Is xVal obsolete with MVC 2? -

Now that built-in validation is supported with MVC 2 framework, should we be using it instead? Are there any advantages that xVal has over MVC 2 validation?
The main reason I ask is that we have a couple MVC sites that use it, and it appears xVal is no longer being maintained/supported. If this is the case, I'd like to start changing our sites over to use MVC 2 validation.
Thanks in advance.

The jQuery validation scripts included with MVC2 are fully supported by Microsoft, so I would prefer them over third-party scripts, especially ones that no one is actively supporting. The xVal Codeplex site clearly lists xVal as only supported with MVC1.0.


ASP.Net MVC or Web forms which is better

I am going to start work on a SaaS based application. I need to decide whether to go with ASP.Net MVC or web forms application. Through various posts I came to know that both are good, they are not replacement of each other and so on.
Also, I know traditional web forms method, I am not aware of MVC, I need to learn it first.
Please guide me which approach is better.
i can just share some of my experience as i have worked on both
i preffer MVC over because of the futile layer of abstraction that Asp.Net has over basic HTTP architecture
the user controls in asp.Net induce unnecessary markup
ease of using ajax in mvc compared to updatepanel(in advanced senarious)
support of razor type syntax increases productivity
no overloading by things like viewstate
because everything is managed by the programmer soem of the typical issues that arise in like the problems in dynamic controls are no longer present
so if you ask me go for MVC
There is no right answer here. I prefer MVC but if you already know ASP.Net WebForms it probably is easier to stick with that.

Which validation framework is better?

Does anyone have any recommendations for either of these validation ASP.Net MVC Validation frameworks?
by the way: my project use sharp-architecture
This is a personal opinion, xVal and FluentValidation have there pro's and con's. NHibernate.Validator is lighter weight, and functions better if you are already using NHibernate as your schema loader. Then the obvious DataAnnotations is built into ASP.NET which is always something hard to resist.
Personally I use xVal for the built in jQuery validation.
If you're using MVC 2, DataAnnotations and an xVal-like client side validation is built in.
If you're using MVC 1, you can use xVal alongside DataAnnotations. In fact, xVal by itself won't do anything for you--it's just a technology to link a server-side validation framework like DataAnnotations to a client-side validation framework like jQuery validation.
We're using DataAnnotations + xVal on a project and it's worked out all right. We needed to make some changes to the DataAnnotationsModelBinder.

Form input validation options in ASP.NET MVC 1.0+

A number of questions have been asked on this topic before, but since ASP.NET MVC is moving quite fast I wanted to re-ask the question:
What would you recommend for providing form input validation in ASP.NET MVC?
Server-side checking
Client-side (JavaScript) checking
Should cover the basics such as mandatory fields, numeric range validation, regex validation
(So basically all (or most) of the stuff that the ASP.NET WebForms validation controls do)
Current options seem to be:
Validator Toolkit on CodePlex
Jumping to ASP.NET MVC 2 Preview 1 (Our application is for internal use and go-live is in 6 months, so we might be comfortable using the preview)
xVal should be good choice in your case.
I would use DataAnnotations, is going to be a part of MVC but can be compiled and used in 1.0.
FluentValidation also has an MVC component, however it doesn't do the client side of things. Ideally this could be integrated with xVal.

Validation Framework for a WPF app (using MVP) and ASP.NET MVC

I'm looking for a form validation framework that works best in both Windows (WPF using MVP) and Web (ASP.NET MVC).
I'm currently looking at three choices:
Enterprise Library Validation Application Block
I like Fluent Validation as it looks a lot cleaner. The others, though, have been around longer.
Any other recommendations?
In MVC apps I've found Fluent Validation very useful for more complex validations. DataAnnotations are often enough for simple validations in MVC.

What are validation options for ASP.NET MVC

What are my validation options with .net mvc?
Do any of them have a nice validation summary like webforms did?
You can use a MVC html validation summary,see this blog
xVal is the best one. We implemented in three web applications and we will use it in many more in the future(until we find a better one than this). Check the details of xVal here
