application, written in old Borland Pascal 7 / OWL, to Delphi?
Understanding the pretty heavy differences between OWL and VCL, as well as the differences between the pointer manipulations in 16bit pascal and the state-of-art using of strings and objects in Delphi - are there any ways/tools which could help to avoid almost complete rewrite of the application?
I think you need to determine;
a) how much of the code is to do with business logic, data(base) manipulation and things like proprietary file structures, mathematical processing etc? This is stuff that might lift largely 'as-is' because it's more likely to be written in 'pascal' with much smaller, obvious elements of OWL/BP7. For instance, when I did this with an application I had a series of units that dealt with loading/saving proprietary files, stuff to calculate easter, stuff to do maths on arrays etc - all of this stuff went from BP7 to Delphi (1) with almost no changes.
b) how much of the code is to do with the GUI (and nothing else) - message loop handlers, dialog element constructors, properities of controls etc. This stuff will take a lot of work to port to Delphi and unless you can find someone with a nice line in .RES->.DFM (or similar), I think you'll be looking at building this bit from scratch. No bad thing because if it's a 16bit Windows app then you'll probably want to take the opportunity to at least make it look a bit more 'modern' anyway. I think this will be the most labour-intensive part of the project.
c) how much of the code is using stuff that you know can be done differently in Delphi, but that would work as it stands in pascal right now? This is where #BloodySmartie's point about migrating to an older version of Delphi makes sense to me. You ought to be able to port that project to something like Delphi 5/7 making obvious (and well-understood) changes to things like string manipulation. The more of this stuff that you can leave unported, the better in my view. Get something that runs and that you check basic behaviour with, and then embark on a process of refactoring/refining to make the most of Delphi as and when the resources allow it. You might have (as I did) arrays of pointers in BP7, where each pointer goes to an array of pointers which ultimately lead to an object - this was how we got around memory limitations in the 16bit Windows world. When I first ported my app, these arrays of pointers to arrays of pointers still worked fine in Delphi and I left them alone until I had the time to do something more 'Delphi-like' with the structures.
But before you do all of that - why are you porting the app? If you're porting it because you're about to make a reasonable number of changes to the app's functionality anyway, then it might really be the right time to rewrite the app. As you're rewriting in Delphi, you are still going to be able to use chunks of functions and procedures that are business-rule based anyway, so it's not necessarily a complete and total rewrite from scratch.
I guess there is no tool to support your migration but i'd try to start in an old Delphi Version like 1,2 or 3. This syntax should be much nearer on BP7 than the syntax of newer Delphi Versions.
At this time, you should first try to just bring your app logic to delphi, without any visual stuff. Then use the form designer to rebuild your GUI.
A important point you should pay attention to is that a DOS string is an ASCII-String, while the Delphi strings up to Delphi 2007 are ANSI-encoded. In Delphi 2009, the string keyword describes a unicode string.
Long-long time ago when I swapped OWL to VCL (in C++) it was just easier to write everything from scratch. There might be some code parts that don't deal with user interface and string manipulations, but otherwise it's totaly different.
In fact one of my biggest app is still in OWL, because I just don't bother to rewrite it. As long as it works, let it be.
we also had - and still have - tons of owl-applications.
so we did port the 16bit owl to 32bit owl and are therefor still developing and maintaining our owl-based applications (actually with Delphi 2007 for win32).
you may find this way easier and faster than switch to vcl.
Andrej provides an effective solution with minimal changes to the original windows 3.1 code. We did it for a while but now we provide a rounded solution with 32 bit compatible OWL units. We also provide with it ODBC SQL units, MAC address based security technology and special units CRT like units which can handle code written for DOS text and graphic modes mode, mixed, with and new 32 bit graphics and targeted at Windows 32/64 GUI applications. Legacy code can be which can be compiled with OWL Windows MDI starting with model applications demos which can be quickly modified.

Delphi code generation

I need to speed up my coding, too much work, so I need be able to generate code.
Any tools, any ideas?
Delphi includes Live Templates, a completely scriptable and configurable system for generating code constructs of any size or complexity.
Live Templates are, in my view, one of the more under-appreciated features in Delphi.
Find out how to use them at:
Live templates are completely scriptable, meaning you can write Delphi code to do whatever you want with them.
An extendable example can be found here:
Not a very good idea IMHO. If you need generator, then probably you have lots of code that looks very similar, so instead of generator, better thing would be to rethink and refactor code you have.
That should result in less code that is easier to maintain and less code in future for similar tasks.
If you are doing database application, then you could use some good visual SQL query builder to help you create queries. That is part that Delphi was not very good (I don't know if it improved in D2007 and D2009)
EDIT - Regarding SQL generation
There's lots of comments about query builder.
Well, I suppose I'm spoiled. As I remember, Delphi before version 6 (or maybe even 5?), had decent visual query builder. I had 0 (zero) bugs in SQL when I selected fields in query designer, opposed to writing SQL by myself.
SQL is just string in Delphi, there is no compiler checking, so this was the best way to ensure that SQL is correctly written.
If you mean something like a modeling tool, you could try out ModelMaker.
Rather than trying to code generate, you should probably just obtain code to do the bulk of what you want to do.
There are hundreds of free products at Sourceforge for Delphi.
And there are hundreds of thousands of code samples at Google Code Search that you can use.
Plus lots thousands of free or purchaseable components at repositories such as Torry's Delphi Pages or Embarcadero's Code Central for Delphi
Using components already made is the fastest way to speed up your coding, and to add capabilities that you would never have been able to.
For me best way is by creating custom components, and then create designer for this component.
I have find that i spent most of the time writing code that read/write values from controls. So i created control that can read, write, validate values, and automatically fill form or stored procedure or directly generate SQL and execute.
Custom designer allows you to setup all properties easy. Now i don't write code for such trivial task i just put control , open designer and set properties and rules that must be satisfied.
ModelMaker Code Explorer speed up my coding in times. It has a nice hotkeys for synchronising implementation and declaration, so if you changed one, you don't have to search for it pair. Also, very nice feature is, method editing dialog. And many more.
Have you tried GExpert? It is a set of tools built to increase the productivity of Delphi and C++Builder programmers by adding several features to the IDE. GExperts is developed as Open Source software.
Other alternative is using project template by saving a framework into the IDE Repository, create your own components and frames.
I wrote a code generator calle CodeTypo. I'm used it in many production environment. You can find it here:
It's still in beta phase but is usable and reasonably stable.
I'll migrate all content of this old site in the new one ( in english. And I'll add some other info about CodeTypo and code generators.
The thing that sped up my Delphi coding the most was getting CodeRush for Delphi (via a DevExpress VCL subscription for Delphi 5, 6, 7) and setting up a ton of templates.
