Delphi component like trichview - delphi

looking for a Delphi component like trichview for simple use:
- store and load test formatted with html tag
- change font (name, size, style)
- if possible db aware
- if possible free

There were a few suggestions for HTML-Editors here:
WYSIWYG HTML Editor Component for Delphi


hyperlinks in HTML Editor - Java FX

I am trying to add hyperlink option in the HTML Editor provided by Java FX. I dont find the option of hyperlink-ing text in the Java FX HTML Editor ?
Can anyone please let me know how we can add this option in the editor ?
Here's a strategy that may be useful - it is focused on inserting an inline image, but should be simple to adapt to inserting a hyperlink:

Delphi 7 report builder, DBRichtext, how to change style

I (still) use Delphi 7, with Report Builder (Digital Metaphors). I have a DbRichText, I would like to write just the first word in bold. It would be better to use onCalc on the run-time editor instead of coding in Delphi, but I'll acept any kind of solutions and suggestion. Thanks
I found this solution:
1) I create a memo field in database where I put an rtf text.
Example: '{\rtf1\ansi \b first\b0 word \par second line}'
2) OnCalc function of report builder of a RichView object, I do:
obj.RichView := TableName['rftField'];

Loading File to TAdvMemo

Is there a way to load the content of a file to TAdvMemo not using the AcceptFile drag and drop option?
Most VCL-based memo controls (including third-party ones) have a Lines.LoadFromFile or something similar.
According to TMS's website, TAdvMemo has a Lines property, which should be a TStrings descendant and therefore should support LoadFromFile. (See the FAQ page I linked to, specifically the question about seeing if the text is empty - it uses the Lines property.)
So it should be as easy as (Delphi code):
So, in C++ Builder it should be something like:

Set Background Image for a Form in Delphi

I have an old app (Delphi 5) which I want to give it some changes via Res Editor !
I want to set a background image for a Form via RCData in Res Editor, How can I do that?
Any help is really appreciated.
Thanks :)
Delphi forms don't have a simple background-image property.
You could edit the DFM resource for the form to insert a TImage control. Extract the DFM resource, open it in Delphi, add the control you want, save it, and then replace the original resource with your new version.
See also:
Setting up background images for forms in Delphi
How to add background images to Delphi forms
Angus Johnson has written a utility called ResHacker. Use it to directly edit the form properties in the exe file.
This is the link to his site
Majid Pasha, procedure is really simple and straight-forward:
Extract form resource (type is RCDATA, name matches form in question, language is not important)
Convert form from binary format to text using convert utility (shipped with delphi)
Use your Delphi to design boilerplate image, load picture, set placement, etc
View designed form as text, copy you new image definition along with all its data
Paste image into text version of extracted form resource
convert back to binary format
Add resource back to executable replacing original one.
Note: depending on tools uses, there might be some shortcuts to bypass conversions and extraction, eg: XN Resource Editor is able to edit Text DFM directly.

component to theme a StringGrid like the ThemedDBGrid

Exist any similar component to theme a stringrid like the ThemedDBGrid component compatible with delphi 5.
Surely you could take the source from ThemedDBGrid and re-work it for a stringgrid? Or you could use a DBGrid and wrap your strings up so that they can be accessed through a dataset.
TMSSoftware's Advanced String Grid is pretty popular:
You could also look at skinning components that skin the built in grid, such as:
