Remove default Date in LaTeX article - latex

How do I remove the default date that a documentclass{article} adds in LaTeX?

Try using \date{}.

use \date{} before "\begin{document}"

Also ensure that you dont have any variation of this in your code.
{\large \today}

A blank \date{} will still use some vertical spacing. Check this post on TeX Exchange for a comprehensive list of alternatives, like the titling package.

The command
will give the out put as shown here:
But the code:
will give the desired output, I believe, you want:
The command \date{} should be put after \author{names} and before \maketitle.

The exact code snippet to "copy and paste" is as follows:


affiliations and corresponding author comment as footnotes on latex article

I am trying to use the LaTeX article document class to create a simple paper with the authors listed on the title page with their (potentially multiple repeating) affiliations as numeric footnotes and other author comments as symbolic footnotes. For example, I want something like
However, I haven't been able to make this happen despite trying multiple different solutions. Is there a simple way to do this?
I have tried using the bigfoot package to create multiple different types of footnotes combined with footmisc with the multiple option to get multiple footnote markers with commas between them, but I end up with superposed markers and no footnotes. My minimal latex document is:
\title{My title}
David Kaplan\footnoteAAffil{A University}\footnoteAAffil{Another University}\footnoteANote{Corresponding author}\footnoteANote{Equal contributors}
Prince Charming\FootnotemarkAAffil{2}\FootnotemarkANote{2}
And the output I get is:
One possibility is to switch to the amsart class and then using the amsaddr package:
\title{My title}
\author{David Kaplan $^{1,2,\ast,\dagger}$}
\address{$^1$A University}
\address{$^2$Another University}
\address{$^{\ast}$Corresponding author}
\address{$^{\dagger}$Equal contributors}
\author{Prince Charming $^{1,\dagger}$}
With help from others, I posted a solution to this question here. For completeness, I am copying the solution below:
\documentclass{article} % <---- No titlepage
\title{My title}
%\usepackage[dont-mess-around]{fnpct} % <---- I decided not to use fnpct, but rather put in the commas by hand
% Hook into the \thanks command for the article class to print the footnotes
\def\thanksAAffil#1{% <--- These %'s are necessary for spacing
\protect\footnotetextAAffil[\the \c#footnoteAAffil]{#1}}%
\protect\footnotetextANote[\the \c#footnoteANote]{#1}}%
\author{% <---- Not sure if these %'s are necessary, but can't hurt
David Kaplan%
\thanksAAffil{A University}$^{,}$\thanksAAffil{Another University}$^{,}$%
\thanksANote{Corresponding author}$^{,}$\thanksANote{Equal contributors}%
, %
Prince Charming%
\footnotemarkAAffil[2]$^{,}$\thanksAAffil{Still another university}$^{,}$\footnotemarkANote[2]$^{,}$%
\thanksANote{Another note}%
, %
Mohamed Ali%
\thanksAAffil{I am the greatest U.}%
This is the abstract.
More Text

How can I remove the labels in a bibliography list with biblatex?

In bibtex it is very easy to remove all labels in the bibliography; as, for instance, described here
I cannot find the equivalent to
for biblatex.
If I have, for example, this code:
I get this
Instead, I would like to have something like this:
How can I remove the labels in the bibliography list without changing the style with biblatex?
As a quick hack, you can redefine the bibliography environment:
(personally I would use an authoryear style instead to avoid having labels in text without any correspondence in the bibliography)

How to reset chapter and section counter with \part*

Sorry for bad english
I have a problem with my Latex code (I'm not very good in coding). I want an output like this:
Part I
Chapter I
Chapter II
Part II
Chapter I
Chapter II
I also wanted to create a box around my title of the parts , this doesn't work like I wanted, so I used \part* and \addcontentsline{toc}{part}{PART I} (to write the line in the table of content).So the code is:
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{PART I}
I saw this methode to reset the counter of the chapters:
but this doesn't work, I think it's due to use of \part*.
Has anyone an idea? THNANKS!
Hope the example bellow can help:)
As you already know the solution for \part, how about simply using this and make it look like \part*? This has the advantage that you could add the boxes around the part titles automatically.

How to get the value of the document title in latex?

I am wondering how I can get the document title in LaTex, for use elsewhere in the document. I just want to be able to echo it.
Using \#title does not work because \maketitle clears \#title. This seems silly to me but that's the way it is. One solution is to redefine \title to save the title somewhere else. For instance,
then use \THETITLE.
You can do the other way around: \def\MYTITLE{...} then \title{\MYTITLE} and later use \MYTITLE again.
I had success just writing a new command.
There is a package called authoraftertitle that does exactly this
\setlength\parindent{0 pt}
\title{a good title}
\author{a better author}
\date{the best date}
the title is: \textbf{\MyTitle} \\
the author is: \textbf{\MyAuthor} \\
the data is: \textbf{\MyDate} \\
This is a workaround...
\let\titleoriginal\title % save original \title macro
\renewcommand{\title}[1]{ % substitute for a new \title
\titleoriginal{#1}% % define the real title
\newcommand{\thetitle}{#1} % define \thetitle
\title{This is my title}
The short version of the title was ignored here...

Setting up author or address string variables in LaTeX

LaTeX is a wonderful language for writing documents. With the hyperref package and pdflatex, you easily generate documents with metadata, a nice feature to get your documents referenced right on the web.
I often use templates like:
\usepackage[pdftex, pdfusetitle,colorlinks=false,pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}%
pdftitle={My title},%
pdfauthor={My name},%
pdfkeywords={my first keyword, my second keyword, more keywords.},%
\title{My title}
\author{My name}
{\bf Keywords:} my first keyword, my second keyword, more keywords.%
My text is here...
So far, it's well. My question pops out from the example: is there a way to define string variables in the header so that they can be passed as arguments to hyperref and then to the frontmatter or to the text. Something like:
\def\Author{My name}
\def\Title{My title}
\def\Keywords{my first keyword, my second keyword, more keywords.}
\usepackage[pdftex, pdfusetitle,colorlinks=false,pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}%
{\bf Keywords:} \Keywords %
My text is here...
This fails for the \maketitle part and for the hyperref metadata with ! Use of \Title doesn't match ! Argument of \let has an extra }.but also for including the keywords.
The correct template should look like:
\newcommand{\Author}{My name}
\newcommand{\Title}{My title}
\newcommand{\Keywords}{my first keyword, my first keyword, more keywords.}
\usepackage[pdftex, pdfusetitle,colorlinks=false,pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}%
{\bf Keywords:} \Keywords %
My text is here...
Compiles fine and the metadata shows fine in the pdf reader.
Try using \newcommand{\Author}{My name} instead of \def.
