How do I deal with WS-Security when all I have is a wsdl? - wsdl

I'm trying to develop a stand-alone client app that uses web services in a Glassfish container (Metro). About all I have to work from is a wsdl for the wervices I'm trying to use. The wsdl is rife with all kinds of 'wsp:Policy' tags. Looks like IssuedToken, Trust13, ecryption are all utilized.
So I generated some code from netbeans and JAX-WS. Everything went well, but when trying to run the client I get:
'WST0029:STS location could not be obtained from either IssuedToken or from client configuration for accessing the service http://localhost:8080/ ....'
That's when it occured to me that I know nothing about WSS. It doesn't look like any code was generated to deal with security. So, I'll have to go from scratch.
So where to start? Books? Tutorials?

Metro applies the policy in runtime from either the WSDL or the wsit-client.xml config file. That's why no code is generated related to policies. According to this post it is not possible at the moment to do programatically.
This tutorial explains pretty well some of the things you can do with WSS, and though everything do probably not apply in this case it's still a good read.
The simplest way I've found of generating a client with WSS support is by using the wsimport script from Metro:
cd metro/bin/
mkdir src target
./ -s src -d target -extension -Xendorsed -verbose YourService.wsdl
Then install Metro into your application server (copy the libs to the correct places or run the ant script):
ant -f metro-on-glassfish.xml
Then put your local WSDL file in your classpath (e.g. your resource folder), so Metro can get it at runtime to apply the policies from your generated YourService class:
// This is enough, you don't need the wsdlLocation attribute
// on the #WebServiceClient annotation if you have this.
static {
public YourService() {
new QName("", "YourService"));
And if you want WS-Addressing you might need to add the feature manually to your binding method (Metro has never generated it for me, so I always have to add it myself).
#WebEndpoint(name = "WSHttpBinding_IYourService")
public IYourService getWSHttpBindingIYourService() {
WebServiceFeature wsAddressing = new AddressingFeature(true);
IYourService service =
super.getPort(new QName("",
"WSHttpBinding_IYourService"), IYourService.class,
return service;


Swagger-Codegen .Net-3.5 - how to remove default parameters in generated code

I am trying to generate c# client for a rest api. Since my c# consumer is built in .Net framework version 3.5, I am using the below command to generate c# client libraries using Swagger-Codegen CLI
java -jar swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate -l csharp -i "C:\Users\xyz\Desktop\Service.json" --api-package Api.Profiles --model-package Models.Profiles -DModelTests=false -DapiTests=false -DpackageName=My.Profiles --additional-properties targetFramework=v3.5
Though the client libraries are successfully generated with target framework V3.5, I can see 'default' parameters in most of the constructors and methods. Since default parameters are not supported in .Net V3.5, I am seeing errors during build. I can remove them manually, but would like to know if it can be handled in code generation.
public MyConstructor(int? id = default(int?))
this.Id = id;

Select a different runner for cucumber.api.cli.Main?

Is it possible to define/specify a runner when starting tests from cucumber's command line(cucumber.api.cli.Main)?
My reason for this is so i can generate xml reports in Jenkins and push the results to ALM Octane.
I kind of inherited this project and its using gradle to do a javaexect and call cucumber.api.cli.Main
I know its possible to do this with #RunWith(OctaneCucumber.class) when using JUnit runner + maven (or only JUnit runner), otherwise that tag is ignored. I have the custom runner with that tag but when i run from cucumber.api.cli.Main i can't find a way to run with it and my tag just gets ignored.
What #Grasshopper suggested didn't exactly work but it made me look in the right direction.
Instead of adding the code as a plugin, i managed to "hack/load" the octane reporter by creating a copy of the cucumber.api.cli.Main, using it as a base to run the cli commands and change a bit the run method and add the plugin at runtime. Needed to do this because the plugin required quite a few parameters in its constructor. Might not be the perfect solution, but it allowed me to keep the gradle build process i initially had.
public static byte run(String[] argv, ClassLoader classLoader) throws IOException {
RuntimeOptions runtimeOptions = new RuntimeOptions(new ArrayList<String>(asList(argv)));
ResourceLoader resourceLoader = new MultiLoader(classLoader);
ClassFinder classFinder = new ResourceLoaderClassFinder(resourceLoader, classLoader);
Runtime runtime = new Runtime(resourceLoader, classFinder, classLoader, runtimeOptions);
//====================Added the following lines ================
//Hardcoded runner(?) class. If its changed, it will need to be changed here also
OutputFile outputFile = new OutputFile(Main.class);
runtimeOptions.addPlugin(new HPEAlmOctaneGherkinFormatter(resourceLoader, runtimeOptions.getFeaturePaths(), outputFile));
return runtime.exitStatus();

Output Spring-WS Generated WSDL Location

This seems like a simple question to me:
I have a project where I automatically generate a Spring-WS WSDL, something like this:
<sws:dynamic-wsdl id="service"
<sws:xsd location="classpath:/META-INF/Service.xsd"/>
Is there a way, on application context startup, to output the generated address of the wsdl, including context, location, etc? This would be handy if our integration tests start to fail, we can see if the location of the WSDL has changed.
As far as I know, you can find the WSDL at http://yourHost/yourServletContext/beanId.wsdl. In your case, beanId is 'service'.
Check out 3.7. Publishing the WSDL in the Spring-WS documentation for more information about this subject.
If you plan to expose your XSD's as well, the beanId.xsd (or, in my case the method name in the #Configuration class) format will be used. For instance:
private ClassPathResource exampleXsdResource = new ClassPathResource("example.xsd");
#Bean public SimpleXsdSchema example() {
return new SimpleXsdSchema(exampleXsdResource);
This exposes an XSD at http://yourHost/yourServletContext/example.xsd.

Starting a Mono Process Programmatically

How can I start a process in mono using the Process.Start API? My best guess would be the following (in F#):
let start (path : string) =
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("/usr/bin/env", sprintf "mono \"%s\"" path)
This seems to work in linux, but it is obviously not correct in Mono/Windows. Is there any way I could obtain the location of the mono executable programmatically?
It turns out that you can basically just Process.Start with just the target executable path, no need to specify the mono executable.
You can find the location of Mono on windows using the following registry keys
$version = HKLM_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Novell\Mono\DefaultCLR
$monoprefix = HKLM_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Novell\Mono\$version\SdkInstallRoot
where you use the version you found to find the mono prefix.
Taken from this page
Rather than starting a new instance of the CLR, you can start assemblies from within your existing instance. Microsoft documents the relevant functionality here: Mono implements this as well.
What you have to do is create a new AppDomain to provide you with an execution environment isolated from your current one, load an assembly in there, and execute it.
var domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("Foo");

Fitnesse Slim query test fails while trying to access linq datacontext

I wrote a query that gets a list of objects using linq. The code executes fine in the project, but fails when I try to access it from the fitnesse project.
base(global::System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString, mappingSource)
I guess it has something to do with the connection string, but I don't know how to specify the connection string separately for the fitnesse project. Both project and fitnesse project are part of the same solution.
Any ideas?
You need to specify where to find the app config file:
Thanks, I already tried adding a suite.config and then app config to my c:\fitnesse folder - where the .jar file is.
I added -c option c:\Fitnesse\suite.config to the command section on the test page.
Here's the suite.config file:
Here's the myapp.config file:
The test still fails here:
public MyDataContext() :
base(global::System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["mycon"].ConnectionString, mappingSource)
