component to theme a StringGrid like the ThemedDBGrid - delphi

Exist any similar component to theme a stringrid like the ThemedDBGrid component compatible with delphi 5.

Surely you could take the source from ThemedDBGrid and re-work it for a stringgrid? Or you could use a DBGrid and wrap your strings up so that they can be accessed through a dataset.

TMSSoftware's Advanced String Grid is pretty popular:

You could also look at skinning components that skin the built in grid, such as:


Create column in TEasyListView

I use TEasyListView from I'd like to create a combobox in a column. I can't find any sample to do this from the component demo. If I use TListView, I could follow a trick from but I need to use TEasyListView. Please, give me some guides.
I am not sure but I would guess TEasyListView is a descendant of TListView since pretty much everyone creates new components based on lower level components. Try checking back into the components and you will more then likely find a way to use the "trick" you named above.

Is there an edit control for Delphi that allows path editing?

I have various hierarchical structures and would like to allow navigation around then using an editor like the Microsoft one found in the explorer address bar below. Is there such a Delphi component? (Paid for or free)?
TAdvExplorerTreeview from TMS might be what your looking for:
Haven't tried by myself but Roy Klever's PathViewer component looks quite interesting.
I have spent the morning writing such a control. Actually, I wrote a very generic, completely virtual base control, from which I later derived a directory browser control:
The source code is published here
Here are some images:
Style := bbsClassic
Style := bbsFlat
Style := bbsHeader
Style := bbsThemed
Style := bbsCommand
Not sure about anything exactly like that but the BergSoft Next Collection includes a path control similar to that (useful for breadcrumb trails and the like)
It's free providing you don't want access to the source. Source is pretty cheap though and it's a one off cost that'll get you all future updates.

Delphi component like trichview

looking for a Delphi component like trichview for simple use:
- store and load test formatted with html tag
- change font (name, size, style)
- if possible db aware
- if possible free
There were a few suggestions for HTML-Editors here:
WYSIWYG HTML Editor Component for Delphi

Change rectangle color in Rave runtime Delphi

We print database records in rave using rvproject1 and rvdatasetconnection1 and that works.
How to acomplish this in rave:
If Adotabel1.fieldbyname('something').asstring = 'something' then
Rectangle1 on a data band.color=black
Rectangle1 on a data band.color=green
I believe you must download the Visual Designer Guide.pdf located here What you want to accomplish can be done in several ways(with editor events, from Delphi code, etc). In the manual you will find exactly how to code the band or datatext onbeforeprint event(Rave Report 'language' is very similar to Delphi). At this moment I don't have the time for making you an example.
best regards,

JSplitPane analogue for Delphi

Can someone point to good delphi component that is an analogue for java JSplitPane.
I know about standard TSplitter in Delphi, but I sick and tied of using it.
The JVCL components comes with 4 splitters.
TJvNetscapeSplitter (This is very similar (visually) to JSplitPane)
Raize components has a nifty splitter: it consists of two panes (that can host other controls) and the splitter in the middle.
I've used the Plasmatech splitter in their Shell Control Pack, and like it.
